Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2372: Goddess in the beginning

"I'm going, how did you get in?"

Ye Tian had just entered the mansion of the ancestor of the demon town, when he was seen by the younger brother of the goddess of the beginning. He rode a tall dragon scale horse, turned around, his eyes were big and round, and asked in an incredible tone. road.

His name is Zhang Qingfeng, and he is also a true disciple in the Absolute Beginning Sect, and he cultivated an eighth-grade golden elixir.

When he was at the door just now, he asked Ye Tian and Xiao Shuangshuang to make way. Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, they also entered the mansion of the ancient demon slayer. He was very surprised and a little slapped in the face.

Ye Tian's aura has calmed down a lot, and Xiao Shuangshuang looks more like an ordinary person. If they are the true heirs of a super great sect, or the heirs of an immortal holy land, no one will believe them.

Moreover, he did not hear the sound of Ye Tian bombarding the ancient formation. Just like the loose cultivator Nascent Soul with disheveled hair just now, he could only break through the barrier after hitting the ground and shaking the mountain.

Also, after breaking the barrier, only one person can pass at a time.

In other words, even if Ye Tian broke through the ancient barrier formation, he could only come in by himself, and Xiao Shuangshuang couldn't get in.

Taken together, it is suspicious.

So, Zhang Qingfeng, the younger brother of the goddess in the beginning, slandered again: "I said, you two, wouldn't you follow the chariot and sneak in, right?"

"Don't spit, my brother and I came in with our real abilities. We didn't have a chariot following you." Xiao Shuangshuang said first to Ye Tian, ​​her cheeks bulging, and her milk was fierce.

"You came in with your true abilities? Hehe, do you have invitations? Take them out and let me see. Otherwise, don't blame this young master for reporting you, and you will be left without food."

"I, I, I..., we came in as soon as we walked." Xiao Shuangshuang insisted.

"I can't take out the invitation, how dare you say that you didn't follow the chariot in? Did you get out by yourself? Or do you wait for me to report you and let the people from the Zhenmo family throw you out?"

Zhang Qingfeng smiled and didn't smile, and he looked cheap.

"you you you…"

Xiao Shuangshuang blushed, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

Since the little girl was reborn, she has become a fish and a geese, closed flowers and shamed the moon, every edge and corner seems to be carefully crafted, without a single flaw, and her beauty is suffocating. The posture can be compared with the goddess and saintess of the Immortal Great Sect.

Zhang Qingfeng couldn't help licking his lips, and said in his heart: "What a pretty little girl, as ethereal as a fairy, with beautiful eyes, it's a pity not to be my sister's personal maid."

Then he said to the goddess of the early days in the jade carriage: "Senior sister, haven't you been looking for a perfect personal maid, but haven't been able to find it. I seem to have found one."

After he finished speaking, he immediately turned down from the dragon scale and walked over to Xiao Shuangshuang. With his hands behind his back, there was a strange evil light in his eyes. He completely ignored Ye Tian's existence and kept staring at Xiao Shuangshuang. , like a hungry tiger watching a prey.

"Little girl,..."

When he was close to Xiao Shuangshuang, he was about to speak, but was interrupted by Ye Tian's sharp shout.

"Go away! My sister Ye, is also something you can blaspheme?"

After a reprimand, Ye Tian took Xiao Shuangshuang and walked away.

Let Xiao Shuangshuang be a personal maid for the goddess of the beginning, and it is simply unknown.

Zhang Qingfeng's face immediately pulled down, a stern look flashed in his pupils, he took a step and stood in front of Ye Tian and Xiao Shuangshuang, and said, "Boy, do you know who you are talking to? Do you know how much honor it is to be my sister's personal maid? Do you know how many girls in this world are vying to be my sister's personal maid?"

"Others want to be, you go find someone else. I, Ye's sister, will never condescend to look down." Ye Tian shouted.

"Condescending to look down? It's really shameless. Boy, you're courting death! You don't even know who you're talking to. Let me introduce, I'm the main star of Beichen, the divine religion of the beginning..."

"I repeat, get out!"

Before Zhang Qingfeng could finish speaking, Ye Tian released a pressure.


As soon as this coercion came out, Zhang Qingfeng's body of the eighth-rank Jindan unexpectedly retreated uncontrollably, as if he had seen a bloodthirsty demon king, he felt fear from the bottom of his heart.

Deng Deng Deng!

Zhang Qingfeng took eight steps back and stopped when he hit the jade carriage.

"what happened?"

In the ethereal and pleasant voice, the curtains of the jade chariot were opened, and an enchanting figure came out.

At that moment, countless guests in the Ancestral Demon Mansion's mansion stared at them with wide-eyed eyes.

The goddess of the divine religion in the early days really lived up to her reputation, with peerless elegance.

Seeing her graceful and beautiful figure, wearing a beautiful five-color robe, the colorful brilliance is flowing, like a phoenix woven from the divine feathers, very dazzling.

Thick black hair dancing lightly, eyelashes fluttering lightly, eyes like black gems misty mist, red lips and teeth lustrous, delicate facial features, beautiful face, beautiful curves of the jade body, making people feel perfect and flawless .

Even the fairies of the Immortal Realm are nothing more than that, right?

The eyes of countless **** men were straight at that time, and all kinds of ugly expressions were exposed.

"Shen Xi, you are here, long time no see."

A handsome young man walked over quickly, wearing a brocade and jade robe, swinging a folding fan in his hand, looking like a handsome boy.

It is Tianhe Xing, the young palace master of the Palace of the Gods, a ninth-grade Jindan named Zhao Wushuang.

One of them is as beautiful as a flower, the other is very handsome, and they seem to be a natural pair.

However, the goddess of the divine religion in the beginning didn't seem to have a problem with the young palace master of the divine palace. When she heard the cry, she didn't even look at him, her beautiful eyes like water kept staring at Ye Tian and Xiao Shuangshuang.

In her pupils, there were flashes of gods, like lightning. Impressively, she activated a magical pupil technique, trying to see through Ye Tian and Xiao Shuangshuang.

"Mad, I'm going to kill you." Zhang Qingfeng was suddenly angry, his eyes were splitting.

In the gathering place of Beichen Star Region, under the witness of countless big people, Ye Tian actually made him make a fool of himself in public. Is it tolerable or unbearable?

"Stop, isn't that shameful enough?" The goddess suddenly sighed in a low voice, her brows were cold.

Even though she turned on the pupil technique, she couldn't see the depth of Ye Tian, ​​but there was an intuition that the young man in front of him was not simple. Her junior brother will never be an opponent, and the only shot is to be hanged and beaten.

As for Xiao Shuangshuang, she also felt magical, her physique was very strong, but she didn't seem to have any cultivation.

"What's your name?" The goddess in the beginning actually asked Xiao Shuangshuang, her voice was clear and not aggressive.

"Shuangshuang." Xiao Shuangshuang replied timidly.

"Shuangshuang, don't be afraid, elder sister is not a bad person. You can call me elder sister Shen Xi."

The Goddess of Absolute Beginning named Shen Xi took another look at Xiao Shuangshuang, and the more she looked, the more frightened she became.

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