Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2087: Morning

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For a mortal, this may be just an ordinary to not too ordinary morning, and some people may even be tired of watching the sunrise and feel that the sunrise is a bit dazzling, but for Ye Tian, ​​it is a kind of enjoyment. The mood is very peaceful.

Before he knew it, he entered a realm of enlightenment again, as if he had merged with this piece of heaven and earth.

He closed his eyes first, let the salty sea breeze blow on his face, and let the warm sun shine on his whole body. The whole body was very comfortable. Then he sat down, like many monks, to attract the first ray of gods from the heaven and the earth in a day. Xi.

Practitioners, also known as ascetic monks, have always had a boring life, it is difficult to feel the beauty of the world, and while gaining power, they will also lose a lot of things.

At this moment, I don't know how many practitioners are hiding in the deep mountains and old forests, practicing alone, enjoying loneliness, away from the hustle and bustle of the world, and indifferent to the world.

Some people even sit for dozens or hundreds of years without seeing the sun all year round and are considered dead.

Ordinary people envy the practitioners to fly into the sky and look forward to the same, but they don't know that the powerful acquisition of the practitioners is the accumulation of many years, and they have given up too much of the beauty of the world.

And it is only a small part that can achieve success in cultivation. More monks have tasted loneliness and endured torture, but in the end they are completely empty because they may not be suitable for cultivation, or they may have something wrong with their cultivation.

Ye Tian is ready to cross the golden core catastrophe, it will be a earth-shattering catastrophe, these few days have a good rest, relax the mood, feel the beauty of the red dust, is also preparing for the catastrophe.


Suddenly, there was an exclamation in the crowd, and then the crowd commotion, making messy footsteps, as if seeing the most incredible thing.

Ye Tian was still attracting Shen Xi, the essence of heaven and earth, in a state of enlightenment. His body and mind were empty. Although he heard noisy voices, he did not open his eyes to watch, because this state at this moment is precious.

Furthermore, he is not a gossip, even if the king of heaven comes, he may not bother to look straight.

Someone came, not on land, but on the sea, or more accurately, in the sea.

On the distant horizon line, the sea surface that was still quite calm suddenly raised a huge "water bag". At first, everyone thought it might be a volcanic eruption on the bottom of the sea, and the sea was arched up. But until the object, the kingship, came out of the water and spewed a column of water that reached the sky, everyone knew that it was bad. It was not an eruption of a submarine volcano at all, but a whale came out of the water.

It was a huge whale like a mountain. It belonged to the giant whale family. It was far more than ordinary whales. It had a length of a hundred feet long, with a black body and a round belly. When the road came out of the water, it looked really like It's a **** mountain.

After the giant whale came out of the water, it swam towards the ancient city of Donghua, like a giant ship, breaking the water surface, rolling up huge waves, like a tsunami.

In addition to this giant whale, there are sea snakes, sharks, electric eels, squids, and other marine species, also coming in parallel.

This is not an ordinary fish in the sea, but a refined sea monster.

I saw them rushing past, and the sea mist evaporated, covering the sky and the sun.

"The Kraken is coming!"

The people on the wall couldn't calm down, and there was a cry of exclamation.


The huge waves rolled up to a height of tens of meters, causing the steel-like city wall to shake, feeling almost unbearable and about to collapse.

When a group of sea monsters swims near the ancient city of Donghua, the waves that are set off are as high as tens of meters. Face, very embarrassed.

There were also ordinary people who were rushed directly under the city wall and fell from a height of tens of feet. Ten lives were not enough to see.


A group of sea monsters laughed loudly, their bodies changed and turned into human forms, and then they climbed up the city wall as if they were in no one's land.

They are not here to declare war and attack the human race, but just to participate in an auction. They are also extremely interested in the Penglai Fairy Island in the East China Sea. Setting off a big wave and pouring into the city is purely their prank, or in other words, out of contempt for human beings.

This is a group of powerful sea monsters, very young and full of blood.

The head is the brawny man who turned into a huge whale just now. He is more than one foot tall, and he is wearing a gorgeous battle armor. He has a wild blue long hair. The muscles of his body are like cast copper and iron. Power, like the Buddha's six-legged golden body, contains the power to destroy the heavens and the earth.

A big axe with a door plank was held by his right hand and carried on his shoulder. It was very unusual at first glance. It was decorated with many patterns, the blade was cold and shimmering, and the scarlet murderous spray was three feet long.

Next to him was an old servant who would have been taller than him if it were not for a rickety waist. The cultivation base had reached the terrifying peak of the golden core, touching the edge of the Nascent Soul Realm.

If he wants to break through Yuanying, he can break through at any time, he should not be very sure about it, and he has not dared to do so for a long time.

Because the broken pill to condense the infant is a very dangerous process, once the congealing of the infant fails, most of it will die.

On the ancient star of Penglai, on average, hundreds of peak Jindans can pass the barrier to give birth to a Nascent Infant. The probability is so low that it is evident.

Many Pinnacle Golden Pills often choose to take a fight before the end of their lives, breaking the pill to condense the infant. Everyone is happy if they succeed, and it is nothing if they fail.

However, in this situation, the possibility of Ningying will be even lower, because life is about to reach the end, the body's functions are greatly degraded, the spirit is not good, and Ningying's mental energy will be insufficient.

Of course, even if the pinnacle golden core does not choose Ningying, Yuanying Tianjun can't come out, and he can walk sideways on this ancient star.

At this moment, this old giant whale, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is definitely one of the most powerful existences in the ancient city of Donghua.

In addition to the two whale tribes, there are also some other sea tribes, all of the young generation's geniuses, as if they were photographed and experienced by the older generation, and walked into the city of the human race, unscrupulous and fearless. As soon as you arrive at the Terran City, you must give the Terran a stab at it.

"Hahaha, the human race, it's too small. Why fight with my sea race?" said Tianjiao, the whale tribe, striding forward, stomping on the city wall rumblingly.

His entire body was blue with radiance, like the boundless sea, wherever he passed, many human races on the wall couldn't bear it, and they bowed down, as if facing a god.

This is the coercion of the golden core, the coercion of the giant whale, like the boundless sea, the huge waves roll up a thousand weights, and the potential energy can destroy the mountains and rivers.

He did this deliberately, wanting to give the Human Race a slap in the face.

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