Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2550: Genius girl

Remember [New] for a second,! Although he has been away for 20 years, there has always been a legend about him in Waiyinmen, where one person overwhelmed a small world and swept away thousands of enemies.

Ye Tian originally thought that Su Mengyao was also killed, but later found out that it was not. The little girl, with the help of the Great Earth Bear, went to the Inner Hidden Door through the boundary passage of the inner and outer hidden door. But the Great Earth Bear was slapped into blood mud by a Nascent Soul Bull Demon.

Ye Tian has a deep memory of this violent earth bear. Except for the old site of the Sun Moon Sword Palace, there was a war with each other, and he finally subdued this violent bear.

And Li Chundao, Zhao Qingyi, Luo Feng, and others also brought back his memories.


The soul of the Golden Core Bull Demon was directly torn apart under his divine sense and turned into flying ashes.

Then Ye Tian stepped out, fell into the boundary channel and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"It's him, yes, after 20 years, he's back."

"It's so strong, he won't prove Yuan Ying as well, right?"

A piece of news spread in the outer hidden door, and thousands of creatures were shaken.

The inner hidden gate of Kunxu, also known as the fairy gate, is much more prosperous than the outer hidden gate.

Of course, the inner hidden door has always been extracting the avenues of the outer hidden door, harming others and benefiting oneself, which is very contemptible.

But now, with the recovery of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the hidden door is no longer needed.

As soon as Ye Tian entered the hidden door, he felt a more vigorous avenue of inspiration than twenty years ago.

Under this avenue of inspiration, Jin Dan is no longer the limit, and Nascent Soul can be born at the extreme.

You must know that Nascent Souls can even be born in the secular world, not to mention the hidden door.

A year ago, Our Lady of Yaochi in the Holy Land of Yaochi successfully demonstrated the Yuan Ying and became the first Yuan Ying Tianjun after the great changes in the world.

Although Immortal Master Haotian and Sword Master Shushan have not made a breakthrough yet, they are only half a step away.

The Yaochi Holy Land is one of the three top sects of the Inner Sect. It has inherited the West King Pagoda, an artifact of the Great Way. Now that the Holy Mother of Yaochi has broken through the Nascent Soul, the status of the Yaochi Holy Land has risen again, and it has become the strongest sect of the Inner Sect in one fell swoop. one.

Haotian Xianzong and Shushan Jianzong would have to look up to Nascent Soul before the birth of Nascent Soul.

In addition, Yaochi Holy Land has a peerless genius, Qin Xiaoyue, who has the blood of the True Phoenix.

The little girl originally bowed to Ye Tian's door, but Ye Tian didn't have time to teach, so she handed it over to Yaochi Holy Land.

Yaochi Holy Land named her as the second saint. She practiced on weekdays, and various resources were given priority.

Twenty years have passed, and the little girl did not disappoint. She broke through six months ago and proved the ninth-grade golden pill, which shocked the entire inner and outer hidden door.

You must know that the ninth grade represents the highest. Although there are super grades above the ninth grade, the super grade golden core is already another level, which is rare in ancient times.

Thinking of Our Lady of Yaochi, she was also a generation of arrogance when she was young, but she only proved the seventh-grade golden elixir.

And the seventh-grade golden core is already the top existence in the inner hidden door.

The Tianjiao of the Inner Hidden Sect generally proves the Dao of the third grade Jindan, and those who can prove the third grade of the Dao belong to the peerless ranks.

Su Mengyao broke through the Jindan realm a year ago, but she has only proved the sixth-grade Jindan. Although it is also very good, it is a pity that she has not been able to prove the third-grade Jindan.

Qin Qinghan has not made a breakthrough for a long time, and he is not sure of himself. With her own ability, the seventh-grade Jindan of Proving Dao is already the limit, and there is still a big gap compared to Xiaoyue'er.

Therefore, she still wants to accumulate and accumulate, even if she can't prove the Dao of the ninth grade, it is fine to prove the Tao of the eighth grade.

The ninth-grade Jindan is unique in the annals of cultivation history of the Middle Earth Star since ancient times.

In fact, not to mention the Middle Earth Earth, it is the ancient star of Penglai, but the more distant Beichen star field, and the arrogance of heaven who can prove the ninth-grade golden core is rare.

Xiaoyue'er's talent is evident!

If there is no accident, the Yuanying Tianjun on the Middle-earth star will definitely have her a seat in the future.

At that time, Yaochi Holy Land will have two Yuan Yings, it will be simple.

Yaochi Holy Land, the largest sect of the Inner Sect, has the Nascent Soul Heavenly Monarch in charge, and has the Dao artifact to protect the sect. It stands to reason that it should be respected by the world.

But at this moment, Yaochi Holy Land is under siege.

A group of bull demons, with broad shoulders and round waists, tiger backs and bear waists, each of them is more than ten feet tall, and the tallest can even be four or five feet tall, covered with black hair, standing proudly in front of the mountain gate of the Yaochi Holy Land, like standing upright. Black hills.

Although the number of bull demons is not many, only a dozen, but all of them have reached the level of Jindan, and there is even a Nascent Soul bull demon. The army and horses will be dwarfed by all.

This group is the descendant of the Bull Demon Clan from Sirius, the God of War Chi You.

They tracked Su Mengyao all the way to the Holy Land of Yaochi.

The guardian formation of the Yaochi Holy Land has been opened, and a nine-story pagoda is suspended in the air, falling down with earth-shattering coercion.

But a group of bull demons were not frightened, they stood in front of the mountain gate, unafraid, and shouted loudly, asking Yaochi Holy Land to release the people.

Above the city gate tower, Su Mengyao's clothes were stained with blood, her hair was messy, her face was pale, she was clearly injured, and was guarded by a girl younger than her.

The girl is graceful and graceful, with bright eyes and white teeth, a slender figure, immortal muscles and jade bones, a phoenix hairpin on her head, and a long phoenix dress mopping the floor on her body, which sets off her incomparably noble, and even has a beauty that is not inferior to Su Mengyao.

This girl is none other than the second saint of Yaochi Holy Land, Xiaoyueer, Qin Xiaoyue.

The first saint, Yao Xian, and the saint of Yaochi, and other high-level holy places, are also there.

The entire Yaochi Holy Land was mobilized.

On the tall city wall, countless bows and ballistas were erected, and arrows with armor-piercing effects that were more than ten meters long pointed directly at a group of bull demons outside the city gate. UU Reading

Compared with the invading enemies of the Bull Demons, Yaochi Holy Land has only a lot more Jindan, and there are hundreds of innate immortals, and they have an absolute advantage in number.

However, in the battle of great powers, the quantity is the second, and the quality is the main thing.

Although there are more than a dozen golden pills in Yaochi Holy Land, most of them are of the lower third rank, and there are only four or five golden pills of the middle third rank.

On the other hand, none of the golden pills of the Bull Demons are of the lower third rank, most of them are in the middle third rank, and a few are in the upper third rank.

Jindan nine grades, one grade and one heavy heaven!

It is not a problem for a middle-grade 3-rank jindan to overturn four or five lower-grade 3-rank jindan.

What's more, the Bull Demons are born with strong physique, and all of them are fighting madmen.

In the same battle, the human race Jindan won less and lost more.

So at this moment, the bull demons are attacking, and the pressure of the Yaochi Holy Land is extremely high.

This is only the vanguard of the Bull Demon. On Sirius, I don’t know how many Bull Demons are left. If it is in a hurry, it would be possible to kill a star in Middle-earth and slaughter a single star.

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