Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2522: The might of the sword

After all, Huang Quan Shen is only a quasi-Golden Core, unable to cultivate this Huang Quan into a domain, he can only display a vision, and its power is inferior to that of the domain.

However, this Huangquan vision still looks terrifying, and it already has the sense of Huangquan's immediate vision.

The Yellow Spring God slapped his hands violently, and the vision of the Yellow Spring that enveloped the whole body, the turbulent waves, suddenly turned into a long river of yellow turbid waves, and quickly merged into the dead air of the King of Babylon.

The fusion of the two dark powers increases each other, and the power that erupts is exponentially increasing.

"I'm here too, to destroy the Northern Ming Immortal Sect, just today."

"And I."

"Capture the Empress alive, and take it back to be Mrs. Yazhai, haha."

"Kill all the Ye Demon King's family."

"It's a pity that Ye Demon King is gone, or else he will be killed together."


The gods roared, even if only half of them shot, the power was terrifying to the extreme.

The Ganesha of Gu Tianzhu was so rude, he said that he wanted to capture the empress to be the lady of Yazhai.

Thirty million people in Tianhai heard this, and all of them were filled with righteous indignation and their eyes were split.

Boom boom boom!

The energy like mountains and seas, as if the Tianhe River burst its banks, countless turbulent vitality and golden light burst into the void, one after another magical spell, tearing the sky.

All the attacks are aimed at one point, to tear the ocean apart.

"Zhu Xian Sword Formation, get up!"

At this moment, a crisp female voice sounded in Dongshan Barrier, not high-pitched, but full of terrifying killing energy.

The Empress Peak, which was 10,000 meters high, started to tremble slowly.


There seemed to be ten thousand swords clanging, resounding incessantly, and gradually rising, and finally pierced through gold and cracked stones, soaring into the sky.

In the terrifying clanging sound, a huge ray of light suddenly rose from the top of the mountain into the sky, like a dragon that had been imprisoned for thousands of years, leaping out with a bang, dancing for nine days, calling for wind and rain, and changing the color of the world.

"It's the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, and the Empress shot."

"Kill all these bastards."

"The backhand left by Ye Tianren is by no means easy. These Western scumbags are in trouble."


The 30 million people in Tianhai City were excited, and almost all rushed out of their homes to watch the world-shattering battle.

Compared with the live broadcast of the battlefield outside the city gate of Yandu City, the battle at the door of the house is obviously more interesting.

A broken sword, tearing apart the sky, and bringing forth the sword energy of the vast Tangtang, as if it was not a sword, but a thousand sharp swords, attacking together, making a great ultimate move, overwhelming the sky and facing the sect. A group of Western gods outside the mountain gate strangled away.

This is a sword of Nascent Soul Heavenly Sovereign, broken into two pieces, it is not complete, but with Ye Tian's peerless formation with many heavenly materials and earthly treasures, it can also kill the peak Xiantian, and even the early Jindan.

This is still under the control of no one, and the lethality is triggered by stress. If someone is in charge of the formation, the power can be increased several times, and it can kill the peak Jindan at the highest.

That is to say, it is very difficult to break this killing formation if Yuan Ying is out.

Brush brush!

I saw that in the void, the sword energy was like a long river, the vast soup, the sword light was like a rain curtain, densely packed, under the guidance of a broken sword, it was like a nine-day divine dragon descending into the world, shuttling back and forth among the gods outside the mountain gate.

The sky, formed by the intertwined dark forces of the King of Babylon and the God of Huangquan, just shrouded half of the Dongshan Barrier before it was broken open by the sword energy that rushed into the sky, and the world became clear again.

Countless grievances and grievances have also turned into dream bubbles, disappearing into ashes in the screams.

If there are 108,000 great swords slashing vertically and horizontally, this is an indiscriminate attack!


The big handprint of the Pyramid of the Sphinx God Sphinx was as fragile as tofu, and was shattered by the broken sword at once.


Immediately afterwards, countless blood shining with pale golden colors fell from the sky, like a rain of blood.

The sphinx howled miserably, and a large claw was chopped into flesh.

"Ah, Beiming Xianzong, I will never die with you."

In the roar, the Sphinx did not dare to fight, and fled, and suddenly flashed out.

After all, he is Jindan, and he really recovered half of his life.

But those who are either innate or in the realm of gods are not so lucky.

There was only a scream of screams, and Western gods were continuously beheaded.

The king of Babylon blocked the broken sword with the scepter of death in his hand, but he didn't even hold on to a single flick of his finger, and he was cut in half with the scepter attached to his body.

The God of Huangquan of Dongying fled, and with the help of the Great Serpent God Baqi, he recovered half his life, but there was an eye-catching wound on his waist and abdomen, and he was almost cut in half.

Puff puff!

In just a few clicks, nine Western gods died, five gods, four innate, and they were directly torn apart by the terrifying sword energy.

Among them, the Ganesha from Tianzhu, even the flesh and spirit, was minced. It seems that the Empress did it on purpose, because this guy made a rude remark just now, saying that he wanted to arrest her as Mrs. Yazhai.

At the foot of Dongshan Mountain, it was dyed red with blood, and the sky was filled with blood and mist.

"What a strong sword formation, worthy of the name of Zhuxian!"

"Even if Ye Tianren is not there, with this sword formation, it can also protect the Beiming Xianzong from worry."


The Eastern people were excited.

And the hostile forces in the West all looked ugly and kept silent.

The battlefield in Tianhai City has attracted so many people's attention that the battlefield in Yandu City has received less attention.

The mansion of the head of state in Liberty City on the other side of the ocean was very extravagant to find two TV sets, one showing the battle scene of Yandu City and the other showing the battle scene of Tianhai City.

dong dong dong!

Suddenly, a steady and powerful footstep sounded from the palace tower on the top of Empress Peak, as if it was pulsating with the world. Just listening to this voice can make people feel a supreme majesty.

There is no doubt that this is a peerless powerhouse. The footsteps and the pulsation of the earth indicate that the cultivation base has reached an incredible realm and can be compatible with the Great Dao.

Under the shocked gazes of countless people, a beautiful woman appeared and walked out of the palace tower. Her body was slender and light, almost as translucent as glazed jade. She was covered in colorful robes. a goddess.

The moment he appeared, more than one billion sentient beings all over the planet felt an inexplicable energy, and involuntarily wanted to kneel down reverently and dedicate their faith.

"The Empress, it's the Empress." Countless people exclaimed, even breathing quickly.

It has been a long time, the Empress has not appeared, and her demeanor is still the same.

There is also a girl in her teens, standing beside the Empress, her appearance is also beautiful, dressed in white clothes, pink, very cute.

Anyone with discerning eyes can see that this girl is not an ordinary person, but a goddess.

A ten-year-old **** in the realm is unbelievable, just like the Arabian Nights.

It is no exaggeration to say that, looking at the ancient times of the Middle Earth Star, it is difficult to find a second ten-year-old **** realm.

This girl is none other than Xia Shuangshuang. She was originally an ordinary girl. Ye Tian used Jiuqiao Divine Baby Pill to wash her marrow and cut her veins to improve her physique. She was carefully cultivated for several years in the Absolute Beginning God Sect. , in just a few years, he broke through the realm of the gods, and was later brought back to earth by Xuantian Daojun.

Among the many palaces at the foot of the mountain, or in the cave dwellings, there are also figures coming out, some of them are familiar faces, Ye Tian's mother Gu Xiaoman, Ning Haifeng, Ning Xiaoyu, Bai Xue, Qin's father Qin Yongchang, Qin Qinghan's Mom and Dad, Uncle Qin,...

Today, the earth has changed drastically, danger is everywhere, and there is no safer place than the Dongshan Barrier Formation.

With the relationship of the empress, more people from the Qin family entered the barrier, not because of anything else, but because of safety.

Gu Xiaoman's cultivation talent is average, but relying on the continuous accumulation of resources, he has also cultivated the transformation realm, although it is only the initial stage of the transformation realm.

Ning Xiaoyu cultivated his inner strength twenty years ago, and now he is over forty years old, and he is also a god.

Bai Xue was a Tianhou-level star two years ago. After the world has changed drastically, the profession of star no longer exists, so she came to Dongshan to practice with Ning Xiaoyu.

In the past, Ye Tian helped him cultivate his inner strength and became an inner strength martial artist to protect himself. He abandoned his cultivation in the middle, but now he has picked it up again. He has been practicing diligently for two years, and he has also cultivated in the realm.

The old man of the Qin family is admirable. He has a pair of old arms and old legs. He just relied on hard work and hard work to cultivate a peak of transformation realm, which is only one step away from the realm of gods.

Among them, the most powerful cultivation base is Ning Haifeng. In the late stage of the gods, the proving of the Tao is innately promising.

He was originally a big realm behind Zhao Tianlong, but it is also commendable to catch up now.

The next Earth Immortal of Beiming Immortal Sect, no accident, will appear on one of them.

Everyone else has their own gains.

At this moment, all the disciples of Beiming Xianzong were mobilized, holding swords and knives, and sharing the enemy.

It's just that it will give people a feeling of being a man's arm as a car.

On the other side of the ocean, in the mansion of the head of state, Hopkins suddenly shrank his pupils. When everyone else's eyes were on the camera of Tianhai City and were attracted by the figure of the empress, his eyes were caught in the camera of Yandu City, a silver-haired man figure attracted.

At almost the same time, Ye Tian and Qinghan appeared in the eyes of the but Qinghan was recognized at a glance, and her appearance had not changed in the past 20 years, but Ye Tian covered her face with silver hair and could not be seen. recognize.

However, Hopkins and Ye Tian have been dealing with each other for many years, and they have met countless times, and they have beaten the great empire to the ground, obviously destroying the great empire.

Hopkins' impression of Ye Tian couldn't be more profound, it was like a nightmare, lingering and unforgettable.

"Like! Could it be that he is back?"

Hopkins shivered, feeling like a Parkinson's attack, muttering to himself, black lines all over his forehead.

"Female fake emperor, don't come out and die! Today, your Beiming Xianzong will die." Sphinx, the sphinx beast **** whose arm was cut off, jumped to a height of a thousand meters. On the rooftop of Beiming Building, he roared angrily, raising his big claws to smash the building.

With its golden elixir ability, it is easy to hit a nuclear explosion-like force, and it is not a problem to smash a kilometer-high skyscraper.

You must know that there are tens of thousands of people in the building. If the building is smashed into pieces, tens of thousands of people will die.


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