Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2086: Puppet puppet

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Today, Ye Tian spent more than one hundred thousand spiritual crystals and bought a lot of good things, but the biggest gain was this broken war puppet that came with the purchase of the purple gold gossip furnace.

Back to his residence, Ye Tian looked at the puppet warrior.

The rune of the war puppet villain is dim, there is no divine power fluctuation, no matter how urged, there is no response, to anyone, it is a waste. But in the process, Ye Tian discovered its extraordinary.

The material of the war puppet villain is not metal, nor jade, but the treasure of a Yuan Ying.

In other words, this war puppet was made from the treasure body of Yuan Ying.

You know, the Jindan treasure body is known as immortal, not to mention the Yuan Ying treasure body that is ten times and a hundred times stronger, the war puppets that are sacrificed must be unbelievably strong, the most extreme can even play the Yuan Ying level war puppets.

When I saw this secret, even Ye Tian was a bit horrified. Yuan Ying is the power ceiling of this world, the most powerful existence. Who can use the Yuan Ying treasure body sacrifice to make a war puppet magic weapon?

Needless to think about it, it must be another Yuanying, and definitely a ruthless person.

Because even after the death of Yuan Ying, it is not the golden core that can desecrate, and they want to sacrifice their corpses into magic weapons, foolish dreams.

"Yuan Ying war puppet, it's really an unexpected joy. If the rumors go out, the whole Penglai ancient star will be shaken. Unfortunately, the war puppet is a bit incomplete, and even the runes are worn out. Even if I can repair it, I can't reproduce the peak war. Power." Ye Tian shook his head and cried out a bit of a pity.

Next, he took out the Yujing bottle, with the last two drops of the best dragon marrow left in it.

He slowly melted away, and then poured pure vitality into the war puppet villain.

The war puppet, who looked stronger than a copper wall and an iron wall, turned out to be a dry sponge at this moment, slicking, and quickly absorbed the mass of pure vitality from a drop of the best dragon marrow.

After absorbing a drop of the best dragon marrow, the war puppet villain had some changes, and the dark surface showed a little luster, but the overall situation was not obvious.

Then Ye Tian dissolved the second drop of the best dragon marrow. When half of the pure vitality was absorbed, the puppet warrior had a significant change. The dark surface flickered, and even the runes appeared, and the scars also appeared. Began to heal.

In the end, when the second drop of the best dragon marrow was absorbed, most of the wounds on the war puppet villain healed and bloomed with a brilliant light, but the rune was incomplete, making it still embarrassing and useful.

Next, Ye Tian laid down his blood and took out a dragon loach, using a secret method to draw out the life essence of the dragon loach, and continue to infuse it into the body of the war puppet villain.

The life essence contained in a dragon loach is no less than a drop of the best dragon marrow.

When the dragon loach was sucked into a dried fish, the puppet warrior's injury was finally completely healed, and powerful fluctuations permeated, which is more frightening than the holy soldier.

Ye Tian sacrificed a drop of his own golden blood essence and integrated it into the war puppet villain, which is equivalent to let the war puppet villain recognize the master.

Not only that, Ye Tian can also put his own soul villain into the main battle puppet, thinking that this is a clone of himself.

What's even more incredible is that Ye Tian can even merge his golden eucharist with the war puppet villain to create a more terrifying car. However, there is a prerequisite for this. You must repair the war puppet and try to be as perfect as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to integrate with your own golden communion.

How can the war puppet made by the precious body sacrifice of the Yuan Ying be comparable to the ordinary war puppet? It is more like a golden body than a war puppet.


He only thought about it, and the puppet warrior suddenly swelled and became a flesh and blood human being. If it weren't for a stiff expression, it would make people mistakenly think that this is a real person.

This is an unfamiliar man, it should be the Yuan Ying Tianjun who was being sacrificed, because there is really a trace of Yuan Ying's breath permeating him.

Although his expression is a bit stiff, his handsome face still allows people to imagine his demeanor before his death.


Ye Tian sighed, a little frightened, not because of fear, but because of excitement.

As soon as he closed his mind, the war puppet returned to being a villain again.

It is impossible to automatically complete the obliterated rune.

The rune is incomplete, the battle puppet is incomplete, and the combat power is lacking, so it can't be considered repaired.

So next, Ye Tian must rely on his clever talent to complete the rune of the war puppet villain.

This is a meticulous effort, not only requires ingenuity, but also requires great perseverance and great ability, but Ye Tian should not be difficult to resist.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed, and it was the day agreed upon at the auction.

In the early morning, the red sun rose in the east and the morning glow was gushing. The entire ancient city of Donghua was bathed in golden brilliance. The dark walls seemed to be inlaid with a layer of gold, shining with a sacred taste.

Standing on the ancient city wall to watch the sunrise is a scene of Donghua Ancient City, which has a long-standing reputation.

The city wall is not only tall, but also very wide, really like the Great Wall of Steel, which can accommodate five horse-drawn carriages passing by.

Early this day, Ye Tian came here admiringly, stood on the ancient city wall, and watched the sunrise in the east.

He is not alone. There are many people standing on the ancient city wall. Some are purely watching the sunrise, and some are sitting cross-legged, breathing out and catching the first ray of energy between the sun, the world, and the earth.

Rumor has it that this ray of essence is the purest and has many magical uses.

Boom, boom!

The East China Sea is vast, and even in the absence of wind, big waves will be rolled up, one after another, slapped against the ancient city wall, making deafening noises.

"Donghai, it's really magnificent!"

People who saw Donghai for the first time sighed like this.

This is a sea that makes the golden core powerful people fearful. The sea near the sea is blue, and the distance becomes black, like ink, so black, and occasionally sea beasts appear, revealing a huge body like a mountain. , Terrifying.

At present, the sea tribe and the land tribe have reached a peaceful agreement on the whole, and only occasional small-scale battles occur. Large-scale wars have not occurred for decades.

Therefore, the people standing on the ancient city wall are not worried about being suddenly attacked by the Sea Clan.

Far away, at the line of the sea and the sky, a big sun rises slowly, much larger than the sunrise seen on the earth, like a huge fire dragon leaping out of the sea, spewing out all kinds of divine glory, dyeing red With the sky and the vast sea, it gives people a magical feeling, like a magnificent picture scroll slowly unfolding in front of the world.

There was cheers on the ancient city wall, and many people saw their eyes straight.

Even Ye Tian, ​​a person who has seen the world, is faintly moved, his heart is ups and downs, and the waves are magnificent.

What moved Ye Tian even more is that this is a harmonious picture, with golden brilliance on people, warm, no screams, no bloodshed, no splendid magic weapons, and some are just warm, beautiful and simple. It will give people a sense of tranquility and hope for life.

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