Remember [New] for a second,! "Little bastard, just sneaking up on the ancestors gave you a little advantage. Now I'll show you the true abilities of the ancestors."

The old palace lord of the Palace of Gods broke out with all his strength, without a trace of reservation, bathed in divine brilliance, as if the ancient gods came into the world, as if they could pick the stars and take the moon.

Although he is old, his body is crystal clear, his hair is thick and golden, and he wears a crown and imperial armor. He is oppressed like a mountain, making Tianyu tremble.

As for the wound on his face that was punched by Ye Tian just now, it has completely healed, and even his teeth have grown back.

At his level, as long as it is not a fatal wound, it can be recovered in an instant, it just consumes some mana.


Condescendingly, he slammed into the void, the divine power burst forth, the Dao marks flickered, the void rippled like the surface of water, and a large handprint of the **** king took shape again, purely condensed by mana and laws, overwhelming the sky and the ground. , covering the small half of Sendai.


More thunder resounded in the palm of the hand, and the yin and yang two-phase divine thunder roared, turning into a Tai Chi thunder pool, as if it could devour the world and destroy the universe.

Everyone in the audience was stunned. This is the true strength of the old palace lord of the Palace of God. Such a blow can shock the world, destroy a continent, destroy an asteroid, and fully reflect the power of the peak holy baby.

Qianzhang Xiantai shook violently, and the wind and rain were swaying. Even if there were many restrictions and resuscitation, it would be difficult to resist the power of the big mudra of the **** king. Of course, it was just the residual power emanating from the Mahamudra, which wiped out the many restrictions on Sendai.

"So strong!" Many people exclaimed in their hearts.

Some big figures in Sendai were about to move again, thinking about whether to help the old palace master of the God Palace to kill this young man to eliminate future troubles. Because this is really a great opportunity.

The eyes of these people were fixed on the ancestor of the demon town, and they wanted to see his old man's decision, because after all, he was the master here.

The eyes of the demon-suppressing ancestor flickered, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he seemed to be thinking.

However, he still didn't make a move in the end. I don't know if he saw something, but he said to Ye Tian: "Little friend, today is the thirteen thousand years old birthday of this old man. It's a big day, and it's not appropriate to kill. I hope that little friend can sell it. The old man has a thin face, he is merciful, and spares the life of the old palace master of the Shenwang Palace."

When he said this, everyone in the audience was stunned.

What does this mean, look down on the old palace master of the God Palace?

The old palace master has already said that he was attacked by a sneak attack just now and was knocked out by Ye Tian with a punch. Now the real power is bursting out, and he will definitely be able to turn defeat into victory.

People can't understand.

Some people feel that the ancestor of Demon Suppression is growing the ambition of others and destroying his own prestige, which is very resentful.

Even the old palace master of the Shenwang Palace felt humiliated and blushed and had a thick neck. If it weren't for the identity of the demon-suppressing ancestor, he would have scolded him loudly.

In this way, he has to prove himself even more, and slap the face of the demon-suppressing ancestor, otherwise his fame and reputation will not be destroyed in one fell swoop.


A Holy Infant in the body was motivated with full force, like a volcanic eruption, surging out the energy like a tsunami. Below, the yin and yang thunder pool in the palm of the hand turned into a sea of ​​​​lei, with radiant rays of light, and thousands of yin and yang gods and thunder roared, like a thunder robbery coming into the world, extremely terrifying.


Ye Tian replied softly and sold a thin noodles to the ancestor of the demon town.

As the words fell, an almost unimaginable wave of terror burst out of his body.

Everyone only felt that there seemed to be thousands of suns in front of them, illuminating them at the same time.

The figure was so flamboyant that it couldn't be seen directly, and only a vague outline existed.

For some reason, everyone was shocked, and felt the pressure of the Great Dao, running through the whole body, acting on every trace of flesh and blood, every nerve, and every cell.

The stronger the cultivation base is, the more real the feeling of this great avenue's coercion, the divine power in the body is even lost uncontrollably, Nascent Soul or Jin Dan is like a mouse seeing a kitten, and actually actively dormant, shivering. .

In fact, this is not the loss of divine power, but that these beings have weak control over the laws.

And the reason for this is because the laws they originally controlled were suppressed by Ye Tian's immortals.

Yes, Ye Tian used the power of the fairy baby.

At this moment, he just burst out with a breath of fairy baby, which shocked the audience.

"God baby? Did he finally burst out with the power of a **** baby?" A powerful person exclaimed.

"Why do I feel like this is the power of a god?" Another powerful man said.

"This kid is too heaven-defying. He just used the power of his physical body to crush ten arrogances. Only now is he starting to use the power of Nascent Soul."

A cry of exclamation sounded, and everyone was terrified from the bottom of their hearts.

It takes thousands of years for a fairy baby to appear in the central star sea of ​​the cosmos in the prosperous avenue. The Beichen star region has never been born with a fairy baby. Everyone is naturally very unfamiliar with the fairy baby, so that they mistakenly think that Ye Tian's Nascent Soul is a divine baby. .

In addition, Ye Tian was only just proving the Dao of the Immortal Infant after all, and only initially controlled a trace of Immortal Principles, far from reaching the point where he could control his heart and play freely, and the power he could explode was limited. This is also the reason why people mistakenly believe that it is God.

The gods of the divine infant can still suppress the holy principles of the holy infant, and all the ordinary laws of the ordinary primordial infant.

Although the Divine Infant is also very scary, as soon as the God appears, the Saint will be suppressed, but it is impossible to suppress it completely, especially in the face of such a powerful person as the old Palace Master of the Divine Palace, who is going to the extreme on the road of the Holy Infant, soon. With the power of the physical body, he broke the suppression of Xian Ze and regained control of the power of the physical body and the Holy Infant.

The same is true for some other big figures, just for a moment, UU reading www.uukanshu. com has recovered from a state of Dao suppression and loss of divine power.

Only the Demon Suppressing Ancestor narrowed his eyes and shot out a splendid light. He stared at Ye Tian's body and seemed to see something.

He had the highest cultivation base and the sharpest perception of the Great Dao. I don't know why, Ye Tian actually gave him a sense of being transformed into a god.

Just when he tried his best to see through Ye Tian, ​​the old palace master of the God King's Palace burst out with all his strength, facing Ye Tian's Tianling cover, and the God King's big mudra pressed down hard.

"Even if you are a **** baby, the ancestors will kill you as well. Die for me!" The old palace master of the palace of the gods roared.

A breath of death washed down like a torrent, violent and terrifying.

The golden giant palm continued to enlarge. Although it was aimed at Ye Tian alone, it enveloped the entire Sendai below. All the guests had to flee in all directions. He also stared at Ye Tian, ​​as if he had wandered out of the sky.

In the palm of the giant palm, lightning flashed and thundered, and thousands of thunders of the sun **** of Taiyin smashed down, and the giant palm that fell first shocked and killed Ye Tian.

This is the combination of secret law and divine power, fast and domineering!

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