Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2551: Yuan Ying old cow demon

Remember [New] for a second,! "Our Lady, I've caused you trouble. Or, will you hand me over?" Su Mengyao said apologetically, a trace of blood dripping from the corner of her mouth.

"Sect Master Su, you can rest assured to recover here. Ye Tianren is kind to me in the Holy Land of Yaochi. If I hand over his beloved disciple to die, what will the world think of me?" The Lady of Yaochi said, with coldness in her eyes. Electricity, no anger.

It is undeniable that she was able to break through Nascent Soul, partly thanks to Ye Tian.

Because before leaving the earth, Ye Tian preached in the hidden door for several days, and some of them talked about the way of Nascent Soul.

Ye Tian's way of Nascent Soul was a great inspiration to her, so after the great change in the world, plus enough accumulation of oneself, she successfully broke through that level of heaven and man.

Therefore, Our Lady of Yaochi will speak like this at this moment, to save Su Mengyao.

"Our Lady of Yaochi, let me ask you one last question, will you let me go? Don't force me to do it!" The Nascent Soul Old Bull Demon, who was four or five feet tall and looked like a hill, roared, with a kind of supreme majesty and eyes. Two cold rays of light shot out.


With a loud roar, black sound waves surged out like a vast ocean, the mountains in the distance collapsed, and the ground beneath his feet was lifted up layer after layer. The guardian formation of Yaochi Holy Land also shook, as if being blown by the most terrifying hurricane in the world.

The same is the powerful bull demon roar, cast by the old bull devil of Yuan Ying, the power is more than ten times stronger than that of the golden core bull devil, the sky trembles, and the ten directions crack.

The West King Pagoda emitted a splendid light, and it recovered one after another, stabilizing the guarding formation, and facing the powerful bull devil's roar, calming the black ripples.

"Bull Demon Clan, I, the Holy Land of Yaochi, if you are not able to commit it, please retreat quickly." The Mother of Yaochi scolded angrily.

"It seems that you are toasting and not eating and drinking." Yuan Ying Lao Niu Demon is fierce and vicious.


The Nascent Soul Old Bull Demon was very powerful. A black mace in his hand pierced through the sky. It was majestic and powerful.

The jet-black mace seemed to have an average weight of hundreds of millions, and the heaven and earth could not bear it and shook violently.


All the people in the Yaochi Holy Land shrank their pupils. They could not think of a rare and unparalleled artifact, the Nascent Soul Old Bull Demon had one as soon as he shot it.

If it was just a single blow from the Nascent Soul, or a single blow from an artifact, the protective formation of the Yaochi Holy Land would still be able to support it for a while. Now an old Nascent Soul Demon holding an artifact hits an earth-shattering blow. The protective formation in the Holy Land of Yaochi is like It was like tofu, and it was suddenly smashed to pieces.

The terrifying aura swept the heavens and the earth, and the Yaochi Holy Land suddenly vomited blood and flew out.

The Mother of Yaochi also underestimated the strength of the Nascent Soul Old Bull Demon, and had an ominous premonition in her heart, but she had to bite the bullet and fight.


She moved, holding the West King Pagoda, and charged towards the Nascent Soul Old Bull Demon.

"Old Bull Demon, you are going too far. How can I allow you to be an outsider in the Holy Land of Yaochi?" The Mother of Yaochi was annoyed.


Thousands of Great Dao imprints rushed out from the West King Pagoda, each of which was as terrifying as the Heavenly Sword, which could annihilate the heavens and the earth and shock people into their bones.


Thousands of imprints of the Great Dao were overwhelming, smashing all visible creatures, and making everyone horrified.

The Virgin of Yaochi was also extremely angry, and when she came up, she made a lore, urging the ultimate battle power of the West King Pagoda.


As a result, the Nascent Soul Old Bull Demon just slammed down with a simple and direct mace, and all of a sudden, the imprints of the Great Dao were smashed into the void.

The mace is as huge as a mountain, filling the void, and destroying all obstacles, even thousands of mountains and mountains can be defeated in one blow.

Our Lady of Yaochi vomited blood and went backwards.

The same is the Nascent Soul, but she feels that her power is being crushed, and it is not on the same level at all.

"A fake Nascent Soul who has abandoned the earth and the stars, how dare you make a mistake in front of this seat? If it wasn't for the fact that you, the First Lady of Yaochi, and the Chiyou ancestor of my family had some contacts, it would be difficult for you to survive today. This Yaochi Holy Land It will also be gone." Nascent Soul Old Bull Demon roared.

What he said is not bad. Jindan has 369 grades, and Yuan Ying also has 369 grades. Not only did he testify Yuan Ying earlier than Our Lady of Yaochi, but he was also of a higher rank than Our Lady of Yaochi. In addition, the Bull Demons were born as fighting madmen, so their combat power crushed the Mother of Yaochi.

After speaking, Yuan Ying Lao Niu Mo reached out with a big hand and grabbed Su Mengyao who was upstairs at the city gate.

Thousands of miles away, Shushan Sword Palace.

A middle-aged man wearing a purple-gold sword pattern robe was standing in front of a water mirror, quietly watching everything that happened in the Holy Land of Yaochi.

The middle-aged man has sword eyebrows and star eyes, and his sword energy is strong, exuding a great majesty. The power.

It is the old sword master of Shushan Sword Palace, who has taken another half step in the realm of great perfection in the later stage of Jindan compared with 20 years ago, and is only half a step away from the realm of Nascent Soul.

Next to him, a young man asked, "Sword Master, are we not going to make a move? Just relying on the Holy Land of Yaochi, it is impossible to be the opponent of this group of bull demons? If Yaochi is over, I will die in Shushan."

The young man was wearing a well-cut Tsing Yi, with a slender and straight body, his hair full of crystals, and his eyes as bright as stars, with a look out of the dust.

It is the sword of the Shushan Sword Palace, whose name is Qingxuan!

This person is born with an immortal sword body, and is also a genius. He has proved the Dao of the seventh-rank Jindan, which is very good.

After all, Xiaoyue'er has proved the Taoist 9th grade golden pill, and there are not many people in the middle-earth star since ancient times.

Generally speaking, the seventh-grade golden core is already the highest golden core in the inner hidden door.

"Is there any movement over Haotian?" The Sword Master of Shushan asked There was no movement. "Jianzi replied.

"Haotian's old fox doesn't move. If my Shushan sword palace makes a move, wouldn't it make them cheap? Let's wait and see. Maybe, this is an opportunity for me in Shushan. Otherwise, a Virgin in Yaochi Holy Land, plus another True Phoenix saint, within a thousand years of Shushan, or even three to five thousand years, I will never be able to make a comeback." The sword master of Shushan said with deep eyes.

Originally, the three sects were on an equal footing, but now they have to ride on the heads of Shushan and Haotian, it is impossible for the two sects to balance their hearts.

At this moment, in the Immortal Sect of Haotian, the same is true. Immortal Master Haotian and Divine Son of Haotian watched the situation of Yaochi through the water mirror, but they did not move, and did not intend to take action.

"Little girl, you kill the descendants of my bull demon clan, and step on the Jiuli Sect, and apologize for your sins today!" Nascent Soul Lao Niu Demon made a strong shot, and the sound wave was like a tsunami, shaking the sky for hundreds of miles.


A big hand, pitch black as ink, covered the sky and the earth, not to mention the people on the tower, even the entire tower can be grasped with one palm.

Under that big hand, terrifying black fluctuations, like a boiling ocean, roared into the sky, rolling up thousands of waves.

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