Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2094: Bidding

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Ye Tian declined, but Princess Seventeen insisted on the invitation.

"Sit together. Meeting Pingshui is also a fate. Brother Dao doesn't need to refuse." The second prince said.

In the end, Ye Tian was so kind, so he sat in.

"If you two are reluctant, just go somewhere else and find a place to sit." Princess Seventeen said to the two followers.

Liu Yunjie and Chu Xuanfeng both had old faces, and although they were unhappy, they also sat in.

As one of the top ten beauties of the ancient star of Penglai, there are so many people who pursue the seventeen princesses. Although Liu Yunjie and Chu Xuanfeng are the best, there are also many who are better than them. They will probably end up playing with a basket.

The private room is directly suspended in the air with a floating array, with excellent visibility, and you can overlook the entire auction hall with a sweeping view.

"I hope to be able to take fragments of the ancient map, maybe it can become my second amulet. If the spirit crystals are not enough, it doesn't matter if you take out a dragon loach." Ye Tian thought in his heart, squeezing his chin with one hand.

Only when the fragments of the ancient map are collected can it be possible to find the Penglai Fairy Island. The other pieces are in the hands of several top powers. Among them, two Heavenly Monarchs and Ye Tian are enemies. If you hold a fragment of an ancient map, it can really become a talisman.

If the Peacock tribe and the Zixiao Holy Land insist on killing him, he can threaten to destroy the fragments of the ancient map, and he will never find Penglai Immortal Island.

Of course, even if the fragments of the ancient map were obtained, Ye Tian would not be destroyed unless the necessary time was reached. Because he wants to go to Penglai Fairy Island more than others. There may be his way forward.

"Is there a flower on my face? Why do you always look at me?" Suddenly, Ye Tian asked Princess Seventeen.

This little Nizi glanced sideways at him from time to time, making his boss uncomfortable.

"No, I just think you, it seems, seems, where I have seen you. Some are familiar, but I can't tell." Princess Seventeen said truthfully, her big eyes widened and she looked around Ye Tian.

Ye Tian changed her appearance and reduced her breath again. All she could feel was a faint breath.

With only this faint breath, she can have a familiar feeling, and her intuition is not so sharp.

"Really? Maybe we've passed by, inadvertently, leaving a trace of impression." Ye Tian chuckled.

"Perhaps." The seventeenth princess curled her lips without thinking, and then asked: "Do you know that man in white?"

The seventeenth princess asked about the humanoid war puppet, and Ye Tian naturally couldn't admit it, otherwise it would cause a fire, so he shook his head.

"There will always be people in the rivers and lakes who are brave and righteous. Seeing injustice, they draw their swords to help each other without trying to repay them. They leave their clothes behind and hide their merits and fame." Ye Tian said, with a look of preoccupation.

Not to mention, the brothers and sisters of the Dashang Dynasty all believed.

"I heard that your Dashang also has a fragment of an ancient map of Penglai Fairy Island. Have you found anything?" Ye Tian asked a pair of brothers and sisters, very concerned about this issue.

"Yes, my Dashang does have a fragment of an ancient map. Unlike ordinary maps, it records some astrological maps, and maps of the world and the general situation, encrypted with the law, the information that can be obtained is extremely limited, only pointing to something in the East China Sea. The land. All the fragments must be assembled before we can figure out the location of Penglai Fairy Island." The second prince said, very candid.

"I don't know if an ancient map can be complete with this fragment of the map to be auctioned. If it can't, I don't know how many years to wait." Princess Seventeen said, her red lips were a little bit brighter, and her eyes were like autumn water. It is beautiful. Although you are the princess of a country, it does not give people the feeling of being unattainable. It is very approachable.

Unless all the map fragments are taken together and put together to look at them, one will not know whether they can form a complete map.

Then Ye Tian asked one last question, whether there is a starry sky teleportation formation on Penglai Ancient Star leading to the outside of the domain, that is, the ancient starry sky road. He was disappointed by the results. The two brothers and sisters had never heard of it. Not only had they never heard of the Star Teleportation Array, nor had they ever heard of anyone going outside the domain.

Although the result was disappointing, Ye Tian still had hope. After all, the ancient star was very big and had a long history. Maybe there was a starry sky teleportation array hidden somewhere.

Soon, the auction began. It was co-hosted by a gray-haired old man and a glamorous woman. The first auction item set off a small climax on the scene. It turned out to be an 8,000-year-old plant. Holy Medicine.

The holy medicine is so rare. Given the size of the ancient star of Penglai and the brilliance of the great avenue, there are not many plants. Each plant has immeasurable value, and there is no holy medicine auction in ordinary auctions.

Even Ye Tian was a little tempted. He wanted to train a great pill to prepare for the golden pill catastrophe, and the more holy medicine he demanded, the better.

"One 8,000-year-old holy medicine, the ice crystal snow lotus from thousands of miles of glaciers in the Arctic, the reserve price is ten thousand spiritual crystals." said the old man on the auction stage.

The glamorous woman holds a tray in her hand. On the tray, a snow lotus flower is blooming, like an ice crystal carved out of it. The whole body is radiant, crystal clear and gorgeous, very unreal, with strands of fragrance overflowing, fragrant and tangy, quickly It filled the entire auction hall.

"Eleven thousand spirit crystals."

"Fifteen thousand spirit crystals."

"Twenty thousand spirit crystals."

Ye Tian originally wanted to make an offer, but he didn't expect that the price would soon rise to one hundred thousand crystals, and eventually it was sold at two hundred thousand crystals, which was photographed by Dashang's brothers and sisters.

When quoting, the brothers were very determined, as if I had to make a decision and no one would fight with me.

Royal people are different and rich.

Of course, other forces are not fuel-efficient, etc. There are many people who have more money than Dashang.

Ye Tian knows, UU reading www. The big business brothers and sisters bid for the Snow Lotus Holy Medicine, mostly for the rumored old emperor whose life is coming to an end, so the bidding attitude is very firm.

With the first hot spot, soon the second, the third,...all the auction items were put up for auction, and the auction prices were all pretty good. However, the atmosphere was a little bit dripping, not stunned.

Until the sixth auction item, a thunder-shrouded war knife was brought out for auction, the scene finally set off another climax.

"Thunder Knife, the reserve price is 30,000 Lingjing!" said the old man at the auction.

A war knife was held in the hand by a fascinating woman. The whole body was silvery white, with only a little mana infused, and a hanging thunder spirit sprayed out from the knife body, which was extremely blazing and dazzling, emitting a swift breath. In the end, a golden stigma was urged out, confirming that it was a holy soldier.

There was a commotion in the hall, and many people looked at this Thunder Saint Soldier eagerly, and they all wanted to take it for themselves.

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