Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2116: Robbery

Soon, the third thunder tribulation smashed down. It was no longer a single thunder, but a mighty sea of ​​thunder, which submerged Ye Tian underneath. For a moment, I don’t know how many thunders smashed his body, golden blood. Splashing, the bones creaked.

However, Ren Leihai was violent, Ren Lei Ting was furious, Ye Tian was not broken, and withstood all the bombardment, unyielding, and stubbornly resisted.

Ye Tian fell on the ice sheet, and the thundercloud storm with the sky also fell. The vast ice sheet with a radius of hundreds of kilometers was submerged, and the eye was dazzling, and it was flooded with the power of thunder.


"Little beast, you are so cruel!"

"I was wrong, don't kill me."

There was a scream of heart-piercing screams, and people were constantly being robbed and wiped out in the thunder.


There was a thunderstorm, I don't know how many icebergs were submerged, and every inch of space was thunderous. It was terrifying to the extreme.

"Little beast, what do you want to do?" The big peacock king flapped his wings, and ran wildly in the thunder sea, with thunder constantly smashing his body, and the bird feathers on his body were almost scorched.

The thunder calamity that it had when it crossed the golden core catastrophe was incomparable with Ye Tian's thunder calamity. If it were such a thunder calamity, it would never be able to survive it.

On the other hand, Ye Tian suffered more thunder tribulations. The golden sacred body was scorched black, and the blood stains one after another. It seemed shocking, but he was able to walk freely in thunder tribulation, just like a okay person, chasing him tightly. .

But I don't know that Ye Tian has gone to this day, and he doesn't know how many times he has been struck by lightning, and he has a certain immunity to Thunder.


The Great Peacock King was frightened and frightened. When a thick thunder with several houses smashed its back, blood was splashed, and his body was almost split apart. Finally, he couldn't bear it, and hit an iceberg with one head. The huge iceberg was torn apart in an instant, and it was also very awkward and embarrassed to the extreme.


Ye Tian rushed forward very quickly, and at the same time a big foot fell from the sky.

"If you dare to kill me, my father will definitely break your body into pieces,..."

"Ah, you **** it!"

The Great Peacock King wailed in pain, and Ye Tian stepped on his bird's head with a bang, and two lumps of blood burst out of his eyes, and his eyes were already shattered by this foot.

"Ah, little beast, I won't let you go as a ghost..."

Ye Tian stomped again amid the painful howls of the Great Peacock King, and the huge bird's head was torn apart. A wisp of soul escaped, but after not rushing far in the sea of ​​thunder, it was wiped out.

Killing the little peacock king, anyway, he has been immortal with the Peacock clan, Ye Tian didn't care about killing one more person.

Fortunately, the old Peacock King is not here today, otherwise this thunder catastrophe will be full of variables.

The sea of ​​thunder is boundless, the world is scorched by the splitting, the icebergs collapsed and the snow-capped mountains melted, there is no place in good condition.

Ye Tian took out the sky-shaking seal and hung it above his head. He went through the thunder tribulation with him. He was madly chopped by the thunder sea. There were countless electric traces, leaving behind a series of innate patterns, allowing him to further transform into the path of the legendary holy soldier. .

At the same time, the chaotic energy falling down from the earthshaking seal can also protect him to a certain extent, so as not to be smashed too badly.

"Little beast, you are too cruel, you will be retributed."

A golden core screamed screamingly, his whole body was enveloped by electric lights, and he rushed violently to escape and ascend to heaven, but he was unexpectedly met by Ye Tian.

"Looking at you in such pain, I really can't bear it, so I can send you on the road and enjoy the blessing in the west."

With a sneer at the corner of Ye Tian's mouth, he aroused a thick thunder, and suddenly exploded the golden core power into a ball of fly ash.

The place where he is is the place where the thunder is the densest and the most violent. The endless thunder and lightning are directed at him. With every step taken, the thunder mountain and the sea will move with it.

"Brother Dao, I didn't make a move just now, I'm innocent." Another golden core power was encountered by Ye Tian, ​​and was violently struck by the thunder, and begged for mercy.

"Really? Then you go!"

Ye Tian said that he really planned to spare this person's life, because he had already seen the patriarch of the Purple Night Holy Land, and this was his target.

However, when he came here, the overwhelming thunder arrived, and the self-professed wronged Jin Dan could not rush out very far. Under the series of thunder strikes, his head broke, the white brain fluid flowed, and the soul collapsed. In the end Even the golden core treasure body was torn apart, and then vanished in smoke, and nothing was there anymore.

Although the elders of the Purple Night Holy Land were very powerful, they were also shattered and shattered in the thunder tribulation. Seeing Ye Tian was like seeing a ghost.

"It's no wonder that I am too weak." Ye Tian sighed softly, then rushed past, catching up with the elders of the Zixiao Holy Land.

"Damn it, this is your Thunder Tribulation, why are you not affected?" The elders of the Purple Night Holy Land were mad.

He is higher than Ye Tian's realm, and the thunder tribulation he can bear is higher than Ye Tian, ​​but now he is completely reversed, he has been split into a grandson, but Ye Tian can walk freely in thunder tribulation.


A sea of ​​thunder struck, there were Chaos God Thunder, Five Elements God Thunder, Lunar God Thunder, Sun God Thunder, ..., at a glance, it was dazzling and dazzling, so dazzling that you can't look directly at it.

This kind of thunder tribulation made Ye Tian feel terrible, and the golden sacred body kept soaking blood, and the sky-shaking seal trembled for a while, leaving dense scorching patterns. As for the elder of the Purple Night Holy Land, it was even more impossible to bear it. He was completely **** and even the white stubble was exposed.

"Ah, Mad, little beast, I'm fighting with you!"

The elders of the Purple Night Holy Land knew they couldn't escape, and killed a carbine. A purple spear directly stabbed Ye Tian.


This was an extremely stunning shot. It was sharp and sharp. With a strong shake, thousands of gun shadows appeared. The purple gun lights flew out like a purple sky. The purple sky was a vast expanse of purple. This is the trace of the avenue. The thunder was wiped out.

Ye Tian was unmoved, spurring one after another thunder to fall, and shook the peerless spear light forcibly.

Click, click!

After only eighteen thunderbolts fell, all the purple spear lights that were as mighty as a sky river were intercepted, and even the purple long spear burst and flew out.

Then, dozens of Chaos Thunders smashed down, and the elders who beat the Purple Night Holy Land were like lotus leaves in the wind, dancing wildly, gradually unable to support them.

"Ah, little beast, you killed me, I will definitely not let you go in the Purple Night Holy Land." The elder of the Purple Night Holy Land screamed tragically.

But everything was too late, Ye Tian was determined to kill him, and rushed past him, the sky of thunder sea fell down, a big living person became a robbery, and he was removed from the world.

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