Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2115: Jindan Thunder Tribulation

The clan elder of the Xingchen Lin family hesitated for a few seconds, but in the end he chose to take a shot.

Among the stars, as if opening up the heavens and the earth, large stars emerged, each of which was primitive and majestic, huge and boundless, and quickly filled the heavens and the earth, as if finally evolving into a universe.

The old ape of the Snow Ape clan lifted an iceberg directly and smashed it at Ye Tian.

There are many other creatures who took action, in order to be able to divide the fairy light, each hit their own peak.

For a time, dozens of magical powers, or magic weapons and soldiers, rushed out, continuously bombarding Ye Tian in the thunder robbery.


The explosion is like thunder, and the earth is shaking!

How terrifying is the power of dozens of Jin Dan's combined blows?

Far above the first thunder robbery.

Under the attack of Thunder Tribulation and dozens of magic weapons and supernatural powers, Ye Tian's large area instantly turned into a mass of chaos, like a pot of boiled energy porridge.

However, this state only lasted for a moment, as if the world had been penetrated, forming a black hole, swallowing all the energy, after a moment, Ye Tian still stood proudly in place, but all the energy disappeared.



Everyone was astonished. Under this wave of attacks, not only did Ye Tian not suffer much damage, but on the contrary, it seemed like a magic lamp was lit, and the golden sacred body bloomed with a brighter light. The strips are colorful, incomparably sacred and splendid.

If purely relying on the power of the first thunder tribulation, that ray of celestial light can dissolve and accomplish a good result. Coupled with the wave of attacks just now, the fairy light suddenly turned 30%.

All the energy was attracted by Ye Tian to the five yuan pill, and the immortal marks were strands, like a avenue melting pot, wrapping the five yuan pill layer by layer.

"Come on again, I don't believe he can hold it." The Peacock King roared.

Ye Tian killed his heirs, he was quicker than everyone else wanted to kill Ye Tian.

If it weren't for the ancient map of Penglai Fairy Island in the East China Sea, several superpowers joined forces to find the Penglai Fairy Island in the East China Sea. The old Peacock King would also appear here for the fairy light that came out once in a thousand years.

Because Xianguang was really difficult to catch, even if Yuan Ying shot, the old Peacock King didn't hold much hope. He only sent the Great Peacock King over, and he went to the East China Sea to find Penglai Fairy Island.

Not only the old peacock king, the primordial child, the ancestor of the sacred land of the purple night, and the ancestor of the celestial ancestor of the Lin Family, a total of three primordial infants went to the East China Sea, which shows the importance they attach to Penglai Fairy Island.


Immediately after the Great Peacock King, a large number of creatures in the field took action. The power was fierce, even worse than the first wave, and the whole world of Ye Tian turned into chaos again.

With such a fierce attack, Yuan Ying didn't dare to remain indifferent, and resisted with his physical body.

But after an instant, the chaos dissipated, and the energy was gone. Ye Tian still stood proudly in the void, boiled with energy and blood soaring into the sky, turning into a dragon-shaped air column, like a peerless sword, piercing through the sky and the earth.

Everyone is shocked, this is too unreasonable, how can a person be beaten harder, but become stronger?

How could they know that thanks to their attacking energy, Ye Tian was able to dissipate the fairy light as quickly as possible, and the energy like a mountain like a sea envelops the five yuan pill and urges the five yuan pill to become one.

At this moment, Ye Tian is like a real dragon, awakening.

All the creatures in the field have changed colors. If such a person succeeds in crossing the Tribulation, he will be an extremely terrifying enemy. If the Nascent Soul does not come out, he will surely be able to sweep this ancient star. Even, can compete with Yuan Ying.

Ye Tianzhen felt the strong killing intent and swept over him like a mountain. But he was not afraid, and when he finished the catastrophe, all the grandsons would die.


The second sky thunder smashed and fell, several times thicker than the first sky thunder, like a mountain ridge across the sky, smashing Ye Tian's head and face.


Seeing this sky thunder, half of the creatures in the field swallowed wildly, and their calves cramped. It's too terrifying, it's almost like destroying the world.

The roar of thunder almost pierced people's ear drums, shattered people's souls, and became vast and vast.

Under this terrible thunder, even if Ye Tian directed part of the power of thunder to the fairy light and the five yuan pill, the remaining part still caused his golden body to be scorched black, and cracks appeared. The color of the blood was flowing, and he suffered unimaginable damage.

Although he was wounded, he was full of energy and fighting spirit, without a trace of decadence.

All the creatures in the audience were horrified. The young man's physical body was really too strong.

"I know, that ray of fairy light is being refined by him, absorbing most of the power of thunder, as well as our power of attack. Please don't take action for the time being." An elder of the Xingchen Lin Family said, his eyes Two brilliant lights bloomed in the middle, the stars were shining, and a glimmer of truth was seen.

"Absolutely not let him succeed in the tribulation, we wait until the end of the thunder tribulation before making a move." The Great Peacock King said.

"Maybe it didn't take us to take action, and Lei Jie would chop him to death." said the elder of the sacred land of Zixiao.

Others also had their own thoughts, but they didn't want Ye Tianhao.

When the second thunder tribulation was over, a group of immortal light was exhausted, and pure energy filled Ye Tian's whole body.

And his pubic area, UU reading is more like a nuclear reactor operating at the start of the group.

The five Yuan Dan was wrapped by layers of energy and turned into an energy light cluster.

One after another, the black gold immortal marks were intertwined in the five yuan pill, the repulsive force was completely suppressed, and the five yuan pill began to unite.


Then, in the stunned eyes of everyone, he turned the pain into strength, rushing to the creatures who had just shot him, and a thundercloud storm followed closely behind him.

He didn't need to take action at all. The indiscriminate attack caused by this violent thunder was enough to kill most of the creatures to ashes.

All the creatures on the ice sheet were scattered and fled, but Lei Hai was too wide to praise, with a radius of hundreds of miles, even if the Golden Core was running at full power, it would be difficult to escape this range for a while.

Fortunately, Ye Tian’s main targets were aimed at the Great Peacock King, the elders of the Purple Night Holy Land, the clan elders of the Star Lin family, and the old apes of the Snow Ape clan, and most of the power of thunder was attracted to these few. On the creatures, other creatures let them escape.

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