Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2352: Immortal Infant Thunder Tribulation

It was like a fantasy, the Lei Hai that was about to disappear actually reappeared, and it was even more terrifying than before. The fighters, and thousands of steel battleships, battle castles, war shuttles, and other war killers were also swallowed up by the thunder sea in an instant.

The savage ancient forest that had sunk into an abyss was once again enveloped by the sea of ​​thunder, and there were blazing extinction thunder lights everywhere.

There was no need for Ye Tian to take action at all. Under the terrifying thunderbolt, these scheming people were wiped out by themselves.

"Ah ah ah..."

Heart-piercing screams came from all directions, but were drowned out by the thunder, and people were constantly robbed and permanently removed from the world.

"Made, the little beast of Middle-earth, I fought with you."

"It's too cruel, I don't want to die!"

"I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost."

This piece of heaven and earth boiled, and it became a hell-like killing field of Shura.

All the creatures of the Great Western Star were angry. He never thought that Ye Tian could even come up with such a ruthless move. His heart was even darker than a black hole. It was nothing.

You must know that almost all the strong men of the Great Western Star, the most capable of fighting the army, have almost come out of their nests. If they are buried in the sea of ​​thunder, the Great Western Star will have nothing left, and become a tiger who has pulled out its claws and is slaughtered by others. .

But seeing that Ye Tian was also confused, he had a premonition that the thunder calamity was not over, but he didn't expect that his sword would strike out such a terrifying thunder calamity, and even he was surprised.


Thousands of zhang thunderstorms landed, and the sky was connected to the sky, and every inch of space was a thunderstorm, which was terrifying to the extreme.

In this terrifying sea of ​​thunder, a huge blue dragon rushed out, pressing down on Ye Tian like an endless mountain.


A roar of dragons spread throughout the stars.

It was a true thunder dragon transformed by the law of thunder. Ye Tian could be sure that the breath that was revealed was close to the power of the gods, making Ye Tian's rock-solid Taoism a little unstable.

Even Ye Tian was like this, not to mention the upper realm powerhouses who were trapped in the Thunder Sea. Under the pressure of Thunder Dragon, they fell from the sky like dumplings. This is a kind of suppression from the blood level, or the law level.

The steel battleship cluster was also shattered with a destructive force, shattered into countless pieces, and finally shattered by thunder and turned into powder.

"What kind of thunder tribulation is this? Why is it so terrifying?"

"Not only did the twelve kinds of source divine thunders be inspired, but even the true form of thunder calamity has come. Is this grandson going to prove Taoism and transform into a god?"

"It is the Nascent Infant Heavenly Tribulation, but it is not an ordinary Nascent Infant Heavenly Tribulation. It clearly exceeds the level of the divine infant."

"What? Beyond the Divine Infant's Thunder Tribulation? Is there a more powerful Nascent Soul level above the Divine Infant?"

"Xian Ying, the Yuan Ying of the fairy world, can only exist in myths and legends, and it is said that it can only appear once in millions of years. I didn't expect that I would meet one, although I have no regrets."

"My God, Xian Ying. In myths and legends, it's not a god, but a god. If he really makes it through, will I still have a way to live?"

"Come out, you will have to pay it back sooner or later. God is pitiful, I hope I can survive this catastrophe."

When he knew that Ye Tian had attracted the Immortal Infant Thunder Tribulation at this moment, the whole of Daxi was not calm, and a wave of death was overwhelming everyone's hearts.

"Fight!" Ye Tian clenched his fists and said loudly.

Although frightened, he will never back down.

In this terrifying thunder calamity, there is destruction as well as vitality.

To a certain extent, Ye Tian believes that this is the Immortal Infant Thunder Tribulation!

The Nascent Soul in his body has turned into a Divine Infant.

Generally speaking, once the Nascent Soul has survived the thunder tribulation, the level will be fixed and it will be difficult to improve it. This is the same as Jindan.

Now, at this moment, a Nascent Soul in Ye Tian's body has been transformed into a Divine Infant by 99%, only the last 1% of the breakthrough is needed to give Ye Tian a breakthrough and a magnificent transformation for the Divine Infant.

The strong men of Daxi's Gedai were directly ignored by Ye Tian, ​​and Lei Jie could harvest them, and they were lucky to survive. Two flaming divine lights shot out from his pupils, and the whole body was brilliantly golden, and the whole person shot up to the sky, facing off against the Azure Dragon's True Form Thunder Tribulation.

The Qinglong **** form, which is almost at the level of a god, is almost impossible to defeat.

However, Ye Tian had already initially demonstrated the divine infant, and his combat power was many times stronger than when he fought against the Great Western Ancient Emperor. Facing the Qinglong divine form, it was not impossible for him to win.

Boom boom boom!

The sea of ​​thunder was boundless, and Ye Tian opened his mouth to **** the infinite robbery, and a vacuum area with a radius of 10,000 square meters appeared, and then all the absorbed thunder appeared on his right fist, turning into divine energy that shocked the world.

Everyone who saw this scene took a deep breath. How powerful is this body?

Ye Tian's body emits boundless thunder, like a real god.

In the blazing thunder, Ye Tian's right fist smashed out, and at a distance of thousands of meters, he slammed the giant claw that was shot down by the Qinglong God.

Qinglong is like an endless mountain range that stretches across the sky, with a giant claw covering the sky for dozens of miles, and it is like a piece of sky falling down. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Those who were unfortunate enough to be shrouded under the blue claws, the big men of the upper realm, were only shocked by the Qi machine, and their fleshly bodies were all disintegrated. Even if it is as strong as Nascent Soul, it can only lie on the ground like a dog, unable to move a finger, only to feel that the end of the world is coming.

The true form of Thunder Dragon at the level of God Transformation, how can it be easy?

Ye Tian's ability to punch hard is enough to see his strength.


In the shocking collision, Ye Tian shot down from the sky and smashed into the ground, penetrating thousands of feet into the ground.

The power of the cyan Thunder Dragon was beyond Ye Tian's imagination.

Even though he had initially demonstrated the divine infant, his mana within his body was like a mountain like a sea, and the Zijin divine body was small, he was hanged and beaten in the first fight, vulnerable to a single blow.

However, only a few scales of Qinglong were broken, the laws of thunder were intertwined, and new scales were condensed between the fingers.

When Ye Tian crossed the Golden Core Tribulation, he also descended the Thunder Tribulation of True Form, and four divine beasts appeared. At this moment, the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation descended a green dragon divine form, which was even more terrifying than the four true-shaped thunder beasts combined during the Golden Core Tribulation.

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Ye Tian did not endure the thunder tribulation in the true form of the golden core. After only holding on for a while, the thunder tribulation disappeared.

Now that the Nascent Soul's True Form Thunder Tribulation is the same as the Golden Core Thunder Tribulation, it's good to only persist for a while, Ye Tian has no idea. Because Immortal Infant is rare, and the difficulty is comparable to that of Proving Dao Transcending Tribulation Immortal Venerable. Ye Tian has no precedent for reference.

"Is it difficult to defeat? I don't believe it, come again!"

Ye Tian was unafraid and rushed back to the sky again. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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