Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 828: Hands-on

Not only did Ye Tian not leave, but she stepped forward, blocking Zhang Qian's body and moving her for a while.

Look at her boyfriend again, like a bereavement dog, running faster than a rabbit. If this kind of man can be trusted, sows can go up the tree.

She was really desperate, and she was so upset that she found out for the first time that her boyfriend was like this.

"Let this girl disappear from me in ten seconds. I can never blame it, otherwise it will be very serious." Ye Tian said with his hands on his shoulders, facing a group of fierce thugs.

The thugs were dumbfounded again, a little embarrassed, as if threatened by a kindergarten child, which made people unbearable.

"Are you really stupid or fake? What nonsense? They will kill you!" Zhang Qian poked Ye Tian's back, whispered angrily, really doubt this guy is a big fool, his head is not enough .

At first, things were not so serious. Some thugs were in troubled waters, specifically for stealing money. If they gave money, they would let them go. If they gave less, they might be beaten, but there would be no danger to their lives.

After all, in the broad daylight, the mob did not dare to kill unscrupulously.

But Ye Tian is now talking nonsense, and the consequences are very serious. The mob is provoked and it is not impossible to kill him.

"What did the boy just say? I didn't understand." The lead thug mowed his ears, exaggerated expression, and looked around at a group of thugs.

"He said that we would disappear from him in ten seconds, otherwise the result would be serious."

A mob replied very seriously, and a group of mobs burst into laughter.

"How serious?" The lead mob asked, again.

"I don't know, just wait and see, you will know in ten seconds."

It was only ten seconds. Of course, the thugs could not afford to wait for Ye Tian. They also play with **** and want to play with the Chinese boy in front of them.

"Five, four, three, ..."

Someone started counting down.

The lead thug stared at Ye Tian, ​​with a playful look, as if looking at a stupid lack. He is extremely tall, almost two meters, with well-developed limbs, thick and strong hair, like a polar bear, standing among a group of thugs, holding a fist in his right hand, larger than a sea bowl.

"Brother, you don't have to die yourself, why bring me!" Zhang Qian wanted to cry without tears, her petite body shivering.

Now she regretted her death, and determined that Ye Tian was really stupid. She knew that she would not be rescued, and dragged herself into the water.

At this time her boyfriend had run far away and could not be expected at all.

The restaurant's door was still closed, with her girlfriends and her fellow villagers in it, too.

At this moment, the ten-second countdown to the streets soon ended.

"Boy, cowhide can't be blown by anyone. It blows carefully and bleeds his face." The leading thug rubbed his fists and came to Ye Tian step by step.

"It's over!"

Zhang Qian closed her eyes and couldn't bear to look directly, Ye Tian was stabbed like a dead dog.

"Where is the stupidity, I like Qiang Neng so much, Qian Qian will be killed by you!" In the restaurant, Su Lingling was so anxious that she could not help crying and yelled at Ye Tian, ​​then asked the restaurant owner, Brother Brother, for help. : "Brother, think of a way, how can you save Qianqian? You have lived here for so long. You should know some local talents. Can you call them to say that they can interrogate us? We have money and can give Money, just let people go. "

Brother looked bitter and shook his head, indicating that there was nothing he could do. He knew this group of thugs, which belonged to a local social organization. The leading guy was named Badel, the special soldier retired, and the black and white was all-in-one.

"Zhao Bin."

"Don't look at me, I can't help it. My Taekwondo black belt five sections are just embroidered with fists, used for performance, and have no actual combat experience."

Zhao Bin counseled.

At this moment, a mob brother behind Badr suddenly rushed over and whispered a few words in his ears. Suddenly he frowned, his clenched fist loosened.

"Boy, I don't embarrass you. I'll give you a chance to reform, depending on whether you want to grasp it. Now you kneel on the ground, scratch your head and ask for forgiveness, while scratching your head and saying that you are an Eastman." Bader smiled slightly Tao, shady, uneasy at first glance.

This is trample on dignity and heartfelt, it is almost a hundred times more cruel than beating.

The thugs took out their phones and wanted to film the scene and post it online.

Many passers-by watched, and they each took out their mobile phones and kept shooting, lest the world would not be chaotic. Most of them are local people, even if there are a few foreign tourists, they dare not come up to punish evil and do good.

"Stupid, kneel down quickly, **** for mercy. In front of life, dignity is a ball!"

Inside the restaurant, Su Lingling anxiously, eager to rush out, pressed Ye Tian to the ground and scratched his head, saying that he was an East Qiang.

"If you kneel on the ground and scratch your head and ask me for forgiveness, I can promise not to beat you into a pig. And you, everyone."

But listening, Ye Tian said so.

"Boy, you are really looking for death!"

The lead thug Badr immediately became furious, his whole body was bruised, his muscles were swollen, and a fist smashed into Ye Tian's face door.

This is a ruthless man. The leader of a local gang organization, the special forces retired, and are tall and sturdy. There was a long scar on his face, which extended from the ear to the corner of his mouth. No one believed that this scar was caught by an adult polar bear, and that polar bear was killed by his bare hands.

What a terrible combat power to kill an adult polar bear with his bare hands?

At this moment, Bader punched out, facing Ye Tian's door, and the wind shouted, and the void was shocked.

This fierce punch is not human, that is, an adult polar bear was hit, and all had to fall down.

"It's too hard! This guy must have hit a black punch, and maybe even killed someone." Zhao Bin exclaimed through the door slit.

Anyway, he has five stages of Taekwondo black belt. Although he is only showing his legs, he only entered the martial arts with half of his feet. His eyes are sharp, but he can feel the power of Bader. And that terrible murderousness ~ ~ Be careful, hide! Zhang Qian yelled.

"It's just an ant." Ye Tian sneered, very disdainful.

He raised one hand and faced Bader's fist, punching him lightly.

"Dare to fight with the boss, this stupid lack of understanding!"

A mob brother ridiculed, but as soon as his voice fell, he heard a loud noise, the entire face of the old man Badr was deformed, the flesh was blurred, as if it was hit by a big hammer, the nose was broken. The nose cracked, the nose collapsed, the mouth sprayed blood, the teeth collapsed, and both eyes nearly came out of the eye sockets.

Ye Tian's fist was almost full of spirits, and Badr didn't see the trajectory, so he hit his face. And his fist fell through.


Bader's huge body fell to the ground and smashed the ground.

The audience was shocked!

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