Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2130: Wan Bing Jue

Next, Ye Tian began to truly practice the Magneto Magneto.

He is sitting cross-legged like a demon, with hair strands scattered, his body is as bright as a **** of gold, his body is full of immeasurable light, full of immortality.

There was a roar in his body. That was the sound of Magneto Divine Light constantly pouring into his body, being tempered.

At this moment, his body seemed to be transformed into an oven, and he used the magneto divine light as the raw material to cast a handle magneto warrior.

Of course, what he forged was not the superficial magnetism divine light, but the principle of the magnetism divine light. The magnetism warfare that he tempered was not an ordinary weapon, but a kind of Dao soldier, a dao soldier.

Ye Tianjing entered the concentration like an old monk, as firm as a rock, all over her body was crystal clear, with a kind of majesty, strands after strands of Dao patterns jumped out of his body and revolved around him.

Every Dao pattern is cast like divine gold, bright and dazzling, branded in the void, and bursts of Dao sounds are heard, rumbling.

Three days later, the Dao patterns that shrouded Ye Tian's body were densely packed, enough, to set him off otherworldly, like an ancient god, coming through time and space, standing in the world.


As he stroked his hands, the dense Dao patterns suddenly condensed into a large magnetic primordial sword, exactly the same as the Ziying Sword. The roar, deafening.

This was the first Magneto Soldier in Wan Bing Jue's magical powers. Ye Tian Ning was a little rusty in his training, and it took three days.

The sound of the Taoist roars, the golden sacred body shines brightly, and Ye Tian becomes more and more sacred and solemn.

Two days later, Ye Tian stroked his hands, the wind and thunder rang ears, lightning and thunder, as if opening up the world.

The Dao patterns outside his body moved with his hands, shining with immortal brilliance, and continued to condense. Eventually, as his right hand was violently turned over and suppressed, the densely packed primordial track patterns turned into a big seal.

This is the Heaven-shaking Seal evolved from the Magneto Secret Art, and it is smashed in one blow, as if it could shake the earth and destroy the universe. Although it can't be compared with his true sky-shaking seal, as a magical element of magnetism, it can also explode incomparably terrifying power when it is blasted together with other magnetism warfare soldiers.

After evolving the Heaven-shaking Seal, Ye Tian's hands changed again, and a magnetic element spear gradually emerged, condensing like a substance between his palms and fingers.

His whole body was full of energy and blood, exuding an inexplicable aura, vigorously vigorous, like an immortal who was reopening the heavens and the earth, nine large dragons of primordial magnetism came into shape, clinging to the spear, condensed into One.

This is the dragon spear formed by the elemental magnetization. The moment it takes shape, the sharp spear point seems to be able to penetrate everything in the world.

Boom boom boom!

The power of the magneto was surging, endless runes lingered, Ye Tian's right hand stretched out, and it suddenly expanded several times, like a divine monument, the rune of the magneto flashed, suppressing the world.

This is the third Taoist soldier, the chaotic golden light palm that Ye Tian evolved with the power of the magneto, of course, should be called the magneto palm.

As time passed day by day, Ye Tian continued to evolve. In the small world of magnetism that shrouded his body, all kinds of divine lights were shining. Da Yin, God Spear, Zhong Ding,...

Each Taoist soldier is as solid as it is. Although there is no stigma, it has the power that is not inferior to ordinary sacred artifacts, flying in the small world of magnetism, as if fighting to break through the nine heavens.

Yuanci Fairy Cave is a natural avenue divine land, as long as you can enter, you can easily enter a realm of enlightenment.

The reason why the snow ape ancestor in front of Ye Tian was able to prove Dao Yuanying was inseparable from this Yuanci fairy cave.

Ye Tian's bones are crystal clear, flesh and blood are cut through, and the golden body is constantly being tempered by the power of the primordial magnet, which has produced another level of transformation, overflowing with brilliance.

It can make a slight transformation of Dacheng's golden body, and this alone shows how extraordinary the Yuanci fairy hole is.

Ye Tian waved his fists, carrying the elemental magnetic rune of the animation sky, and two fist marks appeared in the void.

As soon as these two fist prints came out, Ye Tian's entire temperament changed. He was infinitely strong, like an invincible God of War, and his golden blood exploded, as if he was about to shake the nine heavens and ten earth.

This is the fist mark of Wuji Shenquan. After being evolved by Ye Tian, ​​the Yuanci fist mark will become another killing weapon of Yuanci Wanbing Jue.

This set of boxing techniques is Ye Tian’s fist for proving Dao. Not only did he use this boxing in his previous life to sweep through the enemies, but in this life he began to practice as soon as he was reborn. Now he has cultivated to an incredible realm, surpassing the river and the sea, and reached Destroy the level of heaven and earth.

He acted in the mirror, domineering, brave, and full of madness, as if he was in a **** battle with the enemy, invincible, and never retreated.

One Dao rune after another, lingering between his palms and fingers, condensing his own law and Dao.

His movements started quickly, and then gradually slowed down, but they became more and more complicated, the trajectory was complicated, and the speed was obviously very slow, but it would make people feel dazzled and unable to keep up with the rhythm.

Boom boom boom!

He was pulsing with the entire Yuanci Fairy Cave, majestic and unfathomable, as if the world of ten directions was between his fingers.

It was a small world in the palm intertwined by the magnetic primordial light and chaotic energy. It was a sublimation of the previous palm world, which was more unbreakable and more indestructible.

At the entrance of the Yuanci Fairy Cave, the Yuanci divine light surging, and the sound of the avenue rumbling as its name, all the snow apes were shocked. They knew that Ye Tian was not dead, and UU reading didn't know what good fortune he had gotten, they were all shocked and inexplicable.

They were worried that after Ye Tian left the customs, the Snow Ape clan would be wiped out.

Some Snow Ape proposed to leave this place of right and wrong, and return after Ye Tian left, or simply choose another piece of sacred land and start a school.

Some Snow Ape proposed to build a big killing array, and when Ye Tian left the customs, it was when he died.

However, the old Snow Ape King rejected all the proposals, the ancestral land cannot be abandoned, and the killing array is also not allowed, because there is no absolute certainty to kill the people. He could see that Ye Tian was not an unreasonable and indiscriminate person, and he might be able to open the door.

After more than a month, Ye Tian finally left the customs.

The heaven and the earth are vast, and the magnetism is boiling.

His whole body seemed to be transformed into a body of primordial magnetism, and his whole body was bright.

He didn't say a word, soaring to the sky, stepping on the floating light and glancing shadows, step by step, disillusioned step by step, step by step, one by one, like a god, with golden hair flying, and his body like a glazed **** of gold.

Behind him, a small world of Magnetism emerged, with Magnetism Great Sword, War Sword, Dragon Spear, Big Bell, Baoding, Holy Pagoda..., densely packed, dozens of species, all of them flickering, ups and downs. , Like a small world belonging to weapons.

At this point, the Essence Magnetism Wanbing Jue divine technique finally achieved success. Although it was only an initial success, as long as the realm improves in the future, this secret technique will become more and more terrifying, and it can be called an invincible secret technique.

In the horrified gaze of a group of snow monkeys, Ye Tian flew away, did not start killing, he felt compassionate, and really opened his eyes.

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