Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 827: Fake devil

A group of thugs suddenly appeared, about two dozen people, all of them were men of stature, all with a strong, aggressive, very scary body.

"Hurry up, where is the Chinese?" An aunt pointed to Ye Tian's direction and said to a group of thugs.

"Are you sure you are Chinese?" The lead thug asked.

"Okay, he himself said, Chinese." Aunt was stern.

Ye Tian clearly remembered that he had just asked the aunt to pass by.

When the mother asked him what country he was, he told the truth, and then the aunt stopped giving him a stern glance at him when she left, like some deep hatred, which made Ye Tian inexplicable.

"Well, that's not right." Aunt was suddenly shocked again. "It was clear that there was only one Chinese, but now how can it be three? He even has associates."

"The more the better, take off your clothes and pull all over to show the streets. We want to let Hua Guo know that although my small Aurora country is small, I also have a temper. Those who provoke me to the Aurora small country will be embarrassed!"

The leading mob said, and rushed forward.

Boom boom!

A group of thugs followed, all screaming like chickens.

In this scene, it seemed like a group of hungry wolves saw three sheep and couldn't wait to eat it.

Over there, Fang Hao was scared to pee. He did not expect that he would be so unlucky, and met the mob as soon as he came out of the restaurant. However, he heard that many Chinese people were caught by the mob, and all his money was stolen. He was also beaten to death, saying that every day should not be, that the ground was not working, how miserable it was.

He reacted between the electric light and the flint, fled the road, even his girlfriend could not care about it, and perfectly explained what a couple is a bird in the same forest.

He almost sprinted out of the restaurant door at a speed of 100 meters. When he tried to push in, he found that the door was locked and could not be opened at all.


He was going crazy, slamming the door, and shouting, "Who locked the door? Open it quickly, or I'll be stingy."

"Fang Hao, they have found you, and it will hurt us if you come in. You must run elsewhere, and you won't run away if you don't run again." Zhao Bin stood behind the door and said to the outside, keeping the door tight open.

Su Lingling was also standing behind the door, anxiously heading up, not knowing what to do for a while. Her girlfriend is still out, but if she wants to save someone, she might have brought in the gangsters and she had to get in.

"Zhao Bin, you step on the horse and quickly open the door for me, otherwise I told them that there are Chinese people in the house, let's not think about it anymore." Fang Haoqi said badly and threatened.

"Fang Hao, you're a fool. If you come in, we will all be finished, or they will be caught. It doesn't make any sense. Besides, this matter is no wonder to us. If you want to blame, blame your girlfriend. Well, we have to be the Virgin. This time, it's okay, I lost myself in. "Zhao Bin scolded angrily, all of a sudden.

His relationship with Fang Hao was so ordinary that he would not worry about anything.

"Fang Hao, I beg you, this time I owe you a favor. You run quickly and bring Qianqian together." Su Lingling begged. She wanted to understand now that people still couldn't save it, because they couldn't save it at all, instead they had to step in.

Fang Hao also seemed to realize this suddenly. The thugs had discovered him. Entering the restaurant was tantamount to being caught by the thugs. They could not escape if they wanted to escape.

As a result, he secretly hated, pinpointed a direction, and ran away.

However, with so many thugs, he scrambled around, he couldn't run away. In the end he ran less than a hundred meters and was caught.

Ye Tian and Zhang Qian were surrounded by thugs.

"It's finished, it's finished." Zhang Qian was crying.

She rushed out to save Ye Tian just a momentary impulse. Now how could she not be afraid of a group of fierce thugs? After all, she was just a little girl.

At this moment she faintly regretted it.

"Have you offended them?" Ye Tian asked, puzzled.

"Are you really stupid or fake stupid?" Zhang Qian was not angry.

"how you said that?"

Zhang Qian was so angry that she was about to vomit blood. I really wonder if this guy's head was kicked by a donkey, and he was too lazy to care about him anymore.

Her boyfriend Fang Hao was very sad. After being arrested by the mob, he even kicked him.

"You can't hit people, just stop!"

Zhang Qian couldn't bear to see her boyfriend being beaten, and she had the courage to yell at the mob.

"Do you know each other? Are they together? Are there others?"

The lead thug asked.

Zhang Qian just wanted to speak, but was interrupted by her boyfriend Fang Hao.

"This is my girlfriend." He pointed to Zhang Qian, then went on to say: "We are not Chinese, we are Donglian. You caught the wrong person, and let us go."

Then he pointed at Ye Tian fiercely and said, "Only he is a Chinese, if you want to catch it, grab him."

He speaks international language, English. In order to prove that he is from the East, then he showed the East language again, and he talked a lot, very fluently.

Suddenly, a group of thugs were stunned, thinking that the goods were really Dongmen.

Zhang Qian was also stunned. She didn't expect her boyfriend to pretend to be a Dongren and betray her country. There was no bottom line.

Fang Hao dropped her just now and ran to the restaurant alone, which made her very sad, and now she is even more disappointed.

"Is he telling the truth? Are you East?" A mob asked her.

"Come on, say you're from Dongying." Fang Hao said to her in Dongying, and frowned.

They knew them while studying in Donglang, and they can speak Donglang.

Ye Tian seemed to see something coming. These people seemed to be robbing us Chinese. Although Fang Hao's method was very clever, he still sniffed and shook his head with a sneer, showing disdain.

Fang Hao was angry for a while, and yelled in Donglang language: "You are stupid in a Chinese country, laugh a fart and laugh? You do n’t even know you are dead!"

He thought that Ye Tian couldn't understand the Donglang language, but he heard Ye Tian say to him in a fluent Donglang language: "You, a fake devil, can only speak two Donglang languages, do you think you are amazing? "

Suddenly, he was stunned.

A group of thugs were also stunned, thinking that Ye Tian was also a Dongmen.

At this time ~ ~ Zhang Qian's voice sounded, saying: "I'm a Chinese, not a Dongyan."

"Qian Qian, are you crazy? It's too late to change your mouth." Fang Hao's eyes widened and he gritted his teeth.

"I was originally a Chinese, why do you want to change your mouth? If you want to be a Dongren, you can be a good person, don't worry about me."

Fang Hao wanted to say something more, but was stopped by the thugs, let him and Ye Tian hurry away, Zhang Qian wants to stay.

Fang Hao thought about it for a moment, but finally walked away. He really didn't want to fall into the hands of a mob, and that was too sinful.

"Why don't you go?" The thug shouted at Ye Tian.

"I didn't say I'm Dongzhang people. You fools, it's so easy to cheat, thinking that they can speak Dongshang words, they are Dongzhang people." Ye Tianzhang said.

As soon as he said this, a group of thugs were full of black lines, and they couldn't help violently.

Fang Hao ran away, lest he be caught by the small handle.

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