Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2107: Practice

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A dragon vein spread thousands of miles away, and reached its end here, an iceberg towered like a giant dragon head.

In the huge mouth of the dragon's head, an ice sacred orb was conceived. There is also a snow lotus plant rooted on the Ice Soul God Orb, which has grown for thousands of years.

This is the great fortune of heaven and earth, which is awesome.

With a heart of gratitude, Ye Tian wanted to pick this snow lotus with the root of the ice pearl.

It is no exaggeration to say that the medicinal power contained in this ice soul snow lotus is more than all the cultivation resources in his body combined, and it is of great benefit to his five yuan pill.

But at this moment, the abnormal change protruded, and a silver light passed across the void, tearing out dozens of powerful electric lights, like a silver snake dancing, slashing towards Ye Tian.

This is a lightning bird that lives in the Arctic. It is extremely powerful. It is one of the species at the top of the food chain. The bulge, shaped like a phoenix crown, is extraordinary to hate.

Ye Tian did not dodge, taking dozens of lightning bolts with his body.

In the lightning bird’s astonished gaze, these dozens of lightning that were enough to blast a thousand-meter iceberg into ice **** did not cause much damage to Ye Tian. His body was slightly stiff, and all the lightning was absorbed by his body. .

"Don't take it as an example!" Ye Tianshen read the sound transmission, wanting to let the lightning bird know the fun to leave.

He was about to decide on this icy snow lotus.

However, the Lightning Bird didn't know what was good or what was wrong. After going around in the sky, it flew back, uttered an astonishing call, and left a long silver shadow in the sky. It swooped down at a maximum speed of more than ten times the speed of sound. .


As soon as he spread his wings, the void was cut apart. Every inch of flesh and blood in his body was powerful and frightening. His body flashed with thunder, and the blood flow in his body made a sound like a rushing Yangtze River. The powerful combat power was revealed at this moment.

The two silver wings, like two heavenly swords, cut through the void, and slashed towards Ye Tian's head, and a pair of sharp claws lifted his sky spirit cover.

Ye Tian was surprised. This was another Golden Core Beast King, not weaker than the White Bear.

Although life in the Arctic is scarce, under the tough environment, every life has grown very strong.

If it is an ordinary person, even if the golden core is powerful, if it is attacked by this lightning bird, it will be dead. Its physical power alone is invincible, its bloodline is powerful, and it slashes through the void with its wings.

But who is Ye Tian?

The golden Eucharist is approaching Dacheng, and only the physical body cannot be born. No one can compete with him. If it is hard to shake, it can only be defeated.


Ye Tian stretched his body, his movements seemed very slow and unstructured, but it was just an illusion. The power of the golden body was surging out, and finally converged on a golden fist.

In the end, Ye Tian threw a punch and hit the lightning bird's body.


The sound of bone cracks followed, and at the same time there was a large rain of blood spilling, accompanied by flashes of lightning, like countless electric snakes dancing frantically.

In the end, this mysterious lightning bird fell on the iceberg with one somersault and knocked out a huge ice pit. The blood surged, and a small piece of iceberg was dyed scarlet, like a blood diamond in the sun, shining like a blood diamond. And charming.

After putting away the ice and snow lotus, Ye Tian continued on his way, following another dragon vein.

Ye Tian observed the general trend of the world with the golden pupil of the fire eye and found that there were many dragon veins in the Arctic, and several dragon veins were found on a piece of land. The total number of dragon veins is likely to be comparable to that of Central China.

If it weren't for the inherently extremely cold environment here, it would definitely create a second Central China, where the great avenue is prosperous, the beasts are rushing, and the monks gather.

Moreover, the several dragon veins that he discovered, the whole team extended towards the North Pole, that is, the dragon tail faces south and the dragon head faces north.

Because the Arctic Continent was too big, he only found a few dragon veins, and didn't make any guesses.

Time flies quickly. Unknowingly, Ye Tian has been in the Arctic Continent for a month, half a month to practice, and half a month to hurry, and he has already arrived in the hinterland of the Arctic.

The second prince mentioned the ice field "oasis", he has encountered two, but only some cedar and other cold-resistant plants grew, there is no trace of greenery, but you can see the footprints of human life. , But it should be a long time ago.

Ye Tian only took a nap in these two places, and did not stay for long.

Over the past month, he has seen a lot of spirit beasts, and there have been several wars, and he has picked a few big medicines, but humans have not seen a single one.

Now coming to the hinterland of the ice field, the icebergs are taller, the blizzards are more fierce, the environment is even worse, and the possibility of encountering humans is lower.

There was heavy white snow in front of him, the sky was drowsy, misty, and the earth was desolate, covered in endless white, with no signs of life.

Ye Tian stopped walking, found an iceberg, dug out an ice cave, and started practicing again.

This time, he took out all the cultivation resources on his body, and the radiant spirit crystal, which was more than 100,000 yuan, fell in front of his eyes, dazzling and brilliant, illuminating the cave palace.

In addition, there are some picked spirit herbs, two of which are sacred medicines, one dragon loach, and one ice soul pearl.

With so many cultivation resources, even if he couldn't push his five Yuan Dan to Consummation, it wouldn't be too far away, approaching Consummation.

This time he left the customs, Ye Tian was ready to cross the robbery, and didn't want to delay any more time.

There is still a hidden worry in his heart, about Penglai Xiandao.

Now that all the fragments of the ancient map of Penglai Fairy Island have been born, several major forces have joined forces to restore the ancient map. At that time, it may really be possible to find Penglai Xiandao.

Ye Tian didn't want to delay too long, but also wanted to board the island as soon as possible.

Therefore, there is not much time left for him to practice.

Next, Ye Tian began to practice, preparing for a breakthrough.

Bang, bang, bang!

The crystals exploded and turned into ample spiritual energy. Soon the clouds covered the mist in the ice cave, and the spiritual energy was filled with aura.

Outside of Ye Tian's body, various strange scenes are shown. In a golden field, the golden lotus of chaos trembles, the white tiger roars, the red bird screams, the blue dragon dances in the sky, the basalt surrenders in the sea of ​​blood, and the lightning intertwined...

Ye Tian's whole body was full of radiance, the vitality in his body was like a huge ocean, with visions, and Dao Lun's voice kept on.

In his body, five yuan pills are shining brightly, and every minute and every second is absorbing massive amounts of energy to strengthen his body.

These five yuan pills were originally separated from each other, but now they have been gathered together, as if they were about to be united.

Ye Tian didn't use mana to urge them, these five Yuan Dan gathered together by themselves, attracting each other according to the power of the five elements.

However, when Ye Tian tried to unite the five yuan pills with his mana, the five yuan pills bloomed with repulsive power and refused to merge.

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