Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2135: Deep in the palace

This is a kind of sacred jade that can store information.


Ye Tian suddenly crushed the jade block, a ray of light flew out and rushed into Ye Tian's sea of ​​consciousness.

Suddenly, a piece of information was comprehended by him.

However, the information is very vague, and there is no precise location, but it points to a sea area.

"That is a devil's sea, with a radius of thousands of miles. It has been shrouded in dense smoke and mist all year round. The geomagnetic field is very unstable. Even in a windless weather, it will cause huge waves. From ancient times to the present, I don’t know how many ships wrecked in it. The dead and injured are countless." The beauty director said to Ye Tian.

In fact, there are many similar sea areas on the ancient star of Penglai, not just this one, there are even more terrifying than here.

Therefore, going deep into the ocean of the ancient star of Penglai is an extremely prudent thing, and we must be fully prepared.

A piece of sea, with a radius of thousands of miles, to find an island in it is still like finding a needle in a haystack.

This news seems to be worthless.

The beauty director told Ye Tian that after the fragments of the ancient map were merged into one, the deciphered coordinates would point to this devil sea area.

A month ago, the expedition brigade of the four major forces penetrated into this sea area, and so far no news has come out.

This devil's sea is terrifying, not only the geomagnetic field is unstable, the space is also unstable, it is impossible to construct a void channel, and cannot be transmitted secretly, so that the news cannot be transmitted.

Whether this group of people has discovered something inside is still unknown.

"Little brother, although my sister knows that you are not an ordinary person, she still advises you to think twice. Of course, if you insist on going, it is not impossible. It is better to find someone to form a party. At midnight tonight, Tianzihao outside the city. An expedition ship will depart from the port terminal to the Devil’s Sea. The passengers are all desperadoes just like you.” The beauty director said to Ye Tian, ​​with a sweet smile on her face, as if she was doing well for Ye Tian.

"This ticket is for you. It's up to you whether you need it or not."

With that said, the beauty director really took out a ticket to Ye Tian.

It's free anyway, don't do it for nothing, Ye Tian just accepted it. Then he asked the beauty director a few more questions, and the beauty director answered one by one.

The ancestors of the Peacock tribe, the Purple Night Holy Land, the Star Lin Family, and the three top powers really all went to find the Penglai Fairy Island. Ye Tian confirmed his guess from the beauty director.

This trip is destined to not go smoothly!

Because Xiaohouye was assassinated and the murderer was not arrested, the imperial capital's prevention and control have become more stringent. The streets are full of soldiers and horses, and many checkpoints have been set up.

Especially the palace is heavily guarded.

Ye Tian changed his appearance again, it was impossible to be found, or even if he was found, it would be difficult to catch him.

As the sun sets, the sunset glow is like water.

The entire ancient city of the imperial capital is bathed in the afterglow of the setting sun, and many buildings are covered with a layer of golden brilliance, giving out a sacred breath. Even the clouds in the sky are inlaid with a layer of golden bright edge, shining with the brilliance of rare treasures.

Such a beautiful scene can not help but make people intoxicated.

However, in the heavily guarded ancient city of the imperial capital, there is a depressive atmosphere of rain and wind, and pedestrians on the streets have become very rare.

Under this situation, no one would have thought that Ye Tian would have slipped into the heavily guarded inner palace.

The imperial palace is the residence of the Dashang imperial family, and it is even more extraordinary.

The purple qi is soaring into the sky, immersed in the sky, and some transform into a dragon shape, circling and dancing in the void. At first glance, it is the place where the dragon veins converge. The concentration of aura is several times larger than that outside. Among the Penglai ruins in Shenzhou, there are no less than the ruins.

Come to think of it, there are many dragon veins in the underground of Yuezhou. Dashang has cultivated the essence of heaven and earth through the construction of cities, and after thousands of years, has evolved a land of spiritual cultivation.

In the imperial palace, there are endless mountains and mountains, and there are many temples. Some are built on the top of the mountain, and some are suspended in the air. There are also suspended islands, looming in the spiritual fog, like a fairyland.

The area of ​​the imperial palace was too big, with a radius of hundreds of miles, even if the guards were tight, Ye Tian would still be in an uninhabited state.

He was not here to swim, nor was he to hunt for treasures, but to meet someone, the old merchant emperor of a big business.

He also made a sudden decision, wanting to help the big business, because of the face of the seventeenth princess and the second prince.

If Ye Tian didn't make a move, the Seventeenth Princess might be fine, but the second prince would have a miserable ending. He is so powerful that the prince brother will never let him go.

However, he can't guarantee whether this favor can help succeed.

The crown prince will soon be enthroned, and the huge palace seems to have been re-decorated. It is full of brilliance. Various colored lights emit soft light at night, which is magnificent and colorful, which makes people dazzling.

Ye Tian's figure was disillusioned, like a ghost, and walked towards the depths of the palace step by step, with a restrained aura, no one could find him.

Clouds evaporate, colorful mist flows, and islands float in the air, never sinking.

Each one is overwhelming, as if it existed before the world opened up, revealing an ancient and vicissitudes of life.

The silver waterfall above some large mountains falls three thousand feet, like the Milky Way falling for nine days.

Some islands are shrouded in clouds, and the palace above is looming, like a heavenly palace.

These are just the tip of the iceberg, some of what Ye Tian saw when he passed by. More grand scenes are out of his sight. UU reading

The background of Dashang, the tradition left by Tianjun, is really extraordinary.

Passing through a piece of Lingshan, in front of a piece of water, there are several dragons splashing in the pool, swallowing the inner alchemy to the moon, and absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon.

These are a few old Jiao who have lived at least a thousand years old, their spiritual sense is extremely keen, even if Ye Tian is restrained, he is still discovered and cast suspicious eyes.

"Retract if you don't want to die. I'm here to help your old emperor, don't make me embarrassed." Ye Tianwai let out a breath of energy, and several old Jiao suddenly frightened, and retracted their heads.

The insignificant breath that Ye Tian sensed was not far away.

Ye Tian believed that this breath came from the emperor of the big business.

There is a suspended ancient island, which is huge, with towering ancient trees, lush vegetation and silver waterfalls. A huge palace rises above the ground, towering into the clouds, surrounded by spiritual fog, it is extraordinary.

Many soldiers guarded here, encircling the huge island. Each one has a great breath, and some of them are gold cores.

In the restaurant, he heard that the old emperor was under house arrest. Now it seems that what he said is true.

That breath came from the palace on the floating island. Ye Tian had to avoid the eyes and ears of these soldiers and enter the palace if he wanted to see the old emperor.

This is not a difficult task for him, flashing his magical powers to the present, he can travel through the void hundreds of feet at a time. After only two or three passes, he came to the floating island and stood at the gate of the palace, unconsciously.

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