Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2184: War group demon

This is an empty "underwater world", with countless monsters, a small world in the demon realm.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the Nine Phoenix Goddess suppressed demons and exiled the most sinful human power, golden core, and even Yuan Ying.

Up to now, the power of the human race has all fallen, but the demon race has reproduced tenaciously, and the number is tens of millions, which is uncountable, even assimilating this enclosed small world into a demon domain.

Ordinary monks can't adapt at all when they come here, and they will be killed if they take a breath of devilish energy.

The monster that Ye Tian encountered in the lane just now was only for pediatrics, and the truly powerful monster was here.

When Ye Tian appeared here, a pair of scarlet eyes were like light bulbs, looking neatly, all of them showed greed and bloodthirsty.

The Yuan Ying of Lao Tianjun, the sacred land of the purple night, has arrived here, standing beside a well in the middle of the hall.

There was a striking sword mark on the Yuan Ying, and light and rain continued to fly out of the wound.

That is the essence of divine nature in Yuan Ying, the source of divine power.

Yuan Ying is not like a physical body, has no blood, and is a gathering of pure divine essence.

There is the power of time in that sword mark, which is constantly stripping away the essence of the soul of the Lord of the Purple Night Holy Land, allowing him to do his best, but he can't get rid of this power.


He took out a few drops of the best dragon marrow, swallowed it in one breath, and suddenly illuminated his whole body, rippling with a sacred breath. The power of time at that sword mark was finally suppressed a bit, and the rate of loss of the divine essence slowed down.

That well is weird, it can devour demon energy, making the demon clan fearful, and dare not approach it at all.

The Lord of the Purple Night Holy Land looked suspiciously at the well.

Boom boom boom!

Just like zombies besieging a city, I don't know how many monsters surrounded Ye Tian, ​​opening their blood basins one by one, wishing to eat his flesh and blood.

The corners of Ye Tian's eyes twitched a few times. It was the first time that such a large-scale monster had encountered it since his rebirth.

However, even the primordial infant of the Purple Night Holy Land Lao Tianjun could rush to the well, and Ye Tian was naturally fearless and would definitely be able to pass.

This is not a real Demon Realm. Although it was infected by Demon Qi, the law of Demon Realm was not born. Therefore, Ye Tian came here without suppression. On the contrary, Demon Qi can be absorbed and refined by him, as if he were in a sea of ​​spiritual energy. .

Because there is no law of the Demon Territory, it is difficult for the monsters to grow strong. The golden core is already at the limit, and Ye Tian hasn't seen any of the Great Demon Nascent Soul anyway.

The real demons in the universe are the most feared. They grow in the real demons, where the laws are very different. Human races will be suppressed when they enter, but they will not be suppressed when they come to the human world. Therefore, this naturally militant group, as long as there is a chance, it is like invading the human race.

Boom boom boom!

Ye Tian looks like a humanoid tyrannosaurus, capable of killing, two golden fists like two sledgehammers, smashing indiscriminately among the monsters.

There was a constant blast, and a head of monster was blasted to the bones and muscles, and the brains were cracked.

It is useless to be as strong as the golden core demon, and he can blow it up with a single punch.

When he got excited, his mind moved, his legs turned into a pair of blade feet, like two rotating flying knives, soaring into the air, a three thousand six hundred degrees windmill spinning, a pair of blade feet turned into a rotating blade storm, one Hundreds of monsters were twisted into pieces in a tone.

"Human race, you **** it!"

Suddenly, a six-armed snake demon who could only make a human voice rushed over, flapping a pair of ugly wings, and spit out a scarlet venom that was as hot as magma, pouring it against Ye Tian like a pouring rain.


Ye Tian blasted out with a punch, the wind of the fist was powerful, and the scarlet venom that was pouring down like a heavy rain was blown back.

Then a golden fist mark was like a cannonball out of the chamber, the six-armed snake demon exploded in the void and shattered into a cloud of blood.


There was a roar like a chariot, and an eight-armed bull demon with twisted muscles rushed towards him, with a disgusting stench. Its four-hooves treaded on the ground, comparable to the physical body of a main battle tank facing Ye Tian. Hit hard.

Ye Tian didn't evade and ran into it directly.

There was a loud bang, and the eight-armed bull demon was knocked into a mass of minced meat, and Ye Tian was not at all serious.

Finally, he evoked a five-element chaotic thunder to wash the ground, and suddenly killed tens of thousands of monsters.

Finally, these monsters are honest, the bloodthirsty in their eyes is no longer, and they are replaced by deep jealousy.

Ye Tian swaggered and walked towards the well in the middle of the hall step by step.

Wherever he passed, endless monsters stepped aside.

Lao Tianjun, the sacred place of the purple night, stood by the well, covered with dazzling brilliance, and a kind of majestic aura permeated.

"Junior, do you really want to kill me? You should have seen it on the way here. There are several Yuan Ying trapped here alone. These are the great evils of the human race that were exiled by the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Women eternally ago. I have only seen the description in the oldest classics. I thought it was a legend, but I couldn’t think of it. Without my help, you would never want to leave here. Help me get rid of the power of time in my wounds and cooperate with me. , Is the only way for you to leave here." The Lord of the Purple Night Holy Land stared at Ye Tian, ​​his icy eyes a touch of arrogance. He thought that Ye Tian wanted him and wouldn't do anything to him.

Ye Tian carried his hands on his back and walked step by step, UU reading www. With a disdainful sneer at the corner of's mouth, he said lightly: "How do I get out of here? It's not your turn to worry."

Wherever he went, the demons stepped aside, as if facing a demon god, fear to the extreme.

Lao Tianjun, the sacred land of the purple night, looked stiff. He didn't expect that Ye Tian would still be stiff when he died. He didn't sell his face at all, and he didn't mean to ask for cooperation with him.

"Huh!" With a cold snort, the Lord of the Purple Night Holy Land gleamed with cold eyes, and said: "Do you think you can really kill Ben Tian? Ben Tian just doesn't want to die with you. If you really fight together, Regardless of the consequences, you may not be able to win. The sword that contains the power of time just now consumes a lot of your energy, right? I don't believe you can make a second sword!"

After speaking, he took out another holy medicine and swallowed it in one mouthful. The aura of his body continued to rise, his complexion was ruddy, as if he had grown flesh and blood.

The sword mark on his body is also gradually disappearing, it seems that the power of time has been disintegrated.

This was more than that, after a holy medicine was refined, three holy great pills were immediately taken out.

The violent medicinal power exploded in his body, and the whole person seemed to be burning up.

"Are you full? If you are full, I will send you on the road." Ye Tian half-squinted his eyes and said lightly.

The Lord of the Purple Night Holy Land has a canthus, holding the 33-story Purple Gold Pagoda, he slams and kills Ye Tian.

Ye Tian smiled coldly and slashed out.

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