Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2108: Jindan Avenue

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Are the five essence pills passing through the catastrophe separately and proving the five golden pills? Or is it the combination of five yuan pill and one golden pill for proving Dao?

This is what Ye Tian was thinking about after condensing the first Yuan Dan.

Now he has to make a choice, because the golden core is 10%, nothing can be changed.

If the five yuan pills are separated to cross the calamity, not all of them will be able to succeed.

In his previous life, he had different kinds of creatures, condensing many essence pills, but in the end, only one golden pill was successful, and the rest of the essence pills were automatically opened.

Ye Tian didn't have full assurance that all of his five Yuan Pills proved to be Golden Pills, because it was different from the only path that he took in his previous life.

Moreover, if the five yuan cores are separated to cross the calamity, the power of thunder robbery will be scattered, and his energy will be scattered. Even if all the five yuan cores prove the golden core, he can't guarantee that they can all prove the high quality of the Tao.

As long as one of the five golden pills is defective, the five elements are missing a link, and the five elements cannot achieve mutual growth, it will also have a great impact on his future combat power.

"If I prove five golden cores, when the broken pill condenses the infant in the future, does it mean to prove the five souls of the soul?"

Thinking of this, Ye Tian suddenly thumped.

He has somewhat heard of the wonders of the many golden pills in his previous life, but the matter of the many ancestors in his previous life is really unseen and unheard of in his previous life.

"The path of multiple golden pills is likely to be unworkable."

Ye Tian suddenly thought of a terrible result.

Although this result was just a guess, it also shocked him.

Even if the path of multiple golden cores can be cleared, it is still a flawed path. When it reaches a certain level, it may not be able to go on, or it may cost a lot to open the road.

"My previous life was the only way to go, only to prove a golden pill. In this life, it is better to continue the path of the previous life." Ye Tian thought in his heart.

On the journey of cultivating immortals, you must not be sloppy, one step wrong, one wrong step, a small defect, will be infinitely magnified in the subsequent advancement.

Five Yuan Dan, condensing a five-element chaotic Yuan Dan, this is by no means an easy thing.

Next, Ye Tian began to try.

A dragon loach was sucked into a dried fish by his mouth. The life essence surged like a tsunami in his body, burning with a powerful golden vein, like a rushing Yangtze River, facing the dantian. go.


The golden pubic region is a secret world of human body, like a small golden world. With the masses of vitality scouring, the rivers and seas are rushed, the waves are soaring, the gods are shining, and the thunder and lightning are roaring, as if it is a scene that is opening up the world and the earth is terrifying. extremely.

Ye Tian gathered all his strength on top of the five yuan pill, desperately urging the five yuan pill to unite into one.

The divine power is like a tide, the sky is full of clouds, and the five Yuan Dan shines brightly, as if the five little suns will make the huge secret realm of Dantian still transparent.

A repulsive force rushed out, preventing the five yuan pill from being unified.

Moreover, the greater the power of blessing, the greater the power of rejection.

"Come again!"

Ye Tian took out a holy medicine and inhaled it into medicine dregs in one breath. The essence of the tide rushed into the body, and all the medicine power was attracted by Ye Tian to the five yuan pill as much as possible.

In addition to the five Yuan Dan, one ring after another shrouded, as if it had been condensed into an energy shield.

Then Ye Tian took out the Ice Apparition Snow Lotus, and even the Ice Apparition Divine Bead brought the Snow Lotus to refine and absorb together.

Even if his golden body is approaching Dacheng, it is solid and immortal, and some can't bear it. His body has expanded several times, and every pore on his body is gushing out of vitality. His whole body vibrated, his bones creaked, his flesh and blood kept moving, his internal organs trembled again and again, and his whole body was very painful.

However, in order to make the five Yuan Dan unite into one, he gritted his teeth and endured this purgatory pain.

There are signs of unity of the five yuan pills, but the strength of the blessing is slightly loosened, and they will repel each other.

In the end, he consumed all the resources, and the five yuan pills still failed to achieve unity. But all the resources were not wasted, and all the energy was absorbed by the five yuan pills and the golden sacred body.

At this time, his five yuan pills were approaching to completion as expected, and after a little urge, there would be interactions between heaven and man.

But Ye Tian didn't dare to cross the catastrophe hastily, and didn't want to take the path of multiple golden cores, for fear that this path would not work.

"I need more powerful energy, more heavenly materials and earth treasures, so that my five yuan pill can be unified!" Ye Tian's heart was mixed with five flavors, panting, suddenly got up and walked outside the cave.

The attempt just now failed, but it also allowed him to see the possibility of five yuan pill uniting into one. If you give him so many resources just now, it is likely to succeed.

At this time, the sky is night, but the sky is not dark, the aurora is colorful and gorgeous.

"It's so beautiful!" Ye Tian sighed, his tired eyes showed a touch of surprise.

This is the first time he has seen the aurora in more than a month since he came to the Arctic.

Compared with the aurora at the north pole of the earth, the aurora here is not only larger in scale, but also more colorful and brighter, making people dizzying.

Unfortunately, this magnificent beauty only appears in the Arctic ice sheet, and it is destined to be enjoyed by only a few people.

Ye Tian suddenly thought of the magnetism sacred mountain found in the secret realm of the Nordic magic wolf at the north pole of the earth, and wondered whether there is a magnetism sacred mountain in the Arctic Continent of Penglai?

"Huh, is that?"

Ye Tian suddenly narrowed his eyes. In the brilliant aurora, he saw several phantoms dancing, one end turned out to be a dragon, fighting several human figures.

"Finally saw humans."

Ye Tian soared up into the sky, bathed in the gorgeous aurora, and came to the vicinity of the human monks.

At this time, he discovered that the dragon turned out to be a ray of elemental magnetic traces, and several human monks were capturing the traces.

Ye Tian couldn't help being surprised, the primordial magnetism divine light here was indeed extraordinary, capable of transforming into creatures.

Seeing an unexpected guest suddenly came, several monks were also surprised.

But what surprised them even more was that Ye Tian directly reached out a big hand and grabbed the dragon-shaped road mark.


The sky is shaking, UU reading www. They tried their best to catch the dragon-shaped road mark, but it was controlled by a big hand of Ye Tian, ​​and then it kept shrinking, and finally fell into his hand like a small loach.

Several monks were angry, but they dared not speak.

This is a master, how can they not see it?

They told Ye Tian that this dragon-shaped Dao Mark was nothing at all, it was just a strand that escaped from the North Pole Yuanci Immortal Hole, where there were more Dao Marks, and the power of the Yuan Magnet was more abundant.

"Yuanci Fairy Cave?" Ye Tianmu was surprised.

"Brother Dao don't know? Yuanci fairy cave is at the north pole, it is the site of the snow ape line. The fairy cave erupts once a year for several days, and every thousand years, there will be a ray of fairy light born. Who can get this ray of light? Xianguang, Proving Dao Yuanying is not difficult. Now it is the millennium, and Xianguang is likely to rush out this time." A monk told Ye Tian that Ye Tian was moved.

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