Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2351: it's not over yet


"Little beast, do you dare to kill the Dragon Tooth God General?"

"Kill kill kill, fight with him."

"Don't be afraid, everyone, he is already at the end of the force, and the grasshopper in the autumn will not be around for a long time. Let's all hit the strongest blow together and will definitely kill him."

"My emperor is already on his way and will be there soon."


The powerhouses of the Daxi Upper Realm roared, all armed to the teeth, and with the help of war weapons to increase their combat power, each hit a peak blow.

Boom boom boom!

Countless attacks are overwhelming, there are energy cannonballs, there are runes to destroy the divine light, technology and the avenues complement each other, compiling a soul burial song of hell, as if the world is destroying, the world is full of anxiety, chaos and confusion.


Ye Tian stepped down with one foot, and directly stepped on a bottomless giant pit under his feet, and countless large cracks spread to the end of the horizon.

The Dragon Tooth God General was considering whether to self-destruct Nascent Soul and La Ye Tian to be buried with him, but he did not expect that Ye Tian had already stomped on his dead foot and trampled one of his Nascent Soul, together with his soul, to shreds.

After stepping on the dragon tooth **** with one foot, Ye Tian raised his head slightly, and saw that the attack from the sky was about to come.

After the sky-filled attack, there were countless figures of the Daxi Upper Realm powerhouses, as well as densely packed steel battleships.

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This is almost all the power that the Daxi Upper Realm can mobilize. Ye Tian must be killed. If he fails, he will become a benevolent.

However, Ye Tian's eyes didn't linger on these beings, and he swept away and placed it on the rapidly shrinking Lei Hai.

In just a split second, Lei Hai, which was thousands of miles in radius, shrank to thousands of miles in radius, and it was still shrinking at an extremely fast speed.

In the eyes of anyone, this thunder tribulation is already at the end of the force and is about to end.

However, for some unknown reason, Ye Tian had a great fear in his heart. It was as if in the rapidly shrinking sea of ​​thunder, there was an invincible being at least comparable to a god, and he wanted to attack him.

When I crossed the Thunder Tribulation just now, I never had this feeling at all.

Under the pressure of this breath, Ye Tian's body trembled, and a voice sounded from the depths of his heart. He restrained his breath, and stood up.

Ye Tian knew that as long as he did this, the sense of oppression would weaken and eventually disappear. Thunder Tribulation will also truly come to an end.

However, he didn't do this, but his eyes blazingly opened up his whole body, his will was like a mountain, as if he wanted to compete with the gods of heaven and fight all over the nine heavens and ten places.

In the eyes of countless people, one after another dazzling divine light bloomed from him, splendid like clouds. His whole person was bathed in the gorgeous clouds, like the Nine Heavens Immortal King descending into the mortal world, full of the eternal and immortal aura of Great Perfection.

Inside his body, deep in his dantian, a Nascent Soul was shining brightly, and the dazzling clouds shrouded outside the body came from this Nascent Soul.

At this moment, Ye Tian had no scruples, and unleashed Yuan Ying's power to the extreme.

At this time, the attacks that destroyed the heavens and the earth from countless upper realm powerhouses also reached the top of his head, so close at hand, that the void around his body was shattered.

However, there was no sadness or joy in his eyes, he just stepped forward and whispered: "Imprisonment!"


In a short time, the space of hundreds of miles around, the moment he spat out those two words, it solidified into a single piece of iron.

Not only were countless great figures in the upper realm and the steel battleship they rode held in place out of thin air, like mosquitoes in amber, they even swept over Ye Tian's head and shattered the destructive attack that shattered the void. Ripple fluctuations like transparent water waves.


"how come?"

"Forbidden the sky and the law, this is the ability of the Yuanying cultivator to make a law. However, how could he imprison such a vast space at once? Imprisoned so many strong people in my Daxi Upper Realm? You know, these strong Many of them also have the cultivation of Nascent Soul."

"Shen Ying, I know, he must have successfully vindicated the divine infant. The divine infant masters the divine rules and can suppress the Nascent Soul under him."

"He really succeeded?"


The countless creatures of the Great Western Star were stunned, and they could not have imagined that Ye Tian's methods were so defiant.

Both are Nascent Souls, the Divine Infant surpasses the Holy Infant by an unknown number of levels, and in front of ordinary Nascent Souls, it is like a god.

As soon as the baby is born, the laws of heaven and earth must be surrendered, and many attacks will be ineffective against him.


Ye Tian held the Ziying sword and slashed out fiercely.

Suddenly, a long river of dazzling sword energy hangs, roaring in the sky, like a nine-day galaxy sinking, pulling out a long tail of light in the void, across the sky, like a dream bubble, breaking the top of the head. The waves of energy rushed through the steel fleet and finally plunged into the sea of ​​thunder.

This sword was cut out, and coupled with the condensation of a hundred miles of space, Ye Tiantong's light was dimmed a little, and he was slightly exhausted and out of breath.

Many of the big figures and soldiers in the upper realm haven't reacted yet. What's going on? Many figures were torn apart by the sword energy and turned into clouds of blood.

This sword alone caused hundreds of upper realm powerhouses and hundreds of battleships to fall into the sky, a blow like a dimensional drop.

However, with Ye Tian's power, it is impossible to imprison Baili Space and countless upper realm powerhouses for a long time, as well as their attacks.

In just a few snaps, the imprisoning force disappeared, and the space resumed its flow again.

Some of the remaining powerhouses in the upper realm, some timid and fled, but more of them were dead men, and they continued to fight for Ye Tian as if they were at home.

Not only did Ye Tian's aura weaken, but the light also dimmed a lot, which made some strong men in Daxi see hope. Ye Tian must have used all his strength to strike this sword. It is impossible to strike a second sword. Is the end of the crossbow.

It is the so-called taking advantage of his illness to kill him, the opportunity must not be lost, and it will never come again.

Boom boom boom!

The sea-boiling attack came again.


But at this moment, above everyone's heads, in the sky, suddenly there was a sound of dragon roar that shook the nine days.

That sea of ​​thunder shook, like a sleeping dragon awakening, roaring in the mountains and forests, and countless thick thunder and lightning smashed down.

In just a few snaps, the sky and the earth changed colors, the sky and the ground were submerged by the sea of ​​thunder again, and the dazzling light seemed to illuminate eternity.

Immediately afterwards, under the shocked gazes of countless people, a giant dragon really rushed out from the sea of ​​​​lei.

This giant dragon is too real, every scale is fully revealed, and even the dragon beard is real. For a time, no one could tell whether it was the real shape formed by the law, or a real dragon came into the world. Infinite horror.


The sky-reaching sword energy that Ye Tian cut out was smashed into the void by the giant dragon with a light sweep of its tail. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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