Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2066: Blocked

"Rebirth of the Peerless Abandoned Shao (

The best dragon marrow appeared, as if it was about to lift up the sky, rushing towards the distance, the heaven and the earth were gorgeous and full of dreams.

No wonder there are so many human trialists and fierce beasts here, and it turns out that there are top-quality dragon marrows.

Humans covet the best dragon marrow, because they can improve their cultivation and prolong their life. For the fierce beast, it has the same effect.

Although only a glimpse just now, Ye Tian vaguely saw a little creature waving its wings in the bright glow of the sun, and it was a superb dragon-like form.

This group of superb dragon marrow was at least as big as a fist, and it was as big as the fingernails that Ye Tian had gotten before.

Such a large superb dragon marrow is rare in ancient times. It is not unusual to sell millions of spiritual crystals on the market.

Naturally, Ye Tian wouldn't neglect, he stepped on the top of the mountain and chased him up.

But at this moment, the abnormal change protrudes.

In front, the endless golden light flickered, a golden peng bird spread its wings and hit the sky, covering the sky, and slaughtered Ye Tian.

This is not a wild bird, because there is a person sitting on it, which is obviously aimed at Ye Tian.

Qiang Qiang!

The golden wings were huge, with a wingspan of a hundred feet, and they slashed towards Ye Tian like a heavenly sword.

"Be careful!" A crisp and sweet female voice came, very anxious.

It was the seventeenth princess of the Dashang Dynasty who saw the danger and reminded Ye Tian.

Like Ye Tian, ​​she was rushing out, chasing the best dragon marrow.

When speaking, she slowed down, as if she wanted to help Ye Tian, ​​after all, Ye Tian saved her life just now. However, when she looked into the distance again, a cloud of glowing glow, dreamy and magnificent, couldn't help but speed up again, and finally left Ye Tian and went away. The best dragon marrow was obviously more to her. important.

Ye Tian naturally didn't care about the departure of the Seventeenth Princess, because they just met each other by the water. Just saving her life was just because the road saw an injustice, drawing a knife to help, that's all, and didn't mean to let the Seventeenth Princess repay her favor.

Seeing Jinpeng big bird pounce, he was so fierce and messed up, Ye Tian avoided his sharp edge, not hard, but dodged and avoided, like a wandering dragon.


There were several tall hills in succession, which were directly cut off by golden wings, and the sections were flat and smooth.

Amidst the rumbling noise, the broken mountain tops rolled down, and the dust rushed into the sky.

The dazzling golden light shone, and the huge Jinpeng bird rushed past Ye Tian's head, exuding a terrifying aura, making many Tianjiao scared.

With full of anger, Ye Tian quickly took out the Longjiao Divine Bow, ready to shoot this Jinpeng bird, because it was too hateful.

But at this moment, a demon ape rushed over. His height could reach several tens of feet, and his body was full of violent power, like an invincible Titan. His arms shook, he uprooted a mountain, and then threw it out. Smashed the past to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian squeezed out a fist mark with his right hand, like a round of gods in the sky, blooming with immortal brilliance, with a strong force surging.


He punched out, and the void exploded, rippling endless ripples, as if this punch did not hit the void, but into the ocean, with the power of overturning the river and the sea, the mountain thrown by the demon ape, and even Before he could contact Ye Tian's fist front, he was shattered into the void by the overwhelming fist strength.

"Who is it, get out of here!" Ye Tian shouted loudly, rolling like thunder, his eyes scanned the surrounding like a sharp sword.

In a dense jungle, a tall and mighty man walked out, with traces of blood on his body, it was the little bird king, his eyes were extremely fierce.

In addition, four human figures appeared, a Tianjiao mounted on Jinpeng in the sky, and three people on the ground, the cruel demon ape belonged to one of them.

Little Bird King invited four foreign aids, each of which was powerful and unmatched, intercepted Ye Tian and sealed all his escape routes.

Ye Tian almost shot him before. With his instinct that he must repay, how can he let Ye Tian go?

"Little bird king, is he the one who hurt you? It seems that he is just a condensed pill, not so good!" A man sneered, wearing an animal skin armor, majestic and tall, with electric eyes.

"Although this person is a condensed pill, his combat power is not inferior to the golden pill. Don't underestimate it." Little Bird King said, his expression very solemn.

He fought Ye Tian and knew Ye Tian was terrifying, so he didn't dare to take it lightly.

"It's just a pill, no matter how strong it is, where can it be? King Kong, go, kill him!" The man in the animal skin armor expressed disdain, and called out to the demon ape.


The demon ape rushed out and stepped on the ground shaking for a while, the roaring sound was thunderous, deaf and deaf, his pupils were like torches, and his body exuded cruel, violent, and devouring breath.

It is dozens of feet tall, its fist can be as big as three or four houses, and the straight down Ye Tian is very small, like an ant.

"Dead!" A wave of divine thought rushed out of the sea of ​​demon ape's consciousness, like a real tsunami, devastating and rotten, breaking many rocks and plants to pieces.

A huge fist slammed into it, making a booming sound, and invisible coercion enveloped a large area of ​​the world, condensing the air around Ye Tian into an iron plate, and the whole person was imprisoned.

"I'll help!" The Jinpeng bird in the sky also moved, like a diving fighter plane, two sharp steel claws clanked, pounced, and grabbed Ye Tian.

In anyone's eyes, Ye Tian was dead.

However, when Ye Tian started to act, everything changed.

He just made a fist, and the shock of his fist smashed the seal of the giant fist of the demon ape, and the void was like glass, cracking and breaking.

Immediately afterwards, he took roots on both feet, facing the giant fist of the demon ape, and blasted out with a fierce punch.

"To dare to fist with the King Kong Demon Ape, I really don't know how to live or die." The man in the animal skin armor said, his cold eyes were full of contempt.

Except for the little bird king, the others had similar expressions, thinking that the demon ape's punch would end the fight and send Ye to the sky.

"I also underestimated him before, and the result was terrible. I was all energized and prepared for battle. I will never allow this person to leave the trial ground alive." said the little bird king, his whole body nervous. Tightly.

At this time, the expressions of the other people who were disdainful, suddenly gradually became serious.

They saw in their eyes that although Ye Tian's figure was very small, the momentum that erupted from his body when he shook his fist, like a giant **** standing on top of the earth, swinging a giant hammer toward the sky to explode the sky.


In the sound of a huge explosion like Mars hitting the earth, the sky and the earth shook violently, and the ground within a kilometer of a radius cracked and sank, bursting out smoke and dust that obscured the sky.

In the sound of Hong Zhongda Lu’s bone cracking, first the huge fist of the demon ape was blown, and then the whole arm was like porcelain, cracks appeared, and finally burst to pieces, turning into blood mud, blood mist filled the sky, a scarlet sad Yan.


The King Kong Demon Ape flew upside down, smashing a large mountain apart.


Everyone in the audience was shocked.

"Impossible, how could my King Kong Demon Ape lose?" The man in the animal skin armor shouted, very unconvinced.

The King Kong Demon Ape is born with a strong body, and the King Kong is not bad. It is a species on the same level as the violent bear on the earth, in the same realm. Few creatures fight with it purely, including humans.

At this moment, a Jinpeng big bird on the sky was still plopping down, and it was almost flying above Ye Tian's head.

Seeing Ye Tian’s fighting power that destroys the world, whether it is Jinpengbird or the man with its mount on his back, his faces are full of horror. It feels like a **** of death is blocking the road, and they are charging towards the **** of death. .

Jinpengniao's speed was so fast that it couldn't stop at all.

Seeing that it couldn't avoid it, all it could do was to do its best to defeat Ye Tian. So it flew faster, the two wings were like two golden clouds hanging down from the sky, and the two huge steel claws clanked like moving swords.

At the same time, the man on its back also moved, straightened his body, holding a big sword, eager to rush, and slashed towards Ye Tian.

Between life and death, Ye Tian was surprisingly calm. A silver war spear suddenly appeared in his hand. It was a little twisted and stained with a little blood. It was the war spear used by King Sparrow before that was captured by him. UU reading www.

Ye Tian didn't move, but his right hand held the silver war spear and stabbed it out fiercely.

His speed is too fast, faster than everyone's reaction. I saw it seemed as if a silver lightning pierced the void, and a rain of blood poured down, and Pengyu flew down like snow flakes.

Jinpengniao let out a mournful wailing, its body was pierced by a spear, and a Tianjiao tester on its back could not escape, just like a skewers of meat, being picked in mid-air by Ye Tian.

The red blood flowed down the silver spear shaft, shockingly, Ye Tian held the spear in one hand, motionless, as steady as a rock, and the picture froze there.

Neither Jinpengniao nor the man on his back died instantly, they were still struggling, and were full of desire to survive.

"Let him go!"

The King Sparrow and the other three men drank loudly.


The little bird king took the first shot, offering a giant net that covered the sky and was dazzling.

This is still a sacred artifact, like a galaxy woven, each thread is unparalleled tenacity, as soon as it is sacrificed, the stars are scattered all over the sky, as if the stars are rotating.


Another terrifying breath erupted, like a tsunami, shaking the ground, many rocks bursting, and uncountable vegetation destroyed.

The man in the animal skin armor shot.

It was a luminous disc, initially like a bright moon, with silver brilliance, and then turned into a burning sun. The dazzling glare made people unable to look directly at it and filled with devastating waves.

This is a forbidden weapon, and the number of times it can be used is limited. Each burst is like a battle of a human monk burning the essence of blood, which can burst out the power to destroy the world, in order to die with the enemy.

The other two testers also shot, and they both made earth-shattering blows, killing Ye Tian together.

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