Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2549: Sirius Guest

Remember [New] for a second,! boom!

Taking a step forward, Ye Tian disappeared from the spot and came to the ruins of the Beiming Xianzong in the Outer Hidden Gate.

The mighty aura continued to pour out of him, filling the entire outer hidden door in an instant.


Not far away, there was an earth-shattering roar from the old site of the Sun Moon Sword Palace.

The Sun Moon Sword Palace and the Jiuli God Sect are next to each other. At the beginning, the Jiuli God Sect even regarded the site of the Sun Moon Sword Palace as its own territory and prohibited outsiders from meddling.

The two places are not far from each other. As soon as Ye Tian came to the ruins of Beiming Xianzong, he was discovered by someone at the ruins of the Sun Moon Sword Palace.


Without questioning the indiscretion at all, after a roar, a silver-bright sword slashed over.

The silver sword glow fell like a waterfall, and it fell like an ocean, and even Tianyu was split open.

Ye Tian's eyes flashed with cold electricity, and a big hand came out to meet it, and the wind and thunder smashed into pieces with a click.

"Boy, you are quite capable. Who the **** are you? What does it have to do with this **** Beiming Xianzong?" The voice just now sounded again, strong and domineering.

Ye Tian swept his eyes and saw that it was a bull-like monster with a height of five meters, covered with thick black hair, two horns on the head, tendons wrapped around him like dragons and snakes, and an unbelievably imposing figure. As he rushed towards himself, he was full of murderous aura, and every step he stepped on made the ground rumble, like a mountain moving.


Ye Tian suddenly moved, golden light all over his body, stronger than this bull-like creature, like a human-shaped tyrannosaurus, full of blood and energy, and brave to dominate the world.

Ye Tian's speed was so fast, it turned into a golden lightning, and appeared in front of the bull-like creature almost instantly.

There is no unnecessary nonsense, it is a lore to come up, the golden hand is as heavy as a mountain, the runes on it are flowing, and the gods can flourish.


The cow-like demon is frightened. His physical body is naturally strong, his shoulders can carry mountains, and his feet can suppress the earth. His power is almost endless, and few creatures dare to compete with them.

But now, under Ye Tianjin's big hand, the bones in his body rattled, and even his waist could not stand up straight, it was clearly crushed.

"Damn, why are you so strong?" The bull-like creature was shocked, and a fifth-grade golden pill in the body was running wildly, and the divine energy poured into the body like a tide.


He stretched out a paw the size of a door panel and collided with Ye Tian's golden hand, trying to break the bondage.

Then, just as soon as the two palms collided, with a click, his door-sized claws instantly turned into a mass of blood mud, and the stubble of bones flew in all directions, dripping with blood.


The bull-like creature opened its mouth and let out an earth-shattering roar, and a mighty sound wave swept out like a tsunami and rushed towards Ye Tian.

This is a veritable bull devil's roar, the sound wave is almost transformed into substance, peerless and fierce, even mountains can collapse, not to mention blowing people's souls.

But Ye Tian's immortal soul is immortal, how can it be blown out by a mere sound wave?

He continued to suppress it with a palm, first smashing the sound wave, and then crushing it onto the bull-like creature. The huge body more than five meters high was torn apart on the spot, turning into blood mud and broken bones.

This is an unparalleled and **** scene, and a Jindan bull demon was killed like this.

Ye Tian's expression was indifferent and unmoved, as if he had just killed a local dog, and it was difficult to make waves in his heart.

After all, in the past few days, he has killed not tens of millions, but also millions.


In the bursting blood mud, a phantom suddenly rushed out, it was the soul of the bull-like creature, trying to escape.

Ye Tian's eyes only swept away, and the soul of the bull-like creature suddenly fell to the ground with a bang, as if it had been hit by lightning.

"Don't kill me, do you know who I am? Kill me and you won't get good fruit to eat. My clan will definitely cut you into eight pieces..."

"Ah ah ah..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was replaced by a shrill scream.

Ye Tian used the Great Soul Search Book, and his divine sense was like ten thousand sharp claws, tearing apart the sea of ​​consciousness of bull-like creatures, and instantly captured many pictures from it.

This is actually a powerful bull demon race, a descendant of Chi You, the ancient **** of war, who came from a living star named Sirius in the starry sky.

Sirius Ye Tian had heard of it. It is a star that is only more than eight light-years away from Middle Earth, and is said to have a white dwarf companion.

And the life star that Chiyou's bull demon descendants went to is a planetary satellite of the Sirius star, also called Sirius, a star of life, where many indigenous creatures live, among which the Sirius clan is the most respected.

In addition to Sirius Life Star, there are many other life stars around the earth.

A long time ago, the Middle Earth Star was the core of this star field, the strongest life star, and frequent exchanges with other life stars.

In the catastrophe before the ages, some powerful beings successfully escaped from the Middle-earth star and went to other life stars around. Those who exist, some have disappeared in the clouds of history, while others have survived tenaciously, established Taoism, and spread branches and leaves.

The Niu Demon Clan, descended from Chiyou, is one of the big clans that survived, and has grown stronger, and can compete with the strongest native Sirius on Sirius.

Two years ago, after the earth's spiritual energy was revived, Sirius's life and stars were awakened, and the Bull Demons sent people to the Middle Earth Star to see what happened here.

Moreover, they know that there are descendants of the Bull Demons on the earth, living in the secret realm of Kunxu.

The Jiuli Sect was established by the descendants of the Bull Demon Clan. It worships Chi Youyou's only god, but keeps intermarrying with the human race. The Bull Demon's bloodline is already extremely thin.

Returning to the Middle Earth Star and coming to Kunxu, the Bull Demons of Sirius found that the Jiuli Sect was destroyed and the descendants of the Bull Demon were slaughtered. The Underworld Immortal Sect turned upside down, and all the disciples under the sect were slaughtered.

Elder Jiujue, Elder Li Chundao, Zhao Qingyi, Luo Feng, Earth Bear,…

Seeing the familiar figures fall into the pool of blood, Ye Tian's eyes were about to split, his veins jumped up, and the chaotic golden light that enveloped his body also seemed to be burning.

"I'm going, who is that person, so scary."

"It seemed like I slapped a bull demon from the bull demon clan to death with a slap."

"Slapped a golden alchemist to death with one palm, when did I have such a fierce person born in Waiyinmen?"

"The descendants of the Chiyou Bull Demon came from outside the sky, and a Nascent Soul Heavenly Monarch led the team, who would dare to be an enemy? Are you looking for death?"

"Hey, have you seen it? That figure is a little familiar."

"It's a little familiar. I'm going, won't it be him? Didn't he go to the outer world?"

Around, many figures appeared, and there was a lot of discussion, all with shocked expressions on their faces.

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