Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2093: Auction venue

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At this moment, outside of Baoque, there was a huge crowd, and too many people came to participate in this auction.

The auction items have already let out the wind. In addition to the fragment of the ancient map of Penglai Fairy Island, there are also several rare and rare objects.

After all, the fragments of ancient maps are useless in the hands of most people. The ethereal Penglai Fairy Island may not exist at all.

The previous wars did not affect the auction in the slightest, nor did the enthusiasm of the guests participating in the auction diminish in the slightest. All of them were in high spirits.

However, standing in front of Baoque's door, Ye Tian still heard a lot of discussions about the battle just now. The focus of discussion is all about the white war god.

Everyone didn't know that the white war **** was just a war puppet. Ye Tian had taken it away at this moment and hid it on his body.

In addition, there are a few voices related to him.

In the morning, what he did on the ancient city wall, drinking back the electric eel sea monster, a Jindan Tianjiao of the sea clan, is really incredible and amazing.

Later, at the early stall, he favored the royal brothers and sisters of the Dashang Dynasty, and once again faced a group of sea monsters alone, with an invincible spirit that made people admire.

But his aura is restrained and hidden deeply, everyone doesn't know his true cultivation level.

At this moment, before Tianbaoque, some people recognized him, pointed and commented.

"I guess it should be in the middle of the golden core."

"In the late Jindan stage, at least. Otherwise, how can one dare to oppose a group of sea monsters?"

"Will it be a perfect golden pill?"

Ye Tian smiled at these comments and didn't bother to pay attention to it.

Tianbaoque is very magnificent, as high as a hundred meters, majestic and majestic, like a skyscraper.

Baoque's gate actually imposed a restriction. I don't know if it was originally there or was added temporarily, because there are too many people to participate in the auction, and only the powerhouses of the gods and above can enter.

That is a light gate, every person will flash when they enter, showing their strength, they can't hide at all.

Ye Tian couldn't help feeling shocked. He wanted to hide his strength. It seemed that he couldn't hide it now.

When he approached the light gate, he didn't know how many eyes stared at him, wanting to see his true cultivation.

Ye Tian wasn't worried about his true cultivation level being known by others. What he was worried about was his appearance, whether he would be discerned by Guangmen's restriction and knowing that he was not his real body.

If this is the case, the consequences will be serious.

Because of his real face, it was plastered all over the street, and he offered a reward for the amount of money. Once the stuff was revealed, he would definitely be regarded as sweet pastry.

Frightened and cautiously, Ye Tian passed the light gate, and sure enough, the cultivation base could not be hidden, condensing pill stage.

"I poke!"

Suddenly, the disappointment sounded one after another outside the door, one by one with black lines on his forehead, and his jaw dropped to the ground in shock.

Everyone's lowest expectation for him was also in the middle of the golden core. As a result, the real cultivation base was the condensed core, not even the golden core, which was really shocking.

Everyone is very curious, a little Ning Dan, where did he have the courage to face a group of Sea Clan Jin Dan Tianjiao by himself? He De, how can he drink the sea monster electric eel?

Not enough strength, acting skills come together?

Everyone can only think so, the truth to him is like a surging river, endless.

But when he saw that at this time, Ye Tian found that his true face had not been seen through, and his waist straightened immediately. He walked and walked in a hurry, with an aura, and walked out of the steps that the six relatives did not recognize.

Everyone burst into laughter, a natural performer, acting school, can't accept it.

"I've lived such a young age, it's the first time I have seen a pill that can be pulled like this."

"Hehe, yeah, obviously a little Ningdan, but he is even more tugging than Jindan, I really admire his courage."

"Don't underestimate Ning Dan. According to reports, the guy who killed King Sparrow and Zi Xiao Shengzi was a Ning Dan, and he was very young."

"That said, if it wasn't for a different face, I would suspect that this person is the wanted criminal."

"It's absolutely impossible. This Tian Baoque is the Baoque of the Purple Night Holy Land. No matter how stupid he is, he won't be so stupid as to throw himself into a snare."

Amidst the discussion of a group of people, Ye Tian stepped into the auction hall.

In the auction hall, carved beams and painted buildings are magnificent and magnificent. The space is vast, bigger than expected, and all the furnishings are very particular.

As soon as you step into the hall, you will see a huge skeleton, which is more than ten feet high and twenty feet long. The skeleton is naturally branded with runes. Emotionally.

This turned out to be the skeleton of a void predator, Ye Tian recognized it at a glance, because he had seen the skeleton of a void predator not long ago and had a battle with a living void predator.

The skeleton is very intact, and the void runes that are inherently branded on it flow out of the power of the void, providing supernatural power for the void array in the auction hall.

The reason why the hall looks larger than normal is because of the Void Array.

Many guests who walked into the hall would stand for a moment in front of the skeleton of the void predator, which was very novel. Because this kind of void alien beast does not exist on the ancient star of Penglai.

Soon, there was a rush of people in the hall, and it was restricted to people with a cultivation level of God Realm and above. It was soon overcrowded. There were men and women, old and young, and many identities were not simple, and their backgrounds were scary. .

Ye Tian wanted a private room, but all the private rooms were sold out. Others have booked in advance.

"Brother Dao, what a coincidence, we met again."

Just when Ye Tian was about to find a seat casually to sit down, suddenly two brothers and sisters from the Dashang Dynasty appeared in front of him.

Liu Yunjie and Chu Xuanfeng also followed. For some reason, they seemed unfriendly to Ye Tian, ​​and there was a hint of caution in their eyes.

However, UU reading and they were just two subordinates after all, Ye Tian didn't bother to take care of them, and didn't even bother to look at them.

Knowing that Ye Tian wanted a private room, but did not have a private room, Princess Seventeen sincerely invited him to the private room of their siblings. They booked a private room in advance, which was spacious enough for ten people to sit down.

"This..., isn't it?" Liu Yunjie said, not only reluctant, but also indifferent in his expression.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Ye Tian and Princess Seventeen are too close, making him jealous.

Chu Xuanfeng was more interesting, and didn't say much.

"The private room I booked, of course, is for whoever I want to let in. Don't worry about it." Princess Seventeen gave him a blank look.

Ye Tian smiled coldly. Actually, when they first met, they didn't have a good impression of these two, especially this Liu Yunjie.

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