Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2183: Tennin Town

"Want to escape?" Ye Tian narrowed his eyes, did not chase, and smiled faintly: "Do you think that abandoning the physical body and leaving only the soul and the soul can escape my time sword?"

The sword of time, containing the pervasive power of time, is the supernatural power of killing and destroying.

When Ye Tian swung a sword just now, he had long fused the power of time with the sword intent, and wherever the sword intent came, the power of time would exist.

Just now, the sword caused the Zixiao Holy Land Lao Tianjun to damage not only the physical body, but also the Nascent Soul and the Divine Soul.

The time force carried by this strong sword intent will be buried in the deepest part of the soul and soul, and it will be impossible to remove it for a while, and it will never be possible to remove it. Once the force is used, the sword intent will explode, and the power of time will surging out.

Therefore, it is difficult for the **** of the purple night holy land to blew the Yuan Ying, and will be restrained by the power of time.

Therefore, Ye Tian didn't rush, letting the Yuan Ying of the Purple Night Holy Land Lao Tianjun flee away with his soul.

This is a closed space, and with Ye Tian's abilities, he is not sure to break it open, and it is even more impossible for Lao Tianjun, the sacred land of the purple night, to escape.

Ye Tian turned on the golden pupil of the fire eye, as if two golden lamps were lit, and he moved forward in the lane, not hurriedly or slowly.

There are many bones on the ground, strange shapes, and various types.

Such bones, Ye Tian knew from a glance, they were the bones of the Demon Race, because only the Demon Race had such deformed bones.

The more you move forward, the more bones you have.

Ye Tian even saw a few human bones.

It seems that not only the demons but also the human races are imprisoned here, and they are all powerful, at least in the golden core.

There was even a human corpse that was seen by Ye Tian, ​​still part of the flesh and blood was preserved, the bone was extremely hard, after tens of thousands of years, it also contained a little divinity.

Amazingly, this is the bone of a Yuanying Tianjun.

As Ye Tian saw, eternally ago, this underground world was not only used by the Nine Phoenix Goddess to suppress the demons, but also used to exile the sinister power.

It is Yuan Ying, once imprisoned, it is difficult to escape.

Ye Tian couldn't help but sink in his heart. He had some confidence to break the restriction of the sea eye and escaped. But seeing the corpses of the Yuan Ying who had been suppressed to death, his confidence gradually shattered.

But he believes that the car will have its own way to the front of the mountain, and the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, and he will definitely be able to think of a way out.

There is deathly silence here, only one's own footsteps can be heard, and even the air seems to be in a static state.

Ye Tian walked for more than a dozen miles, but he didn't reach the end. All he saw on the road was a pile of bones, and the deeper he went, the more bones there were. I don't know that there were tens of millions of bones in total.

Almost all the bones have lost their divine nature and become fragile. Even some of the bones of the Nascent Infant-level great demon and the human race overhauled their divine nature.

"Is it because the years are too long?" Ye Tian pondered.

"But, if it’s because of the ages too long, where did these divine natures, the devilish energy in the demon race go? According to the truth, after so many demon races died, this world should be transformed into one The demon realm with the devilish energy is right."

"But now there is deathly silence here, and there is only a faint devilish energy in the air, which is very unreasonable."

Ye Tian walked, observed and thought.


Amid the deafening roar, a pile of white bones was suddenly shattered, and a monster that was four meters tall and the size of an elephant suddenly rushed out, waving its hideous giant claws that looked like mutant crab claws, fiercely. Cut to Ye Tianang.

The corners of Ye Tian's eyes twitched slightly, and when his thoughts moved, the Skyshaking Seal rushed out, suddenly pulling out a white mark in the void, and suddenly blasted the tall monster on the spot.

Large fragments of flesh and blood fell, splashing the earth scarlet.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, these broken flesh and blood quickly withered, and the magical nature was rapidly lost. The magical air was like smoke. There was no wind, but it drifted away toward the depths of the tunnel.

Intuition tells Ye Tian that there must be something weird in front of him, which can absorb the devil energy and accelerate the loss of the demon nature of the monster.


Suddenly more monsters appeared in front, some with first-born horns, some with scales, some with eight arms, some with two heads,...

All kinds of demons, most of them are middle and low-level monsters that have not activated their wisdom. Seeing the human beings coming, they all look like sharks smelling blood, roaring and screaming like swarms of bees. .


The earth quaked, like a thousand horses running.

The monsters have not yet arrived, but the overwhelming demon energy has arrived first, rushing like a torrent, filling the entire lane.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for humans to adapt to the demons. The energy in the devilish energy cannot be used by human monks.

If one is not careful, the human race may be infected and become a monster.

But all this didn't matter to Ye Tian.

His golden sacred place is extremely adaptable and can utilize various energies, including demonic energy.

Being enveloped by demonic energy at this moment made him feel like a fish in water, a dragon returning to the sea.

A chaos furnace appeared out of thin air beside him, frantically devouring the surrounding magic energy, transforming it into chaotic true essence, supplementing the consumption of the body.

Almost every minute and every second, the breath on his body was rising.

Because these middle and low-level monsters have no psychic wisdom at all, they are like zombies, and they bite when they see people. Therefore, even if Ye Tianqi breathed out, the Nascent Soul-level combat power in his body was surging, UU Reading these monsters were not afraid, and rushed forward.


A head covered with black scales, with a hideous face and fangs. The innate peak monster rushed like a **** evil spirit. He raised the bronze sword in his hand. Before he could cut it out, he was blown out by Ye Tian. Skull.

Next, Ye Tian twisted his neck and made a starting movement.

After taking a deep breath, he slammed his right foot on the ground. When the ground burst, he was already like a golden meteor, slamming into the thousands of monsters in the lane in front of him.

As if an ancient chariot was rolling over, where Ye Tian passed by, there was a constant blast, and a head of monster was hit by him, breaking bones and breaking into pieces, and torn apart.

He rushed out for more than ten miles in one breath. He didn't know how many monsters had been killed. There was blood in the alleyway, full of stumps and broken arms, like a Shura field.

Here came the end of the alleyway, a large empty space suddenly appeared in front of Ye Tian, ​​like an underground hall, with a radius of one hundred thousand meters, almost impossible to see the end at a glance, the devilish energy is overwhelming, and densely packed with monsters. , There are too many to count, clearly a small world of demons.

In the center of the empty hall, there is a magic well, constantly devouring magic energy, and from time to time, there will be light gushing out, blending into the dome above, and disappearing.

The demon monster seemed to be very jealous of this well, and did not dare to approach it with a radius of ten feet.

The primordial infant of Lao Tianjun, the sacred land of the purple night, stood on the edge of this magic well and looked inside from time to time.

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