Remember [New] for a second,! "Everyone, the old palace master of the Palace of the Gods is right, don't be afraid of him. The reason why we were defeated just now was because he was opportunistic, and the immortals suppressed the laws we controlled and hit me. Waiting for a surprise. This kind of restraint is especially consuming mana. He can suppress me once, but I don't believe he can suppress him a second time. As long as we work together, we will definitely kill him. If you all help, I, Beichen There must be a big reward, otherwise it will help Zhou to abuse, don't blame me Beichen for turning his face." The old emperor of Beichen said immediately, coercing and enticing everyone, forcing everyone to take action.

As soon as he said this, several figures rushed up.

The Demon Suppressing Ancestor was a little hesitant at first, but after hearing this, he let go.

He knew that Beichen's god-turning ancestor should be coming, so it is enough to delay for a while until the god-turning ancestor arrives at the scene.

"Everyone spread out, don't fight him in close combat, block him with a formation, imprison him with a Taoist artifact, kill him with a divine weapon, and slowly consume him to death." The voice of the demon-suppressing ancestor was as cold as ice.

As he released his spiritual sense, squeezed the magic formula with his hands, and recited words in his mouth, countless ancient runes emerged from him and rushed into every corner of the city.


The entire Suppressing Heaven City was like a sleeping giant beast. At this moment, following Ye Tian's magic formula, it was slowly awakened.


Countless divine lights shot up into the sky, converging into a terrifying beam of light that pierced the sky and reached the sea of ​​​​stars. Violent energy fluctuations surged out, and even blazing thunder bursts, releasing the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

Even thousands of miles away, you can clearly see and feel the terrifying energy contained in the beam of light.

In the divine light of the sky, a super large grinding disc with a radius of 100,000 zhang appeared faintly between the heaven and the earth, and most of the town of Demon Town was shrouded below.


The large grinding wheel turned slowly, making a thunderous sound, as if the gods were pushing the huge grinding wheel. The void could not bear it and kept breaking.

Everyone looked up at the sky, and felt like they were looking at the legendary **** of grinding the world, born to obliterate the world.

"Suppressing the Demon God's Array!"

An old monk spoke in shock.

This is according to legend, the great formation used to suppress demons on the Demon Suppression Continent, even if Nascent Soul is trapped in it, it will be rubbed to death.

And such a large formation, there are a total of 108 in the entire Suppression Continent, with the main formation of Suppression Sky City as the center, distributed in all directions of the continent.

However, the Demon Suppression Continent has a limited capacity, and the Suppression Magic Array is motivated by the power of the Earth's core. If it is turned on much, it will make this continent unstable and there is a risk of fragmentation.

Boom boom boom!

Although only one main magic circle was opened, the terrifying energy had already oppressed the entire continent and rumbled, shaking in the cosmic vacuum.

After the demon-suppressing **** was born, it began to suppress Ye Tian. It was even more terrifying than the top of Mount Tai. Layers and layers of pressure fell from the sky, like an overwhelming sea. Every layer of pressure would suffocate the ordinary Nascent Soul. And Jin Dan couldn't bear it.

The power of the main formation of the Demon Suppression Formation is indeed extraordinary, comparable to that of a digital quasi-deity.

Moreover, the large formation has a powerful sealing force, which has already locked the void around Ye Tian, ​​making it difficult for him to move.

The imposing dharma body seemed to be unable to bear it, it made a creaking sound and kept shrinking, as if it was about to be beaten back to its original shape.

"Okay, let's all shoot together and kill him." Beichen's old emperor said.


In no time, I saw that dozens of terrifying attacks, together with the Demon Suppression Array, attacked and killed Ye Tian from all directions.

The screams of killing shook the heavens and the earth, countless divine light of destruction, filling the void, running through the sun and the moon, and the terrifying tide of energy slapped on the earth. Wherever it passed, it was as if a magnitude 18 earthquake had occurred, and the earth kept collapsing. sink.

This is an unprecedented battle of gods. Ordinary Nascent Souls have no sense of existence here.

Boom boom boom!

Ye Tian is at the core of the battlefield. The surrounding energy is full of destroyed energy. It has completely turned into a sea of ​​flames. Countless lightnings are intertwined, and countless chains of order and laws are stirred in it.

A lot of people have died in the blink of an eye.

It's a pity that Ye Tian couldn't hit the punch of the extreme way just now, but he threw nine punches in a row, and still blasted the 100,000-zhang-wide Demon Suppression Formation into the void.

However, as long as the formation method is not destroyed, the energy source of the formation base is continuous, and the magic-suppressing **** plate can be regenerated without limit.


The void was blown up.

These guys are not afraid of death. Not only did they not fight less and less, but they fought more and more, because people continued to join the battlefield.

You must know that the Demon Suppressing Family alone has ten major Demon Suppressing Legions, each of which has a hundred thousand Demon Suppressing Army.

Those big men who came from far away from the outer space have more or less brought some squire powers, including space battleships, space battle castles, and many other weapons of war.

Seeing their master fall or be beaten to death, how could these squires be calm, and they all rushed up without fear of death.

In the end, I only saw that the void was densely packed, and the battleships were like forests. Above each ship, there was a power that shook the sky and the earth. The war killer was running, and the space was distorted.

The nine bronze warships in the Palace of the Gods were cold and dazzling, each with a length of 100 feet, arranged in an ancient formation, and an ancient killing formation even evolved.

The old palace master of the Palace of the Gods personally controlled this ancient killing formation, and in an instant, a frightening aura permeated out, like an ancient giant awakened, looking down at the world, traversing the ancient and modern times.


Suddenly, UU reading www.uukanshu. A ray of destruction, as thick as a mountain, shone on Ye Tian, ​​and it had the potential to destroy the world, as if it could wipe out the universe.

Ye Tian couldn't dodge in time, his body was blasted out like a scarecrow, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Okay." The old emperor Beichen praised and slashed Ye Tian with a sword like a dragon emperor.

The others were also excited and attacked even more violently.

"Damn!" Ye Tian was angry.


He waved the Heaven-shattering Seal, and the rays of light illuminated the ancient and modern exchanges. There was a kind of divine energy, and he rushed to the front of the nine bronze warships in an instant.

Bang, bang!

Two of the nine bronze warships were directly blown up, and the ancient killing formation was cut off, making it difficult to operate.

"A bunch of things that don't know how to live or die."

Ye Tian's face is sinking like water, his eyes are indifferent, his body is like a chariot of a god, sturdy and immortal, rampant, wherever he passes, there must be blood mists that explode, and even Nascent Soul and his soul will be wiped out.

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