Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2397: fierce battle

Remember [New] for a second,! The young man's body is unbelievably powerful, and the mana is endless, like a perpetual motion machine that can fight indefinitely, even ordinary weapons cannot be shaken. Touch a cloud of blood.

Boom, boom!

The sky-shattering explosion sounded one after another, shaking the monks thousands of miles around, their souls were torn apart, their bodies were about to collapse, and the mighty aura swept the sky and the ground.

In the end, many powerful cultivators were so frightened that they dared not go forward alone, even if they did, they would be cannon fodder, so several people formed a battle formation and barely participated in the battle.

"Forget it, since you don't know how to live or die, this seat will kill all of you. So that this Beichen Star Region will know what I mean by someone."

Ye Tian's chest was burning with anger, and at this moment, he could no longer control the killing intent, and even his eyes were a little scarlet.

Boom boom boom!

He saw four terrifying auras burst out from Ye Tian's body, Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and four divine figures emerged around his body, like four divine pillars standing upright in the sky.

The four gods were discovered and transformed into shape, each of which was ten thousand feet tall, and the turbulent aura was only slightly inferior to Ye Tian's deity, as if four more Ye Tians appeared all at once.


The super demon-suppressing disk that was transformed again was shattered by the surging breath of the four gods before it could be pressed down above Ye Tian's head.

Fortunately, the battle took place outside the city, otherwise the City of Suppressing Demons would have been razed to the ground, and millions of lives were wiped out.

"Pretend to be a ghost, everyone, don't be afraid. He has used the power of his trump card, and his skills are exhausted." The old palace master of Shenwang Palace said that he hated Ye Tian even more than the old emperor Beichen. Ye Tian killed.


The dragon-patterned black-gold holy spirit spear in his hand shook violently, as if a continent had been crushed down, and the void had collapsed, making people horrified. Then I saw a 10,000-foot black dragon formed by Dao Marks rushed out and swallowed Ye Tian, ​​as if to shred it in one bite.

This divine weapon of the Innate Great Dao erupted with the most extreme power in the hands of the Supreme Old Palace Master.

This power even fed back to the Taishang Lao Palace Master of the Shenwang Palace, allowing him to take the last half step and master the power of transforming the gods.

Although it was just an illusion, it gave the Taishang Lao Palace Master incomparable confidence.

The demon-suppressing ancestor once again opened the eight demon-suppressing great formations near the town of the devil-suppressing, forming a total of nine demon-suppressing **** plates. The diameter of the main array is 100,000 zhang, and the remaining eight are smaller, but the diameter is also three or four. Wanzhang, several times larger than Ye Tian's dharma image, came together to kill him.

There are many other kinds of attacks in the rest, each of which has the power to destroy the sky and the earth, and the sky is torn apart, and the sun and the moon are dull.

This time, everyone learned shrewdly, adopted the strategy given by the demon-suppressing ancestor just now, trapped him with a formation, attacked with magic weapons and supernatural powers from a distance, and did not resort to close combat, constantly draining his mana, and finally killing him.

"If you go on like this, even if you are a fairy baby, you will be finished sooner or later."

"Take a step back and talk, even if it's not over, the mana will be rapidly consumed. When Qitian Divine Monarch comes, what will you fight for?"

At the beginning of the goddess shook her head gently, a hint of enlightenment rose in her heart.

Xiao Shuangshuang's eyes were full of tears, and she didn't understand why so many people insisted on getting along with his brother.

He had seen with his own eyes the **** battle between his eldest brother and Daxi's many gods and soldiers, as well as Daxi's old emperor, and he was covered in scars.

"Little girl, this is the rivers and lakes! When you have mastered a powerful force, even if you don't take action, you will be regarded as a threat by others and take the initiative to take action against you. Unless you are willing to be an ordinary person, or your power is superior to Above everyone." The goddess of the beginning put her arms around Xiao Shuangshuang and said softly to her.

"Then my brother belongs to the latter. He is invincible in the world, and no one can kill him." The little girl said firmly with tears on her face.

At the beginning of the goddess smiled faintly, noncommittal.

"Shuangshuang, you will distract your brother here. Sister will take you to a place." The goddess in the beginning took Xiao Shuangshuang's hand.


"You'll know when you go."

Xiao Shuangshuang also felt that the goddess in the beginning made sense. Her brother would definitely be distracted here. For this reason, her brother even planted the Tao of Chaos Golden Lotus on her body to prevent accidents.

The goddess in the beginning brought Xiaoyue'er to the teleportation hall in Tianmo Tiancheng, where there was a super teleportation array capable of interstellar teleportation.

The purpose of the goddess in the beginning has been revealed, and she wants to take Xiao Shuangshuang away.

She was selfish, and it was only on the one hand that she saw Xiao Shuangshuang's talent.

In the eyes of the goddess of the beginning, Ye Tian could never win, and it was already the limit to defeat the group of people in front of him.

Although Xian Ying claims to be able to transform into a god, it is not a **** after all.

"Sister, I'm not leaving, I want to be with my brother." After knowing the intention of the goddess in the beginning, Xiao Shuangshuang strongly refused.

"Leave with her obediently, my brother will go to the God Sect of Absolute Beginning to find you."

Suddenly, Ye Tian's divine sense sounded in her ears.

"elder brother."

"Don't worry about me. My brother has already accomplished great feats and is invincible in this world. He was just afraid of accidentally hurting you, so he didn't show his full strength. As long as you leave, my brother will trample these bad guys under his feet in minutes." Ye Tian jokingly said. said.

"Oh, that's fine. Brother, you have to be careful, and you must come to me after you win."

The sudden parting made the little girl a little sad. UU Reading She has lost her mother, her family, and does not want to be abandoned.

"Wait until the next time my brother sees you, I will pass on your peerless magic."

"It's a word."

Just like this, Xiao Shuangshuang left with the goddess of the beginning, and Ye Tian was finally able to let go.

The Dao Seed of Chaos Golden Lotus was naturally summoned back by him and rushed back into the body.

Compared with the other four divine beasts, this chaotic golden lotus seed can bring him more powerful power.

"Hehe, a group of ants, are you ready to die?"

Ye Tian smiled faintly, stretched out a golden palm, and grabbed it fiercely.

The four divine beasts suddenly turned into four dazzling divine rings, encircling the palm of their hand, and blessing all the power into this palm.


This palm, earth-shattering, like the giant palm of the ancient gods, instantly turned into a size of tens of thousands of feet, and the divine brilliance shone. A huge black dragon rushing out of the black gold holy spirit spear was grasped as if it was grasping a snake. Smashed **** the ground.

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