Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2552: Some kind of come to me

Remember [New] for a second,! "If you dare to kill Sister Mengyao, my brother will never let you go when he comes back." Xiaoyue'er's eyes were bright, and under the powerful pressure, the blood of the true phoenix was excited, and a phantom of the true phoenix appeared in the sky. On the surface of the body, the colorful wings are bright, and when it is gently fanned, the flames are soaring to the sky.

"The bloodline of the true phoenix, I never imagined that such a rare bloodline could appear on this ruined planet. No wonder you can cultivate a ninth-grade golden pill. With your talent, it is a pity to be on this wasteland star. If it is on my Sirius star. , it's not impossible to cultivate a super-grade golden elixir above the ninth grade." Yuan Ying Lao Niu Mo was ecstatic, but he didn't expect to find a peerless seedling.

Although the Bull Demons do not accept human disciples, there are exceptions to everything.

He has a love for talent and wants to take Xiaoyueer to Sirius.


Xiaoyue'er counterattacked, her body was full of red light, her blood was surging, like a divine furnace, shining brightly, and the flames surrounded her in the center.

She slapped her palms in a row, creating nine true phoenix palm prints, each holding a golden sun in her arms, spurting out terrifying divine energy, colliding with the giant palms of the Nascent Soul Old Bull Demon.

"Little girl, it's useless. If you don't become Nascent Soul in one day, you will never know how terrible Nascent Soul is. In front of Nascent Soul, even if you are a ninth-grade Jindan, you are as vulnerable as an ant. Follow me to Sirius, I will guarantee you to break through the Nascent Soul within 20 years. My Bull Demon Clan can even devote all my resources to help you get a glimpse of the supreme gateway to God. The premise is that you submit to my Clan and have no second thoughts."

While speaking, Nascent Soul's old bull demon's palm was crushed strongly, crushing all the nine real phoenix palm prints, and his bull devil's giant palm only stunned slightly.


Su Mengyao struggled with her injuries, holding the Purple Lightning Yin Lei Dao, and slashed out an earth-shattering sword light.

Above the sword light, thousands of Yin thunder bursts, and there is also a phantom of a true phoenix, which is smashing the world.

It was Ye Tian who taught her "Nine Slashes of the Purple Phoenix". After decades of hard work, the swordsmanship has reached the realm of transformation.

However, it was still useless, the Nascent Soul Old Bull Demon only had a qi shock on his body, and the Zidian Yin Lei Daoguang shattered into the void.

The first saint Yao Xian didn't even have the guts to shoot, and almost collapsed to the ground.

The Lady of Yaochi held the West King Pagoda and charged again, but was intercepted by two half-step Nascent Soul-level old bull demons of the bull demon clan.

Although it was only two half-step Nascent Souls, the attack was comparable to that of the U.S. Infant, and the Virgin of Yaochi stepped back.

"Oh, by the way, you just said your brother, who is he? Is he very powerful?" Jindan Lao Niu Mo asked, a big hand had already patted the top of Su Mengyao's head, and he was about to squeeze the person.

The city gate towers were crushed and subsided, cracked, and could collapse at any time.

The corner of the girl's mouth was bleeding, her bones were cracking, her body was about to split, and even her soul and golden pills would be crushed into powder.

In front of this Nascent Soul old bull demon, his sixth-grade golden core was almost like an ant, and the difference between them was unknown by how many orders of magnitude.

"His brother is me."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the sky.

Then, I saw a crystal clear finger that came out of the sky, and actually held back the giant palm of the Nascent Soul Old Bull Demon that could shake the world, and it was difficult to make any further progress.

Xiaoyue'er shuddered when she heard the words, her eyes widened suddenly, and she saw a young man with black hair in azure clothes, like a ghost, suddenly appearing in front of her.

As soon as the young man pointed it out, it was as if he had erected a divine pole, firmly resisting the mountain-like palm of the Nascent Soul Old Bull Demon.

His figure is so small compared to the giant bull's palm, but in the eyes of Xiaoyue'er and Su Mengyao, he is like a giant standing in the sky, so they can only look up.

It was Ye Tian who arrived in time.

"elder brother!"


The two girls said with trembling voices, they could hardly believe their eyes.

In particular, Su Mengyao was so excited that she burst into tears.

She was ready to die, and the most regrettable thing was that she didn't get to see her teacher before she died.

Not only the two girls, but everyone in the Yaochi Holy Land stared wide-eyed as if they had seen ghosts, in disbelief.

Twenty years later, the youthful demeanor is still the same, still as handsome, with peerless elegance, and some senior figures in the Yaochi Holy Land are recognized at a glance.

"When did you come back?" Yao Xian, the first saint, was trembling, and her beautiful eyes were full of brilliance.

The Lady of Yaochi also frowned and stared at Ye Tian.

From the sense of breath, it seems that the young man only has the cultivation base of Jindan.

"He actually blocked the palm of the Nascent Soul Old Bull Demon with a single finger of Jin Dan. How did he do it?" The Virgin of Yaochi was emotionally fluctuating and could not calm down.

She was already cultivated into Nascent Soul, but she was hanged and beaten by the old cow demon of Nascent Soul.

This situation made her full of doubts about herself. Is it true that a fake Yuan Ying was created as Yuan Ying Lao Niu Mo said.

"Who are you?" Yuan Ying Lao Niu Mo was surprised, his eyes pierced.

He urged a more terrifying force to crush it down, trying to crush Ye Tian into powder.

As a result, the finger that was holding against his huge palm slammed a little, and a loud click came out, and the huge palm collapsed in an instant. Yuan Ying Lao Niu Demon couldn't bear it, and took a few steps back in the void.

"My name is Ye Tian, ​​the suzerain of the Beiming Xianzong. The Jiuli Sect was destroyed by me. What's the matter with me?" Ye Tian said lightly.

Suddenly, a group of bull demons had their eyes split open, and they were all about to move, wanting to gang up and kill them.

"Okay, little brat, you have some ability. But today, you can't escape death." Yuan Ying Lao Niu's eyes burst into two groups of killing lights, and then stepped out abruptly, stepping on the city gate tower. down.

At the same time as he stepped down, UU Reading he also exerted the double suppression of the domain and the law, turning into a huge bull demon that was 100 meters tall, and grew three heads and six arms.

All the disciples of the Yaochi Holy Land took a deep breath, they only felt like they saw an ancient troll who opened up the world, a wave of coercive waves filled the void, and the entire Yaochi Holy Land trembled under its feet.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, it's not good, retreat quickly." The Lady of Yaochi shouted and threw the West King Pagoda violently.

The nine-story pagoda glowed and turned into a huge one hundred zhang, like a mountain, hitting the Nascent Soul Old Bull Demon.

"Strong Bull Demon Fist!"

The Nascent Soul Old Bull Demon did not dodge or evade, and his six arms were unleashed, blasting out six huge fists like shooting stars. Every punch has the power to shake the world, rubbing against the air and bursting into flames.

Bang bang bang!

After repeated collisions, the West Emperor Pagoda was not only blasted out, but even cracked.

Although the West King Pagoda is strong, it is only a magic weapon forged by the Yuan Ying sacrifice, and it is difficult to suppress it in the face of the Yuan Ying Lao Niu Demon.

The Mother of Yaochi was shocked, and only then did she realize how powerful the Yuan Ying was.

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