Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 834: Good people are hard to do

"Finally thrown away, **** me, it's really exhausting me. I saved you a life again and talk about how you should thank me?"

In a certain block of the capital of the aurora small country, Zhang Qian leaned against the wall breathlessly and ran all the way, really tired, the sweat on this cold day.

Ye Tian shook his lips and said, "I didn't let you pull me, why do you want to thank you? Look at the ghost place you brought me to. You don't see any of the figures. Going out is all trouble. . "

"You, you white-eyed wolf, you? I really saved you!"

Zhang Qian was so angry, she made such a big sacrifice, but ended up saving a white-eyed wolf.

She couldn't wait to draw hundreds of big-ear scrapers. The Virgin needs to be cautious, she vowed never to be so impulsive again.

"Okay, you have a species, just when I saved a white-eyed wolf. From now on, don't follow me anymore, you can make it your own!"

She complained about Ye Tianyi's abusive curse, and then left by herself. She never wanted to see Ye Tian again. In fact, she didn't even know Ye Tian's name. The two were very strange.

However, she didn't go far enough, and suddenly backed back, trembling with horror, her face pale, and trotting and hiding behind Ye Tian.

"It's over, robbers, there's a gun. Why am I so unlucky today!" She cried in a sad face. "I saved you twice, this time it's time you got off the horse."

This is an old neighborhood, sparsely populated and very quiet.

A middle-aged man in a black jacket, who looked very insignificant, suddenly stepped out of an alley, holding a gun in his hand, and came over to the two.

"Is the Chinese national?" The man asked as he came over, a pair of cross-eyed eyes staring at Zhang Qian.

"Don't say it's a Chinese, it's called Dongying, or we'll all be finished." Zhang Qian quickly said to Ye Tian.

"Don't you hate to say you're Dongying?"

"The situation is different. Listen to me." Zhang Qian said anxiously.

But he heard Ye Tian say to the robber: "Yes, we are Chinese."

"You, are you sincere with me, aren't you?" Zhang Qian gave a stern blow on Ye Tian's waist.

"Two Chinese people, and a young and beautiful girl, I really won a big prize today. Boy, take out all the cash on your body, squat on the ground, and put your hands on your head."

"You are robbing."

"It's not a robbery, it's a kidnapping, a fair kidnapping."

"Kidnapped? Are you sure you want to kidnap us?"

"Why, aren't you stupid enough to want to call the police? At this juncture, any Chinese police station will not accept any case. I will kill you for nothing."

"Why?" Ye Tian frowned, and then asked Zhang Qian, looking back, "Is this really the case?"

"Brother, are you really stupid or fake stupid? Because that demon king killed more than two thousand of them, the relationship between the two countries is so fraught, do n’t you know?" Qian Qianqi did not make a fight. .

"It seems that this is the case, but it is also the small country of Aurora to find the fault first. They want to kill the young devil first. The young devil is forced to defend it." Ye Tian excused himself.

He suddenly realized that all the questions in his heart were answered, and finally understood why the people of the small Aurora country were so unfriendly.

"How do you know that they want to kill the young devil first? Do you think you are the young devil?"

"Yeah, I'm the young devil."

Zhang Qian returned to him with a scornful look, just like looking at a big fool, and no longer ignored him.

She took out her cell phone, and was very busy, ready to call the police. Although she knew that the alarm might be of little use, she might be arrested. After all, they are still wanted in Manchuria.

However, the fellowship fell into the hands of this insignificant uncle and suffered various inhuman tortures. She would rather go to jail.

"Why won't it work? Why won't it work? Answer it quickly!" She was anxious and afraid, not only with her hands clasped, but even her lips closed. But the call was delayed.

"Well, don't call the police anymore, the danger is lifted!"

Ye Tian suddenly turned around and said to her.


Her phone dropped to the ground.

The wretched robber in a jacket, a big living man who was still agitated a second ago, didn't know what happened, but now he fell to the ground, motionless, bleeding from his brows, and a blood hole.

Although she didn't see how Ye Tian shot, she must have been killed by Ye Tian because there were only two of them.

"You killed him?"

"It seems to kill."

"What seems to be killing, you just kill him, you are a murderer. Oh my god, I was with a murderer and I would probably be considered your accomplice. Who am I to provoke? Now, why is it like this? You know you'll kill me? "Zhang Qian cried wow.

"I saved your life, but you blame me. Good people are really hard to do!" Ye Tian shook his head and sighed, then turned away.

The small country of Aurora does not seem to have the consciousness of the originator, and the evildoers have to sue first. He is going to teach some lessons and teach them to be human again.

"Stop, wait for me!"


At this time, a battle of prisoner hijacking was still underway, and the battle was extremely fierce. The battle of the three Dragon Guards had clearly fallen behind. After they knew the trick, they had no intention of fighting and wanted to leave. However, the other party was smitten and did not give them the opportunity to leave. One is bad, they will probably explain here.

"I'll drag them, you two flee!" The fire dragon warrior suddenly yelled, shouting at the dragon dragon and the dragon dragon.

In the roar, the silver sword in his hand waved wildly and slashed down.

He was burning in flames all over the body ~ ~ The momentum was soaring, and he had already burned the essence of the innate essence blood, and he would break the net with the enemy.


He slashed with a sword, and a tens of feet of flame sword air broke through the sky, covering the entire sky, like a meteor falling to the ground, and collapsing like a river, not only covering opponent Wilson under the sword, Almost everyone on the field was covered.

Others had hope of escape, but Wilson could not escape because he was too close to the fire dragon battle.

However, he had no fear at all.

The momentum on his body also rose sharply, his clothes were burning, and there were large tendons and blood vessels on the wide body, dense and dense, like a spider web.

As you can see, this raised large tendon and the blood vessel change between extreme speeds, just like a heating wire. After it is powered on, it heats up and turns into a red color.

Seeing from a distance, it seems that magmatic rivers flow on him, criss-crossing, dense, and strange.

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