Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2085: Buy buy buy

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Above the sky, divine light flicked across from time to time, and various flying magical instruments flew.

From time to time, there will be warships coming, and the momentum will be earth-shaking, causing many people to look at it. Those who can drive a warship are not small, or an ancient family, or an immortal sacred place, or an eternal dynasty.


A golden ancient chariot came from across the sky and wanted to land on the street, regardless of the pedestrians on the street. Standing on the chariot was a young man, majestic and majestic, with black hair and shawl, and his breath was like a dragon.

The crowd on the street stepped aside, but a few people still couldn't dodge, were touched by the ancient chariot, and fell to the side of the road with gray heads and gray faces.

The man on the ancient chariot walked away like an okay person.

There are too many similar scenes, and sometimes people will yell when the road is not peaceful, but more often they stand by and don't want to cause trouble for themselves.

"Mad, one day, I will become a golden core, and I will walk sideways in the city. If anyone dares to provoke me, just shoot him to death." A little cultivator of the spirit realm resentfully said. There was a disheveled hair, and scarlet blood oozes out.

"Dream, what kind of person is the Golden Core monk, is it that you can prove the Dao if you want to prove it? Not only does it require sufficient supply of cultivation resources, it also requires extraordinary talents, and one hundred thousand times more effort than ordinary people. With your talent, if you can prove the Tao innate in your lifetime, burn the incense." Someone next to him laughed.

Ye Tian walked in the crowd, hearing these comments, feeling thoughtful.

Even above the ancient star of Penglai, it is very difficult to cultivate a golden core.

There are a dazzling array of goods on the street, and there are a lot of cultivation resources, all of which are exchanged for spirit stones or spirit crystals.

Ye Tian warned himself to plan carefully, but still couldn't help but buy, buy and buy. With a wave of his big hand, he bought a lot of good things with a lot of money, mostly elixir. Because he was preparing to refine a pot of medicine, Sasuke himself survived the golden core calamity and proving the golden core.

Money came quickly, and it was spent quickly. It didn't take long for the 100,000 spiritual crystals to be spent.

"Young man, the newly unearthed Zijin Bagua furnace, the Qiankun Soul Town Tower, and the Yitian Dragon Slaying Sword were all brought out of the Penglai Divine Land by the testees. Would you like to take a look?"

When he passed a stall, Ye Tian was stopped, and a gray-haired old man looked at Ye Tian grinning, a little bit sly eyebrows.

I saw that there were all kinds of tattered goods on his stall, broken clocks, broken towers, broken knives, broken swords,...

If you don't know, you will think he sells tattered or antiques.

Ye Tian took a look and almost didn't laugh out loud. This old man is really good enough. The old methods are no worse than the modern people on the earth, and the various products on the stall seem to be a bit magical.

However, when Ye Tian took a closer look, these things were not just as old as they were, they were also engraved with runes, and they would react when inputting mana, but the grade was not that high.

In other words, these are some fake magic weapons, shabby, but with a trace of Taoism, the little monks who are not high enough in Taoism may really be deceived.

"How much does this purple gold gossip stove cost?"

Contrary to the white-haired old man's expectation, Ye Tianzhen squatted down in front of the booth and weighed a purple-gold gossip stove in his hand.

"Fools have a lot of money."

"I want to buy Saint Soldiers at the open-air stall. What do you think?"

There were sarcasm voices from all around.

No matter what, Ye Tian chatted with the stall owner, looking very interested in Zijin Bagua furnace.

"One piece of ten thousand spirit crystals, the price is fair, and the young man is not deceived." The white-haired old man said with a smile, and the lion said loudly.

Ye Tian's five Yuan Dan seals, with a restrained aura, looked like an ordinary person, and the white-haired old man had no pressure to cheat.

"What about this one?" Ye Tian picked another thing from the booth and played with it in his hand. It was a humanoid war puppet.

This is a doll with the size of a fist. The whole body is jet black. I don’t know what material it is made of. It is said that metal is not like metal, and that jade is not like jade. There were also several cracks, very inconspicuous, as if it would shatter at any time.

However, when Ye Tian got it in his hand, he felt a different breath, which almost made his golden Eucharist uncontrollable and burst out with supernatural power.

Because this humanoid doll is terrible, even if there is no magic power poured in, it makes his golden body feel sensitive.

"You said this, it was also brought out from the trial in Penglai Divine Land, but it has been passed down since my father's generation a long time ago. This is a war puppet, which can display the fighting power of the Golden Core. It is a pity. It's a little broken, but it can still be used for repair. In this way, if you buy my purple gold gossip stove, I will give you this war puppet." The white-haired old man said to Ye Tian, ​​still smiling, with some scornful eyebrows. At first glance, it is a profiteer.

Ye Tian was waiting for his words. From the beginning, he was fancying this humanoid doll, not the so-called Zijin Bagua furnace.

"Who's rich young master, get kicked in the head by a donkey."

When Ye Tian swiftly paid for the money, a sarcastic voice came from the side again.

"This war puppet is real. However, the damage is so severe that it is almost impossible to repair. Even if it can be repaired, the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced." Another said, a middle-aged man with a big breath, his eyes are like torch, after a few glances, Made such a judgment.

Immediately afterwards, his approach was shocking, and he said to Ye Tian: "Little brother, I have 20,000 spiritual crystals. How do you sell this war puppet to me? I want to be a collector's item and put it away."

There was an uproar in the audience. Ye Tian had just paid the money with one hand and delivered the goods with the other hand. Someone actually took a fancy to the war puppet that was given away for nothing, and spent 20,000 Lingjing to buy it. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The uncle of the stall owner regretted not falling, and Bai Bai earned 10,000 less spiritual crystals. Oh, no, it should have earned 20,000 less spiritual crystals, because the puppet was given to Ye Tian for nothing.

"Sorry, war puppets are not for sale. I think it's fun, and I want to keep a memorial." Ye Tian refused.

This person is a golden pill, which is not simple, but he only sees that this is a war occasion, and deeper information is impossible to know.

This is a war puppet far beyond the ordinary war puppet, if it can be repaired, it will be stronger than imagined.

Ye Tian found the treasure. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, so he strayed quickly and returned to his residence.

The middle-aged Jindan man shook his head. It was a pity, but in such a broad daylight, it was not easy to grab it. Moreover, it was just a broken war occasion, as he said, it can only be regarded as a collection if it is not repaired well.

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