Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2129: Metamagnetism

"Is his physical body really comparable to that of a dollar baby? After so long, he hasn't died yet?" Old Snow Ape King muttered to himself.

He had entered this Immortal Magnet Cave more than once, but the deepest one only entered a thousand feet. The power of the terrifying magnetism made his body unable to bear it.

One thousand feet, two thousand feet,...

Ye Tian kept sinking, and the power of the primordial magnet became more and more terrifying. When it reached five thousand feet deep, blood stains appeared on his body, and Dacheng's golden body was somewhat unable to withstand this terrifying force. .

In addition to the Heaven-shaking Seal, he took out an ancient array map, which was the magneto-magnet array captured from the hands of four enemies not long ago.

This is a big killer, using the power of the magneto to build a magneto-killing array. At that time, Ye Tian was almost injured.

The array was initially very fuzzy. After being immersed in the ocean of Yuanmagnets, it soon flourished and transformed into a small world of Yuanmagnetism, which helped Ye Tian block some of the power of Yuanmagnetism.

In front, a more terrifying breath came, as if to crush the heavens.

The bottom of Yuanci Fairy Cave is here.

The power of the magnetic element here is horrible to the extreme. It seems that time and space have been affected, giving people a feeling of time and space disorder, and it seems that they have come to a small foreign world.

The strength of the strong primordial magnetism, like a violent wild horse, rampaged, like what a junior snow ape said before, can shred all tangible things, even a thread can make a golden core fall.

Yuanmagnetism turned into a magnetism vortex, like a black hole, which seemed to be able to swallow all things in heaven and earth.

In the whirlpool, Ye Tian couldn't believe it. There was an old ape sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, motionless, lifelike, without breathing or heartbeat.

It's not very tall, only about ten feet tall, but it surprised Ye Tian. This old ape was filled with the breath of a great road, as if he was one with the heavens and humans, so that after he had been dead for a long time, he still seemed to have life.

"Could it be the ancestor of the Snow Ape clan?" Ye Tian was surprised and thought of this.

Yuan Ying Tianjun, the treasure body is immortal for 100,000 years and will last forever.

This is indeed the ancestor of the founding father of the Snow Ape clan. He once traveled proudly in the world and watched the world. At that time, it was the most prosperous time of the Snow Ape clan and could compete against the Holy Land of Shenzong.

However, Yuan Ying can be immortal, but his life cannot last forever.

Under the snow ape ancestor, the magneto-magnet light boiled, and the magneto-magnet could surging, and strands of dragon energy continued to overflow.

These dragon auras, the dragon veins gathered from all directions in the Arctic Continent of Lao Tzu, turned into this dragon's nest-like cave heaven.

In the dazzling Magneto Divine Light, you can see the glittering Magneto Magnet particles floating. This is the crystal of the Magneto Magneto, a transformation of the Magneto Divine Light that is rich to the extreme. It's like Lingjing to Lingshi.

Ye Tian tapped his finger lightly, and a magnetite crystal shattered, bursting into a dazzling group of colorful light, like a colorful firework blooming, very dazzling and charming.

Such a strong force of the primordial magnetism can produce the crystal of the primordial magnetism. It stands to reason that after endless years, when a primordial magnetism **** bead can be formed, it is like the ice **** pearl bred in a glacier, Wang Yang The sea eye in the middle gave birth to the pearl of the sea, and the heart of wood was nurtured in the well of good fortune.

Ye Tian looked at the ancestor of the snow ape again, his eyes flickered, opened the golden eyes of fire, looked directly at the source, and found that the ancestor of the snow ape had turned into a body of primordial magnetism.

This elementary magnet body can only be transformed, and besides being related to the elementary magnetism divine light here, Ye Tian guessed that there was probably an elemental magnetism divine bead which was refined by him.

This innate magnetism divine bead is the key to his proving Nascent Soul.

The ancestor Snow Ape’s body of magnetism is a treasure of heaven and earth. It is not inferior to a **** of magnetism. If it is refined into a war puppet, its combat power is better than that of Ye Tian’s previous white clothes. War puppet, must only be strong and not bad.

Of course, Ye Tian wouldn't do this. It was too bad and would be retributed.

He came here not to come to see the fireworks, nor to explore the secrets, but to practice a secret technique of primordial magnetism, the secret technique of primordial magnetism,

The power of Huayuan Magnetism is the soldier of thousands of Yuanmagnetism!

To a certain extent, the magnetic element array on his head, as well as the killing array of the Snow Ape Ancestor Land, can produce various element magnetic weapons, which can be called a low-profile version of the element magnetic weapon.

The Essence Magnetism Ten Thousand Weapon Art that Ye Tian wanted to cultivate was a real divine technique, a real divine technique. Pick it up in this life.

Here is the purest magneto-magnetism divine light, which is a source of power in the future of heaven and earth, and has unpredictable abilities.

Next to the ancestor of Snow Ape, Ye Tian sat cross-legged, with the magnetic element array floating above his head, building a small world of magnetic element outside his body.

There is also the element of elemental magnetism in the seal of the sky, once refined a sacred mountain of elemental magnetism, in this place where the power of the elemental magnetism is boiling, it is like a dried sponge, madly absorbing the power of the elemental magnetism here.

The golden core in Ye Tian's body rotates like a big seal, constantly absorbing the power of the primordial magnetism divine light and the primordial magnetism.

Between his breaths and breaths, there was a loud thunderous sound, like a long whale chanting, swallowing a large amount of magneto-magnetism divine light.

Immediately, there was a tearing pain in his body, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com seems to have thousands of needles pierced into the body.

He was clenching his teeth and insisting, believing that his great golden body could bear it.

He first tempered his physical body with the power of the magnetic element, and only when the physical body possessed the attributes of the magnetic element, could he display the magical power of the elemental magnetic force.

Masses of Magneto Divine Light constantly rushed into his body, containing the violent force of Magnetism, and the original source was the Law of Magnetism, imprinted into the Golden Holy Body, nourishing every inch of flesh, every bone. There is also a part of the magneto-magneto that turns into magneto-zhengyuan, which is absorbed by a chaotic golden pill in the dantian.

The golden core glows, becoming more and more dazzling, spinning slowly, crystal clear, and gradually has the attributes of the primordial magnet, which can emit the power of the primordial magnet.


A magnetite crystal was pulled by him, swallowed it in one bite, and exploded in the body. Suddenly his whole person was glowing, and the dazzling magneto-magnetism divine light gushed out from every pore.

Of course, more of the primordial magnetism divine light, the inner strength of the primordial magnetism, was absorbed by his golden sacred body, filling the meridian dantian, up and down the whole body.

Only his great golden body dared to do this, changing to another person, he would never dare to be so reckless.

Only a few days later, Ye Tian's golden sacred body had a strong primordial magnetism attribute, as if transformed into a body of primordial magnetism, and his body could emit primordial magnetism divine light. A chaotic essence pill in the body was gradually stained with a hint of color, exuding a powerful magnetism.

At this time, the power of the element magnetism in the fairy cave of the elementary magnetism immediately reduced his damage, no matter how difficult it was to harm his body, the magical light of the elementary magnetism pounced like a spring breeze.

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