Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2523: Sacred Artifact


The Empress had a stern expression, no unnecessary nonsense, just waving her slender palm, holding a broken sword, and slashing out fiercely.

The belief power of all living beings moved along with it, covering her whole body, making her look like she was wearing an imperial robe, and her majesty was even more mighty and inviolable.

The entire Dongshan Mountain is her dojo, her domain. Here, with her innate peak cultivation, she can easily use the power of Jindan, the middle stage of Jindan, and even the late stage of Jindan.

In an instant, the sea of ​​stars turned upside down, and the space shattered.

At that moment, a dazzling and extremely sharp sword beam became the only one in the world, and a wisp of purple-gold divine mark appeared, with an aura of destruction.

The sky was slashed directly, and the sea of ​​​​clouds was also split in half.

This sword can cut the golden core!

The Sphinx was almost dumbfounded, and saw a sword light tearing apart the world, and a crack was cut out of the void. The crack is like the eye of the sky, dark and gloomy, as if it can devour the soul.


In the face of this sword, he didn't even have the guts to resist, he could only escape.

"Everyone, save me," the Sphinx shouted.

"Female fake emperor, stop!"

"you dare?"

"court death!"


The gods of the West all changed color.

Brush brush!

I saw that one after another, the rainbows rose into the sky and slammed into the sky-shattering sword light. It was the gods of the West who shot in anger, hoping to stop the sword, save the Sphinx, and kill the queen at the same time. sharpness.

However, all the attacks were in vain, that sword beam was too fast, too sharp, and destroyed everything.

The sphinx sprinted wildly, jumping from one skyscraper to another, with a speed like electricity. Every time he landed, the skyscraper collapsed several floors, but the speed of Jianmang was faster, and the air machine was locked got it.


Jianmang has not really cut to the body, but the Sphinx has already felt the sharp edge, breaking his flesh and cutting off his bones.

"Damn, what kind of sword is this?" Sphinx was shocked.


On a skyscraper, the Sphinx pulled out a lightning rod that was tens of meters high, like a high-voltage electric pole, and smashed it out as a big stick.


The thick lightning rod snapped in response, and the sword glow ripped apart the sky, slashing straight at his head.

"No!" The Sphinx screamed, desperate.

The other Western Shinto masters also stared straight for a while, and there was nothing they could do.

But at this moment, a cross lightsaber in the void slashed over and slashed straight at Zhuxian Duanjian.

The dazzling sword glow was like the first smear of Shen Xi who opened up the world. When it was cut out, the world lost its color.


Two terrifying swords collided on the sky, and instantly burst out with a scorching light that was thousands of times more radiant than the sun. No one could open their eyes, only to hear the huge sound, the sky and the earth were all over the place. shake.

A few seconds later, some powerful figures opened their eyes first, and saw a piece of land directly below. The residential area with many buildings was directly razed to the ground. Scene, I don't know how many people died in this wave of shocks.

The Sphinx flew a few kilometers away, **** and horrific, but somehow managed to save his life and roared viciously.

The brilliance dissipated, and in the void, the Zhuxian Broken Sword was still standing proudly, but the original flaming divine light dissipated, and it re-turned into a rusty broken sword that was not alarming.

In front of Zhu Xian Broken Sword, the Holy See's Ark, the holy ship, hovered in mid-air, and a young and handsome blond man walked out of it, carrying three pairs of bright wings, each of which was more than ten meters long, crystal clear, like The glazed glass came out just like it was carved, and the feathers and feathers were all visible.

Impressively, this is a six-winged angel!

The blond man was dressed in fine dust, just like a **** descending into the mortal world, a pure power of light contained in his body, faintly covering all the Western powerhouses in the audience.

He was the one who slashed the cross lightsaber just now, but at the moment he was not holding the sword, but was dragging a small golden cabinet.

"Is it the Emperor Adam?" Many people were surprised.

Emperor Adam rarely makes public appearances, so that not many people know his true face.

However, the blond man looked too young to resemble Adam the Emperor.

"My name is Aaron, the son of God."

This handsome blond man opened his mouth and spoke in an aria-like voice, giving people a feeling of listening to the voice of God, and he was so empowered, as if he could feel the call of God.

For a moment, everyone in the audience seemed to have been tempered, the hatred in their hearts was no longer strong, and their eyes became empty.

"I have come to persuade God to persuade him to surrender. If you surrender, the false emperor of the Qin family, my father will give you the highest honor. If you go against it, you will be punished extremely cruelly." Aaron, the son of God, continued, speaking in a voice. It is not high-pitched, but it reveals a strong spiritual will, which constantly invades the depths of the human soul, like the golden mouth of the gods.

"Don't think about it!"

How could Qinghan listen to his nonsense, the water-like eyes suddenly seemed to condense frost, and the strong killing intent almost turned into substance.

She knew that there would be a battle with the Western Holy See, and only one of her and the emperor Adam could survive.


Her jade-like fingers vibrated, her slender and crystal-clear fingertips shone with a bewildering luster, and the infinite belief power surged out, surging like the sea, like the vast ocean, rushing out overwhelmingly, rushing towards Zhu Xian Broken Sword.


Immediately, Zhuxian Duanjian shines brightly, like bright fireworks blooming, the entire sky is shrouded in the brilliance of Broken Sword, the sky is rolling, and it is filled with terrifying killing energy.


Qing Han let out a low drink, and Zhu Xian Duan Jian suddenly turned into a fiery white lightsaber, like a bolt of lightning, and slashed in front of Aaron, the son of God, in an instant.

In a very short period of time, it was impossible to dodge at all, and it was impossible to dodge.

Seeing that Aaron, the son of God, did not move his feet, he only reached out with one hand, blocking the small cabinet in his hand in front of him.


The small golden cabinet seemed inconspicuous, but when it collided with Zhuxian Duanjian, it was not smashed, and a sound resounded throughout the world.

This piece of heaven and earth collapsed, completely collapsed, and there were innumerable void abysses.

Not to mention the buildings on the ground, as if being swept away by the flood, a large area collapsed, causing countless casualties.

Zhuxian Duanjian and the Holy See's ark and holy ship retreated at the same time, and the Zhuxian Duanjian, which was fully motivated, did not take advantage.

Everyone was shocked. What was this little golden cabinet?

Is it also an artifact?

"God's glory cannot be tainted, and blasphemers will die! Qin's false emperor, I will ask you one last time, would you like to surrender?"

"Come again!"

Qing Han scolded, waving her sleeve robe, once again arousing the belief in the sky, blessing it on the broken sword of Xian Zhu, and then cooperated with the sword of Xian Zhu to jointly control the broken sword.

However, suddenly, a change occurred.

Aaron, the son of God, suddenly opened the small cabinet in his hand, and in an instant, the infinite holy light rushed straight to Xiao Han, and the infinite belief power belonging to another **** surged out, rolling towards Qing Han's belief power like a surging flood.

Boom boom boom!

The belief powers belonging to the two gods collided in the void, and they did not converge into one, but they were incompatible with each other, and they regarded each other as highly poisonous and constantly annihilated.

The heaven and the earth shook, and there was a bright, glowing light everywhere, and a big explosion occurred.

The small golden cabinet may seem small, but the power of belief in it is like a surging ocean, and it is like thousands of bright galaxies hanging down, boundless, constantly draining the power of belief in Qinghan.

Even, this belief power is not blocked by the great formation of the sea, and it is still surging towards the enchantment. Overwhelming, rushing towards Qinghan.

"How could this be?" Everyone was stunned.

Everyone thought that Empress Qinghan could win, but Aaron, the son of God, used a trump card, using some kind of peerless killer.

"I see, this little golden cabinet may be the legendary holy relic, the Ark of the Covenant, a supreme holy artifact." Someone opened the mouth and said a word that woke the dreamer and made everyone froze.

The Ark of the Covenant is a sacred object lost by the Holy See according to legend, and it contains the decree of the gods. Throughout the ages, countless monks of the Holy See have been searching hard, but they have found nothing.

Unexpectedly, this sacred object was placed in the Garden of Eden, in the hands of Adam, and now it is temporarily lent to the Son of God.

The power of belief is a sacred is a kind of power sublimated by humanity. It is difficult to destroy it with ordinary methods. The only way to fight it is the most effective.

With the power of faith, break the power of faith!


Aaron, the son of God, turned over the Ark of the Covenant. Massive beliefs were surging. Thousands of holy lights, accompanied by the roar of heaven, went on and on, endless, and after the annihilation of Qinghan's beliefs, he continued to charge away into the barrier.

Aaron's whole body glowed, his flesh was as clear as glass, and his three pairs of wings had already revealed his extraordinaryness, that he was a true monarch of golden elixir.


The Ark of the Covenant rushed out, was thrown by Aaron with his hand raised, and smashed onto the barrier of the Great Ocean Array.

This supreme holy artifact of the Holy See is truly terrifying, possessing supreme holy power.

"Hahaha, kill, the female pseudo-emperor is going to die."

"Break this barrier and step on Dongshan."

"Kill all the family members of Demon King Ye, and kill all the disciples of the Northern Ming Xianzong."


Those Shinto powers from the West rioted again, exerting all kinds of magical powers, like mad dogs, charging towards the formation.

Ning Haifeng and the others were in full control of the formation, but a powerful force attacked them, making them all want to vomit blood.


The Ark of the Covenant was shining brightly, with its mouth wide open, and the power of belief was like a flood, and the great formation of the sea could not stop it.

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