Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2208: 1-way horizontal push

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At this moment, the power of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array and the body of the Lin Family Patriarch became one, and the whole person suddenly expanded several times, reaching a height of three or four feet, like a giant, the combat power has risen to the extreme, and there is shaking in every move. The power of heaven and earth.

Bloodstains appeared on his body surface, shocking, feeling that his whole person might explode at any time.

With the body of the golden core, he forcibly contained the strength of the Nascent Soul level, which had already surpassed the limit of his body and was extremely dangerous.

But he didn't care, as long as he could kill Ye Tian, ​​he would sacrifice his life.


With a loud noise, the ring of stars was stirred up, emitting a divine light, and directly blasted Ye Tian.

Suddenly, a vast galaxy rushed out, and countless big stars in it were turning, crushing the sky over Ye Tian.


Ye Tian explained his own strength with practical actions. With a punch, all directions were shaken, and the universe galaxy seemed to resonate and tremble, and he beat the mighty Xinghui back with one punch.

The Patriarch and Star Ring of the Xingchen Lin Family also flew out, disappearing at the end of the horizon.


All members of the Xingchen Lin family were desperate.

I'm not an opponent even after using my utmost strength, how can I fight this?

Ye Tian walked forward step by step and didn't make any further moves, but all the experts in the Star Lin Family retreated, and some even collapsed directly to the ground, as if facing a true god.


Suddenly, a faint fluctuation came from the high sky in the distance, a teleportation formation was opened, and someone wanted to cross the void and escape.


Ye Tian reached out with a big hand, grabbed it far away, and a piece of void shattered. The three figures that had just rushed into the void channel fell out of it, and only had time to let out a scream, and their body and spirit were destroyed.

These are the three heavenly favored sons of the Xingchen Lin Family. When they grow up, they will be the future hope of the Xingchen Lin Family. The purpose of teleporting them away is to prevent accidents, but they all died.

"Since I take action, I will never give up if I don't ask for justice." Ye Tian said, stepping in the ancient city, forcing the stars of the Lin Family to retreat again and again.

His voice is very soft, and there is not much emotional fluctuation, but it gives people a kind of heavy pressure.

Plop, plop!

Where Ye Tian passed, people kept kneeling on the ground, shocked by a supreme aura, it was difficult to move.

Even the Jindan Brothers were terrified, his heart thumped and thumped wildly, and he didn't dare to resist any more. The coming people were enough to destroy their clan ten times a hundred times.

However, Ye Tian took a shot against them, this time he only targeted the seniors of the Star Lin Family, and would not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

"This is the treasure pavilion of my Starlin Family, what do you want to do? Ye Devil, don't go too far." An old Jindan clan shouted, because Ye Tian came to the Wanxing Pavilion, the center of the Starlin Family.


Ye Tian shot it out with a palm, and the talkative clan elder fell apart and died tragically on the spot.

The rest are silent, where can they dare to speak more?

"Uncle, there are so many good things here."

The little Xuanhuang looked like a little fox, his eyes gleaming, and even his eyebrows bloomed with joy.

The basement of Wanxing Pavilion is the treasure house of Xingchen Lin Family.

Little Xuanhuang’s Nine Phoenix Ding is a space magic weapon that can accommodate mountains and rivers and the earth.

Little Xuanhuang was also ruthless enough to move half of the huge treasure house.

If it wasn't for Princess Seventeen to tell him not to be too greedy, he would have to empty the entire treasure house.

He held a few stubborn stones in his hand, about the size of an egg, exuding soft stars, filled with a powerful wave of divine power, and more innate Dao patterns imprinted on it.

"Is this, the star stone?" Ye Tian was surprised, he could not think that the star Lin family could refine the star stone.

You know, it is extremely difficult for Xinghui to condense into the Milky Way Divine Sand, and it is even more difficult to condense into the Star Stone.

The star stone can be used to refine magic weapons, as long as it can be refined, at least it is also a holy item, and it can also be used as a cultivation resource for refining.

These egg-sized star stones are definitely the treasures of the Star Lin family, and it is unexpected that they were turned over by the little Xuan Phoenix.

When the three of them walked out of the Wanxing Pavilion and saw Little Xuanhuang holding a few star stones in his hand, the people of the Star Lin family turned green as expected.

The Patriarch of the Xingchen Lin Family was punched to the horizon by Ye Tian just now, and now he has returned, with a blue nose and a swollen face, bowing down and worshipping outside the Wanxing Pavilion reverently. Even though he was reluctant, he had to lower his noble head.

"Ye Tianjun is here, it is my Xingchen Lin Family who was wrong, and I hope you can spare us a life." The Patriarch of the Xingchen Lin Family said.

The other clan elders and high-level people all kowtow, begging Ye Tian for forgiveness.

The lesson that should be given has been given, and the prestige that should be given has also been established, and Ye Tian will naturally let go of the blame.

However, he also put forward a condition to the Lin Family of Stars, asking the Lin Family to set up at least one thousand goddess temples and 10,000 goddess statues within ten years, and the goddess of the nine phoenixes should be the **** of faith.

Although this condition is a bit harsh, the Lin Family Patriarch finally agreed.

"Let's go, let's go to the next battle."

Everything was settled, Ye Tian left, and with the help of Xingchen Lin's teleportation platform, he went to the second stop, the Purple Night Holy Land.

Only two hours later, Zixiao Holy Land became soft and bowed to Ye Tian's feet.

In order to make up for the fault of the sect, Zixiao Holy Land was also bleeding heavily and compensated many treasures of heaven and earth.

Two more hours later, the Dragon King Palace became soft.

However, this sect was also reckless. He didn't know that the sky was high and the earth was thick. Before he became soft, he had a fight with Ye Tian. The ten elders died, and even the palace lord was killed by the town. The sect's supreme artifact, the picture of mountains and rivers, was also torn by Ye Tian. The treasure house of the sect was even emptied by the little Xuan Phoenix.

In short, although the gate of this sect is still there, it exists in name only. In this world of the weak and the strong, it will be swallowed soon.

Next, every one or two hours, Ye Tian would patronize a sect and suppress it with thunderous means until he surrendered.

In addition to asking the other party to make huge compensations, Ye Tian also asked them to erect a temple statue for the Nine Phoenix Goddess and regard the Nine Phoenix Goddess as the **** of faith.

You know, UU reading these forces are the top forces on the ancient star of Penglai, and there will be a bunch of younger brothers behind them. They believe in the Nine Phoenix Goddess, and the younger brothers behind them will be affected over time and believe in the Nine Phoenix Goddess.

In this way, within a few years, the believers of the Nine Phoenix Goddess will exceed one billion, and it will not be difficult for them to reach several billion in the future.

Ye Tianneng thinks about the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Girl, this makes the descendant of the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Girl, the little Xuanhuang, very moved, one uncle at a mouthful, kisses more than his dear ones.

Princess Seventeen was like a little fan, and she also admired Ye Tian.

However, she was sad, and she also saw that the distance between herself and Ye Tian was from two different worlds.

Contrary to Little Xuanhuang and Princess Seventeen, Ye Tian's mood was particularly heavy.

Every time he swept across an ancient place, he would search for the clues of the starry sky teleportation platform and read the oldest classics of various clans and races. However, nothing was achieved.

If there is no record of the Starry Sky Teleportation Array in these days, the possibility of exploration in other places would be even slimmer.

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