Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2134: Tianxianglou

"This bag is good, bring it!"


Ye Tian put out a big golden hand, like a big mountain, it rumbling sound, shaking the sky and the earth, the palms and the earth are trembling, the power of the primordial magnets is surging, and a small world is formed.

It is the world's magical powers in his palm, after being tempered by the power of the primordial magnetism, the power has advanced to a level, and the space opened up is several times larger. It is no exaggeration to say that even a mountain with a thousand feet standing here can be gathered by a palm.


The Universe Bag in Master Xiaohou was sucked away and fell into Ye Tian's hands. The power of space was not at the same level.

"This...? Impossible!" Xiaohouye's pupils shrank suddenly, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

Ye Tian shook his hand, and dozens of diners who had fallen into Qiankun's bag just fell down like dumplings.

This Qiankun bag is a space magic weapon that can contain everything. Ye Tian took a casual look and found that there were many golden things inside, all of which were natural treasures, and the quantity was considerable.

With the identity and status of Master Xiaohou, the objects that can enter his Dharma eyes are certainly extraordinary.


Little Hou Ye was taken aback for a moment, but he never expected Ye Tian to be so powerful, then his eyes sank, and he punched the wall of the tavern with a punch, rushed out and ran away.

Ye Tian's strength made his heart palpitations, and it was impossible to win. Although the Qiankun bag is very precious, his life is still the most important.

"Want to leave? Did you ask me to agree?" Ye Tian yelled, his whole body blooming with immeasurable golden light, like an ancient **** of war, which made people tremble.


Suddenly, he shot and threw Xiaohou's silver spear, the tip of the spear was blood red, and it traversed a terrible trajectory.


A bloodbath spurted out, scarlet and beautiful, Xiao Hou's body was pierced by a silver spear, and then he was nailed by the silver spear to fly through the void, and finally nailed to the outer wall of a tall hall across the road.


Little Houye was not nailed to death, he uttered a scream, blood drenched, and struggled desperately.

The silver spear quivered, and under the scorching sun, it shone with breathtaking cold light. The atmosphere was depressing, making the whole street cold like winter.

Tick ​​to tick!

The blood dripped, stained the wall red, and dripped onto the ground. The sound was very soft, but it was shocking.

Everyone who saw this scene was dumbfounded, fearful in their hearts, and their bodies were cold.

At this moment, time seemed to freeze, and it was extremely quiet, setting off the sound of blood dripping loudly. The whole street was silent, and everyone caught their breath.

This is the little Hou, the Qilin'er of the King of Zhenhai, the nephew of the queen, the commander of the Imperial Capital One Thousand Thousand Yulin Army, was nailed to the wall, and there was a blood hole in his heart, bloody, it was almost like It's like a fantasy, unbelievable.

When everyone reacted, Ye Tian had disappeared and left the restaurant.

Hanging on Xiao Hou Ye was purely easy, but this person's arrogance and domineering.

The imperial capital is very large and prosperous, but the atmosphere is also very depressing. There are many soldiers in armor, with solemn faces and murderous aura, patrolling the streets.

Now that the crown prince is coming to the throne, he cannot convince the crowd, and there are many voices of resistance.

If the prince wants to successfully ascend the throne, he must suppress these voices with thunderous means.

During this period of time, many people died every day, and were slaughtered by the Imperial Forest Army under the command of Master Xiaohou.

"The old emperor has not yet abdicated, and the prince is eager to ascend the throne. The law is not tolerated. This is no matter if the old minister does not participate in the ceremony."

This is the sound from a magnificent mansion, surrounded by armored soldiers.

"I don't know the current affairs, and I am stubborn!"

Puff puff!

Blood splattered, and heads fell to the ground, and the smell of blood spread far away.

"It's cruel."

The people who passed by here were all stunned secretly, and their scalp was numb in shock.

Ye Tian also happened to pass by here, and did not stop.

Some things are really beyond his control.

Heaven is about to perish Dashang, what can he do?

After all, this is a world where the weak and the strong eat the strong. Although he likes to punish the evil and promote the good and fight against injustices, he can do very little.

"Tianxiang Tower."

After a while, Ye Tian finally found this place.

Tianxianglou is not a restaurant or a restaurant, but a gold-selling cave where all kinds of beauties gather to make men linger. Even many powerful monks can't stand the temptation and often come here to spend a lot of money.

In addition to providing beauty services, you can also inquire about news here, and act as a package for inquiries, but you have to pay.

Although Ye Tian deliberately made himself a little ugly, he had a detached temperament that couldn't be concealed. As soon as he appeared, many women regarded him as sweet and glutinous rice cakes, vying to serve him.

Ye Tian passed five levels and cut six generals. It took a long time to break through the encirclement of these women and came to a special reception desk in Tianxiang Building. A beauty supervisor received him.

The beauty executive is wearing a long skirt with high slits, revealing two long, white, straight legs, with a perfect figure that curves up and down, with a small smile, there is a fox charm, which is confusing.

However, there was an energy dormant in her body, her eyes were like electricity, and her cultivation level had reached the golden core.

"I want all the information about Penglai Xiandao."

Ye Tian took out thousands of spiritual crystals, the color is very good, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is crystal clear and shining, piled into hills on a table.

It is impossible to buy such important information without spending a lot of money.

Tianxianglou put an eyeliner in the four top forces looking for Penglai Fairy Island, and then transmitted it back through secret methods. This information was only obtained at a high price.

However, several thousand spirit crystals were nothing to Ye Tian.

He took a look at Xiaohouye’s Universe Bag, and it was like a gold mountain and silver mountain. There were so many treasures of heaven and earth, there were millions of pieces of spirit crystals alone, and the spirit grass and spirit pills were bundled into each other, among which the holy medicine was unexpectedly. As many as three.

This is only the wealth of Xiaohouye alone, and it should be only a part of it. The wealth of the entire palace is definitely an astronomical figure.

"Little brother, do you dare to go to Penglai Fairy Island alone? How about your family? Don't you worry about you?" The beauty director smiled, with a trace of contempt in her eyes.

How dangerous is the East China Sea. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a forbidden land for the terrestrial human race.

"Why? Not enough spirit crystals?"


Ye Tian shook his hand, and several thousand spiritual crystals fell down, almost filling the tabletop, the brilliance shimmering, making people dazzled for a while.

"Little brother is really a refreshing person, and sister won't tease you anymore. The information you want is here." The beauty director smiled lightly, like a red rose, which made people want to see more. A few glances.

She took out a jade block, and all the information was in it.

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