Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2084: Street market

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An autumn breeze blows, thousands of trees and chaotic leaves are falling, and the mountains and rivers are bleak.

Although the ancient city of Donghua is located in a place of bitter cold, because it is a city without a master, three religions and nine currents come together, with a population of several million, and its prosperity exceeds many people's imagination.

There is no owner in the ancient city, but it is not possible to do whatever you want, because there are many powerful people who are in charge. If someone does not open their eyes, they will be unscrupulous and overly rampant here, and they may be killed at any time.

The teleportation formation in the ancient city belongs to a powerful force.

Ye Tian vaguely heard that this powerful force was a family of heavenly monarchs in Zhongshenzhou, and the ancestors of the Yuan Ying were still alive today.

A Yuan Ying is a pin of Dinghai God, which can protect a clan to prosper for at least thousands of years. People in the clan will be respected wherever they go.

Like the ancient city of Donghua, where the three religions and nine currents gather, and monks from all over the world come and go, without a strong background, not even a restaurant can be opened.

The best way for Ye Tian to leave Central God Continent is to save time and effort by teleporting the formation.

This is a large teleportation formation, located in the center of the ancient city of Donghua, in a huge palace. As soon as you walk in, you have the illusion of being in the starry sky, and the sky is full of stars.

Of course, this is not a real star battle, but a kind of star battle array, which can receive the power of the star battle to provide energy for the transmission array.

"Xingchen Lin Family, really well-deserved reputation!"

People who came to the teleportation palace for the first time were all amazed.

The Xingchen Lin Family is a tribute to this ancient family and is well-known for the study of the stars.

In the magnificent palace, there are two teleportation formations, one large and one small. The large one has a diameter of more than ten feet, and the small one has a diameter of about three feet. The large teleportation array can be teleported across continents, and the small teleportation array is mainly located in Zhongshenzhou. Within transmission.

If you want to send it across continents, the price is particularly expensive, at least 10,000 spiritual crystals at a time, this is still the case of at least ten people. If it is a person, at least one hundred thousand spirit crystals must be taken out. The average monk can't transmit it at all. Therefore, they often boarded for many days, and only began to teleport when the number of people increased, so that there would be fewer spirit crystals that no one would share.

Some of Ye Tian's body are spirit crystals, and he doesn't care about the price.

There was a map of Penglai ancient star in the palace, and Ye Tian stood in front of him for a long time.

He wants to survive the Jindan catastrophe, the more remote the better, so as not to be attacked by others. So he has to choose a good place. After this auction, he learns some information about Penglai Fairy Island, and he must consider leaving and prepare for the catastrophe.


Ye Tian first saw Yuezhou, the continent where the Seventeenth Princess was home to the Dashang Dynasty.

Ye Tian also carried Princess Daxi’s teleportation disk, which could only be used once, no matter where she was, as long as it was used, it could be teleported to the Dashang Dynasty.

This teleportation disk was used to save life. Ye Tian wouldn't use it until it was necessary, it was about life and death.

He was chased and beaten by the old Peacock King before, and the pressure was so tight that it was useless.

There are many oceans between Yuezhou and Zhongshenzhou, and the sea is endless. This sea is called the East China Sea, where the legendary Penglai Fairy Island may exist.

Also known as the East China Sea, the East China Sea of ​​Penglai Guxing is many times larger than the East China Sea of ​​the earth. Even if a few earths are squeezed in, they are all dissatisfied.

Looking for a hidden island in such a vast sea is simply as difficult as climbing. Even with a map guide, it takes a lot of thought.

Yuezhou is definitely not allowed because it is not remote enough.

When Ye Tian moved his gaze upwards and then upwards, he finally saw a large enough remote continent, the Arctic Continent.

This is a continent shrouded by snow and ice all year round, with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, vast expanse, endless icebergs, snowstorms are the most common weather here, because the climate is too bad, there are few human activities, and even beasts are rare. Some adventurers will come.

"If you cross the robbery here, you shouldn't be disturbed, right?" Ye Tian let out a wry smile in his heart, and temporarily chose this place.

Since there are too few people going to the Arctic Continent, there are too far, so if you send it, Ye Tian will have to bear all the transmission costs, not one hundred thousand spiritual crystals, but two hundred thousand spiritual crystals.

Of course, this price is affordable to local tyrants with as many as 500,000 spiritual crystals.

It's just that, next, he can't spend money lavishly.

After leaving the teleportation palace, Ye Tian took a step in the city and walked on the street where ten horse-drawn carriages could run side by side. There were many tall buildings on both sides, and there were not a few hundreds of feet high, which could be called a skyscraper. The commuting crowds are standing shoulder to shoulder. Although they are all dressed in ancient service, they are no less prosperous than modern cities on the earth.

"Bingtang haws, ten kinds of spirit fruits are exquisitely made, it's not tasty, don't need money."

"The freshly baked buns with meat from spirit beasts have thin skins and are juicy and delicious. Come and taste them!"

"The star stone is rare and rare. Don't miss it when you pass by."

"The incomplete sage of Penglai Xianzong, the freshly unearthed Zijin Bagua furnace, only needs 10,000 spiritual crystals."

"Nine-turned Holy Pill,..."

There is a dazzling array of goods, all kinds of strange things, and the cries are endless.

The place where the three religions and the nine currents converge are not few liars. Some shops bullied their customers and ruined the money in a fierce spirit, while others failed to make money, but were hanged by the corrupted person, screaming in pain.

All in all, life's various states and sinisters are reflected here incisively and vividly.

Ye Tian walked all the way and felt a lot of powerful auras, most of them were gods and earth immortals, but there were a few gold cores, and Yuan Ying cultivator hadn't been able to touch them yet.

Ye Tian didn't know how many Nascent Souls there were on the ancient star of Penglai, but he didn't think there would be more than ten, maybe even only about five. Among the big stars with a population of over ten billion, they were rare.

Ye Tian also heard from local monks before that, on average, only one Yuan Ying can be born in a thousand years. UU Reading www.uukanshu. Com all testified his speculation.

And Jin Dan is not as many as imagined, only one in dozens of people.

Of course, this is already a terrifying ratio, far more than the Kunxu realm on Earth.

You know, there are millions of people in the ancient city, and when converted, there can be tens of thousands of golden pills.

Today, the situation in the ancient city of Donghua converges, and many powerful people come from all directions. It is impossible for an ordinary city to have so many golden cores.

Because Jin Dan is also powerful anyway, it is not so easy to cultivate. It not only consumes a lot of resources, but also requires extremely high talents. The monks who can prove the golden core are all outstanding, and they can be called the geniuses.

Walking in the ancient city of tens of thousands of gold cores, you really have to be careful, a bad one may provoke an unattainable existence and cause yourself to kill yourself.

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