Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2209: Princess hug

At the last stop, Ye Tian left it to the Peacock tribe, and the famous clan with the highest hatred index.

When he descended on the ancient star of Penglai, the first sect to provoke was the Peacock clan. From then on, he was regarded as a thorn in the eye by this big clan.

When the cultivation base was weak, Ye Tian could only admit to planting and hide around. Now that he became stronger, he would naturally go to the Peacock Sect to seek justice and return with a little interest.

Up to now, his deeds of crusade against many famous sects have already been published in Gu Xing, and he couldn't hide it at all, causing a big wave.

"Is the Ye Mowang so strong?"

"Tianjun aristocratic family must not be insulted. They all have a solid foundation. Be careful not to go back."

"The latest news is that the Star Lin Family, the Purple Night Holy Land, the Dragon King Palace... have been pushed horizontally, and the gate of the mountain has been punctured, all bleeding heavily."

"Let me go, is the Ye Devil really going to sweep the rhythm of the ancient star? Too desolate, right?"

When the news came out one by one, the entire Guxing creatures were all moved.

Those are all Heavenly Monarchs, and this ancient star has stood proudly for thousands of years, or tens of thousands of years. It is considered an immortal myth, but now it has been stepped through the gates one by one, which is almost like a fairy tale.

People in the world don't dare to imagine that this kind of thing will happen one day if they want to break their heads.

Those sects or big clans that have a lot to do with these major forces, all put aside their relationship for the first time, lest they be brought together and encounter bad hands.

When they heard that Ye Tian had swept through several major sects, they made the same condition and set up a temple statue for the Nine Phoenix Goddess, and regarded the Nine Phoenix Goddess as the **** of faith. They did the same as they knew it, erecting a statue for the Nine Phoenix Goddess, and took the initiative to show their favor to Ye Tian.

Because they can already predict that Ye Tian is dominating this ancient star, not far from becoming the lord of the ancient star, and will become the supreme existence of the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Lady before the eternal age.

Facing the Lord of Ancient Stars, who would dare to make a mistake?

Now, the temples and statues of the Nine Phoenix Goddess are springing up on the land of the ancient star of Penglai.

Since the sect of the last crusade did not have a teleportation formation, Ye Tian and the others could only measure it step by step in the next stop of the Peacock clan ancestral land.

Anyway, he was not as good as he was, and he walked all the way, just as he could see the great rivers and mountains of Penglai Ancient Star.

On one day of the itinerary, three people have a nap on an island.

The island is huge, with a radius of hundreds of miles, but there are only some wild creatures and no human footprints.

Ye Tian is going to rest here for one night, and then leave tomorrow.

He can still hold on, mainly because the Little Xuan Phoenix and Princess Seventeen are a little tired.

On a cliff, Ye Tian opened up three caves, one for each of the three, and they meditated and rested inside.

"Uncle, what kind of world do you think is on the other side of the starry sky? Is it possible to prove Taoism there?"

Little Xuanhuang came to Ye Tian's cave and chatted with Ye Tian.

He was very fascinated by the world on the other side of the starry sky.

His ancestor, the Nine Phoenix Goddess, tried hard to open an ancient road to the other end of the starry sky, but in the end she couldn't make it.

"What is the **** of transformation? With your talent, it will not be difficult for you to return to the emptiness in the future. You are still young. Don't go too far, first salvage the basics and strive to prove the eighth or ninth level of Taoism. As for the road of heaven, there will always be One day will continue." Ye Tian said seriously.

With Little Xuanhuang's talent, it is indeed a pity on the ancient star of Penglai, if you practice in that kind of environment where the great road can be expected, the future is boundless.

Ye Tian couldn't help thinking of Xiao Yue'er, the True Phoenix bloodline, and the physique similar to the Little Xuan Phoenix. Once he emerged, on the earth, it was a jewel covered in dust.

Ye Tian secretly vowed in his heart that one day he would open a way for them.

Although the road ahead is broken, there must be a way before the car reaches the mountain, and there will always be a way.

"Then uncle, which product are you proving?"

"Uncle, you can think of it as a super product."

"Then I also want to prove Dao Super Grade." Little Xuanhuang said loudly, clenching his small fists with both hands.

"Okay, go back and rest. Uncle believes in you." Ye Tian touched the round head of Little Xuanhuang, and there was an old father's kindness in his eyes.

Little Xuanhuang quickly got up, returned to his cave, and went to practice hard.

From the hands of several top sects, he has robbed a lot of good things, and the huge amount of heaven and earth treasures are enough for him to cultivate to the Nascent Soul.

You know, those famous families that have been handed down for thousands of years, every household is piled up with a mountain of gold and silver, a real rich and foe country.

Of course, with so many cultivation resources, Little Xuan Phoenix would not be able to swallow it alone. He would leave the bulk of his head to his uncle Ye Tian, ​​and only a small part of his cultivation would be enough.

He knew that his uncle would need a huge amount of resources to break through Yuan Ying next.

The moon shines like water, pouring down.

The island is faint and hazy, peaceful and quiet.

Among the three cave houses, the little Xuan Phoenix had fallen asleep, and there was a symmetrical breathing sound from the cave houses. Ye Tian was still meditating, a cloud of haze enveloped his whole body, which was a thick mist of spiritual energy.

Not far from the cliff, there is a small lake, the lake is as clear as jasper, and the fish and shrimps on the bottom of the lake are clearly visible.

The seventeen princesses bathed in it, and against the backdrop of Yuehua, their skin was white and crystal clear, with thick hair draped over their shoulders, like a fairy.

As soon as she raised her hand and grabbed it from a distance, among the flowers by the lake, petals flew, and the fragrance of the flowers fell on the lake, surrounding her.

After a while, she got up, her graceful body, white and beautiful like ivory, indescribably crystal clear, beautiful eyes radiant, and a deceptive style.

She took a new dress from the Qiankun ring and draped it on her body.

The clothes were very light and thin, and draped on her body. They couldn't hide her exquisite body at all. On the contrary, she wanted to cover up and add to her all kinds of amorous feelings.


After taking a few deep breaths, she mustered up the courage, moved the lotus step lightly, exhaled like a orchid, and walked into Ye Tian's cave house step by step.

Her face is already like a red apple, and UU reading is even more charming.

"It's so late, what's the matter with you here?" Ye Tian asked, his eyes still tightly closed.

"I, I, can't I come to you for a chat?" Princess Seventeen had a trace of anger, and a trace of tension, and her heartbeat accelerated.

I think she has always been passive when it comes to love. For the first time in her life, she was so active, and she was really uncomfortable.

"Can't you see that I'm cultivating? Let's talk about something tomorrow." Ye Tian said, still in a calm tone.

"Wooden melon seeds!" Princess Seventeen whispered, then walked lightly, step by step, and went straight to Ye Tian's side.

The jade is warm and fragrant, and the breath is like orchids.

Just when the seventeenth princess touched Ye Tian's shoulder with one hand, Ye Tian finally couldn't help but opened his eyes, his eyes lit up the whole cave like two bolts of lightning, saying: "You want What are you doing?"

When he saw the dress of the seventeenth princess, he almost didn't spray a nosebleed.

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