Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2371: enter the mansion

"Where did the wild boy come from, he also wants to participate in the birthday banquet of the ancestor of the demon town, to eat and drink, I don't know what it is."

Beside, someone snickered and pointed.

"Yeah, yeah, I think I'm a heir of a thousand-year-old family, and I don't have the right to enter with a gift of priceless value. If you can enter, it will be hard for you to enter." Another elegant boy said, his face was ugly, because it was a long way. Came here with full sincerity, but was ignored and closed.

As for Ye Tian, ​​he looked ordinary, his hands were empty, and he was carrying a little girl by his side. No matter from which point of view, he was not qualified to enter.

Everyone thought that after Ye Tian was rejected, he would leave obediently, but in the end, he still stood cheeky.

At the door of the mansion, there are two great masters of Nascent Soul guarding the door, and there is an ancient formation like an enchantment under the door frame. It is completely impossible to break through.

However, the Demon Suppressing Ancestor also set a rule that if you can pass through the ancient enchantment formation under the door, you can enter regardless of your status, even without any gifts.

Because in the rivers and lakes, there are some great powers of loose cultivators who have no deep background, but only their own strength. This kind of existence is also very welcome by the ancestors of the demon town.

The ancient barrier formation under the door frame was laid by the Demon Suppressing Ancestor himself, and non-prime infants could not break it.

At the level of Nascent Soul, because of the great power of the world, the demon-suppressing ancestor did not want to offend.

Although the Demon Suppressing Ancestor is a Quanhua God, he has only reached the limit on the path of Nascent Soul. He is still a Nascent Soul in essence, so he will not ignore the Nascent Soul in the world.


Suddenly, an old man with disheveled hair appeared, like a ghost. He raised his hand with three palms, and each palm shook the ground. He directly shot a crack in the ancient barrier formation under the door, and people stepped in in one step.

"Three palms blasted away, really strong. Just now there was also a loose cultivator Nascent Soul, and even after blasting eighteen palms, it was enough to break through the barrier, and his face turned red."

There were exclamations from the crowd.

This disheveled old man is probably also a loose cultivator of Nascent Soul, who can break through the ancient formation under the door with three palms, and his cultivation base should be in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

"Is it still possible to do this?" Ye Tian's eyes flickered, he made up his mind, and then stepped out.

Seeing this, someone laughed and said, "Hey, boy, you go back and cultivate for another thousand years. After you have proved the Nascent Soul, come to the 14,000-year-old birthday banquet of the ancestor of the demon."

How can a group of ants see the depth of Ye Tian, ​​Ye Tian is too lazy to care.

Just this **** spirit formation, he could break it open with a sneeze, just like the old Nascent Soul slammed three palms in a row.

But just as Ye Tian walked under the door and was about to step in, a thunderous sound suddenly came: "Beijing Lord Star, the divine religion of the beginning, the goddess is here."

Accompanied by this sound, a gorgeous jade chariot descended from the sky. Immortal music burst forth, five-colored brilliance surged into the sky, and seven-colored divine light appeared, just like Ling Chen, a fairy in the fairyland.

The whole body of the jade chariot is made of an extremely rare divine jade, which contains the congenital avenue pattern, and then Tianjun draws countless rune formations, which is comparable to an avenue artifact, and it is difficult for ordinary Yuan Ying to break through.

In front of the chariot are eight dragon-drawn carriages, each of which is tall and mighty, with a body like a giant elephant, covered with golden scales, feet and hooves like dragon claws, and a head like a dragon head, which is extremely majestic.

This is a very pure dragon-scaled horse, and the characteristics of the dragon are more obvious, far from being comparable to the dragon-scaled horse that Ye Tian had seen in Kunxu before.

In the early days, the divine religion was one of the most powerful sects in Beichen's main star, and there was also the ancestor of the quasi-huashen under the sect, second only to the Beichen royal family who possessed the gods.

According to legend, the goddess of the gods of the early days, with peerless elegance, not only has a peerless appearance, but also ranks among the top ones in the Tianjiao list.

Therefore, as soon as the name of the goddess of Beichen's main star Absolute Beginning Sect was called out, countless pairs of eyes came over.

Even the two Nascent Souls guarding the gate of the mansion were very respectful, and with a wave of their hands, they withdrew the formation formation under the door and let the jade carriage of the goddess of the beginning pass through.

"What are you looking at, why don't you get out of the way? Dare to block the way I teach the goddess. Believe it or not, I will let the dragon-scaled horse trample you to death?" said a young man sitting on a dragon-scaled horse. Extraordinary, squinting coldly at Ye Tian.

In an instant, Ye Tiannu started from his heart. If Xiao Shuangshuang hadn't pulled him in time, it might have exploded.

"Junior Brother Qingfeng, don't be rude." A crisp and sweet female voice came out of the jade chariot. Just listening to this voice made people think about it, and would make up the image of a beautiful woman.

"Yes, Sister."

The chariot didn't stop, it rushed past the door and came to the mansion.

The ancient formation under the door frame was restored in an instant.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

The two Nascent Soul masters who were guarding the gate were also angry and scolded Ye Tian.

As soon as the words fell, the eyes of the two of them almost didn't come out, and they saw that Ye Tian turned a deaf ear to their words, and the ancient barrier formation under the door frame seemed to not exist.


"How can this be?"

"How did they get in?"

"The ancient formation barrier won't be broken, right?"


Not only was the two gatekeepers Nascent Soul stunned, but the crowd around were also stunned.

Even the Nascent Soul cultivator would have to spend a lot of effort to open the ancient formation barrier before entering. Unlike Ye Tian, ​​the barrier didn't seem to exist, and he stepped in directly.

However, saying that the ancient formation barrier does not exist, it is obvious that there are ripples under the door frame, humming and trembling.

"Isn't it possible to enter while the goddess of the beginning of time has just passed, and the ancient formation barrier has not yet closed?" Some onlookers made this guess and won the approval of many people.

But the two gatekeepers Nascent Soul didn't think so. They saw with their own eyes that the ancient formation barrier had healed.

"Nascent Soul Power? Peak Nascent Soul Power? Quasi-God?"

The more they thought about it, the more terrified they became.

At this time, Ye Tian and Xiao Shuangshuang had already arrived at the mansion.

The mansion of the demon-suppressing ancestor is like a fairy's cave, with continuous mountains and auspicious energy.

There are ten steps and one scene here, which is full of beauty, but there is no lack of grandeur. In the inconspicuous stone crevices, there are thousands of elixir growing, under the cliff rocks, there are unicorn beasts lying alone, and luan birds are flying in the sky.

No matter how you look at it, this place looks like a piece of divine soil, no worse than life and stars. No wonder the Demon Suppressing Family is willing to guard this place for generations.

There were already many people in the mansion, and it was very lively.

Between the beautiful mountains and rivers, one after another cloud pillars rise up from the sky, like a nine-day dragon playing in the water, extending thousands of feet from the ground, supporting a Sendai.

Above Sendai, the clouds cover the fog, and the colors are colorful. The top elites and powerful figures from the various sects and families in the Beichen Star Region are sitting in the audience and drinking toast. The Demon Suppressing Ancestor was also sitting on the main seat on Sendai.

Only a person with a high enough identity and a pivotal role in a life star can board this Sendai and have close contact with the ancestor of the demon.

More guests were assigned seats on the ground, and they were not even qualified to go to Sendai.

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