Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2386: 1 punch

Remember [New] for a second,! Boom!

The big handprint of the **** king was in the sky, covering the sky and the earth. The powerful attack made the huge Sendai shake, shaking for a while, bursting with cracks, and it felt like it would collapse at any time.

All the guests above fled, and only Ye Tian and the old ancestor of Zhenmo did not leave. One stood proudly with his hands on his back, and the old **** was sitting with bright eyes.

Ye Tian was calm and calm, just when the big mudra was about to fall on the Tianling cover, he made a simple and direct shot, swung his right fist, and punched it critically.


The golden fist doesn't look like a flesh and blood body, there are thousands of divine lights, and the chaotic energy lingers, like a peerless killer that has just been tempered from the divine furnace.

However, compared with the God-king Mahamudra, the divine power that Ye Tian's golden fist oscillates is still a bit weaker, as if it is not on the same level.

Divine Infant does not necessarily mean that they can defeat the Holy Infant, especially when there is a small realm gap between them, it is not surprising that Divine Infant is defeated in the hands of the Holy Infant.

Many people in the field expressed their confidence in the old palace master of the Palace of God. After all, this is a peak holy baby who has lived for more than 5,000 years. He has extremely rich combat experience and understanding of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. Although Ye Tian is a divine baby , this age is mostly just the initial stage of the baby, and it should not be an opponent.


However, the result was beyond everyone's expectations. It looked like a fist that was a few chips weaker, and it instantly blew up the big mudra of the **** king that covered the sky.


The golden fist has unparalleled destructive power, and it is invincible. It blew up the big mudra of the God King. Under the traction of the Qi machine, the real palm of the old palace master of the God King Palace also shattered, instantly turning into blood mud, and then a whole arm. Also shattered.

Blood splattered everywhere, flesh and blood flew, and the old palace master of the Palace of the Gods seemed to be struck by lightning, and half of his body was shaking, and he flew out.

It was unimaginable that Ye Tian's golden fist had such a terrifying attack power. It was obvious that what he really touched was the God King's big mudra, which was intertwined with divine power and laws, but even the body of the old palace lord was injured, and he was beaten to pieces. .

"Isn't it possible? Isn't this the power you should have as a **** baby? What magic weapon is hidden in you?" During the flight, the old palace master of the **** palace roared again and again.

The moment of contact made him feel like he was hit by a chariot of a god, and the power was completely different from one level.

It is not that he has never been in contact with the divine infant, and even has the experience of fighting, surpassing the holy infant, but not to an outrageous and invincible level. Therefore, he suspected that Ye Tian might have some super magic weapon. It was with the help of the super magic weapon that he had no power to fight.

Ye Tian looked indifferent and did not respond. With a movement of his body, he turned into a dazzling golden rainbow, and suddenly rose from the ground, like a golden dragon, chasing the old palace lord of the God Palace flying in the sky.

Bang bang bang!

In the dazzling golden rainbow, one person punched the sky across the sky, like a **** of war ascending to the heaven, unmatched.

"No, what do you want to do?"

"Stop! You dare to kill me?"

Whoosh whoosh!

In the sound of exclamations, the old palace master of the Palace of the Gods threw out a piece of magic weapon, or shield, or amulet, or..., each of which has a holy, even divine level, and has immeasurable value. .

I saw that shields, or energy shields, or energy protective walls, were erected in the void, like countless copper walls and iron walls, towering and majestic, blocking between him and Ye Tian, ​​trying to stop Ye Tian from chasing. .

With such a strong protection, even a single blow from the God Punishment main cannon of the cosmic mothership may not be able to break through.

However, Ye Tian's golden fist was invincible, blasting all the protections one by one, like piercing through layers of membranes, and finally punched the old palace master of the Palace of God.


How could the body of the old palace lord of the Palace of Gods be able to withstand it, he was beaten to pieces in an instant, and exploded into flesh and blood in the sky.


At that moment, everyone in Suppressing Demon Sky City raised their heads and saw this scene of blood-stained sky.

A figure stood proudly under the blood-stained sky, with his hands behind his back, his body covered with golden light, like a **** descending into the world.

"Where's the old palace master of the Palace of Gods?"

"do you died?"

"How can this be?"

After a while, there was a sound of discussion, and everyone couldn't believe it.

That is the old palace lord of the Shenwang Palace. Looking at the entire Beichen Star Region, it is the peak combat power under the gods. Generally speaking, it is difficult for someone to kill without being able to transform into a spirit. Not even a Quasi-Hua Shen, because if you can't beat him, you can still escape.

"Is he in the middle stage of the divine infant, or the late divine infant?"

"The old palace master seemed to say just now that this person has a peerless killer, and it was only with the help of the power of the peerless killer that such earth-shattering combat power broke out."

No matter what, Ye Tian's power is beyond doubt. Anyone who wants to provoke him must first weigh them.

Just now, some big people wanted to take action against Ye Tian, ​​but now they are all terrified and grateful for a while.

"Ahhh, damn, you actually killed me."

A three-inch-tall golden villain was mixed with the broken flesh and blood, and after being scattered among the mountains, it suddenly rose to the ground and let out a roar.

It is a holy baby cultivated by the old palace master of the Shenwang Palace, and the soul is wrapped in it.

The Holy Infant is immortal and difficult to destroy, but there are fine cracks bursting out, and it is no longer perfect.

Even if the Nascent Soul was injured and flawed, the divine light was shining, and when the laws were intertwined, all the scattered flesh and blood and water were attracted, and a body was condensed in a moment.

Except for the breath falling a little, this flesh body can't see any difference from the previous one.

But really, the old palace lord of the Palace of the Gods had injured the source, and the Nascent Soul had left a dao wound that was difficult to heal.

"It's not dead yet, UU reading is quite alive." Ye Tian smiled lightly.

"If you have the seeds, wait for me."

How dare the old palace master of the Shenwang Palace still dare to fight, and use a powerful escape technique, like a lost dog, disappearing in a flash.

There is a starry sky teleportation array leading to Tianhe Star in Zhenmo Tiancheng. The old palace of Shenwang Palace mainly uses this teleportation array to return to Tianhe Star to move rescue soldiers.

The Demon Suppressing Ancestor waved his palm, and countless dao marks intertwined between his palms and fingers, which quickly stabilized Sendai, and all the big cracks were healed.

"Sure enough, there are young heroes. Please take your seat here. The old man is really old. I don't know that there is a good young man in the world. Forgive the old man's ignorance, I was neglected before." He gave a salute.

"I've seen the Demon Suppressing Ancestor, I'm polite, and I don't dare to take it." Ye Tian also saluted and behaved generously.

Next to the Demon Suppressing Ancestor, Ye Tian sat down in the seat that originally belonged to the Old Palace Master of the God King Palace.

Xiao Shuangshuang was also picked up by him and sat beside her.

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