Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 835: Arrival of aid

"Any ants, see how I can break your astonishing sword."

Wilson's eyes widened, two flames of several feet long shot out of his eyes, which was a sign that his momentum had climbed to the top.

He's going to move too.


He slammed his feet on the ground again, and the whole block shook violently, as if a large earthquake had occurred. The ground had cracked and collapsed, and endless magma spurted out from the ground cracks, just like a volcano The horror scene sweeps out an overwhelming magma fan, as if the raging waves rolled up into the sky, and the battle against the fire dragon will be swept away.

Then, he raised his right hand, and a magma was drawn into it, turning it into a magma spear.

"Don't take it lightly," Gust said, reminding Wilson.

He didn't choose to escape, and a storm cyclone in his hand condensed quickly to help Wilson. Because the fire dragon warrior's shocking sword was too powerful, he was worried that Wilson could not be beaten.

"The fire dragon, every time you step on the horse to be a hero, this time it is time to change Laozi to do it again." Canglong will growl, squinting his face, like a madman, and does not intend to escape.

His clothes were stained with blood, as if he had been tortured by Ling Chi. The bronze-colored skin was covered with hundreds of scars, some of which were deep and deep, all showing bones. This is all cut by Gust's Windblade. If it was not relying on the horizontal training body, the physical body is arrogant, and I don't know how many times I have died.

"Is the wind power, do you think you are great? Lao Tzu hates the cool and dragging people like you most!" Canglong swears at Gust, and his huge body runs like a chariot. Over, the alloy warhammer in his hand was raised high and smashed out.

"Aishania, help me block this stupid hunk!" Gust said to the witch Aishania.

"Finally there is a place for me." Aishania smiled softly.

"Weak, slow, dizzy!"

The wand in her hand waved violently, cursing the gems with black flames, and the power of three curses burst out, breaking through the void in an instant and hitting the dragon war general.

The curse of weakness suddenly weakened the mana in the dragon dragon general.

The slow curse made the Canglong battle stagnate like a chariot, like a quagmire.

The Curse of Vertigo dazzles Dagon.

With the blessing of the three cursing powers, the combat power of the Canglong warrior is almost zero. Although the power of the curse can only last for a short time for such an extreme existence, if Gust hits him at this time, it will be enough to make him fatal.

However, Gust couldn't make it at this time, he must help Wilson.

At this time, the magma torrent that Wilson played had already confronted the sword that would be split by the fire dragon, and it was even split easily, and it could not stop the sword. It was Wilson who waved the magma spear that had just condensed in his hand.

"Let me help you with this big man. He is full of swear words and has no cultivation. He really hates it." Aishana's eyes were cold.

All in all, the wand in her hand stabbed sharply, and a Zhang Xuchang Heimang containing the power of the horrifying curse burst out, like a black spear, piercing the void, splitting the earth, and stabbing at the dragon Heart.

"Black Dragon, be careful!" Yelled at the Dragon Dragon.

He tried to help out, but was stopped.

He was confronted by a vampire named Steve, a blood duke, a respected leader, and a vampire who led a city.

Vampires are hard to kill, let alone a Duke-level vampire.

He was struggling hard, and his body was traumatized. If the vampire is not the blood of the living, he is likely to have fallen.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

In the battle of the dragons, he threw three flying knives in succession between his palms and fingers, turning them into three bright white awns, as fast as a meteor, and chopping the black lances shot to Aishania.

As a result, he saw that Steve bullied himself, using his body as a wall, and stopped him.

Of course, he wasn't stupid enough to be a meat shield.

The vampire had an unparalleled response speed. He waved his hands swiftly and caught two flying knives.


The third flying knife penetrated into his body, and a blood hole burst in the chest cavity, but he was not a big deal, he was only half a minute behind.

"Our blood race is a descendant of the Protoss, with an undead body, you can't kill me. Stupid Chinese, take the initiative to donate your blood, and I will give you a happy way to die." Steve sneered wickedly.


He suddenly accelerated, broke through the sound barrier, opened his mouth and opened his mouth to fight against the dragon.

"Go!" Gust sipped in his mouth, throwing a storm cyclone between his hands.


The sky shook and the void collapsed.

The storm cyclone swept through the sky, and instantly stretched, showing a huge cone, a sharp point, as if a tornado wind swept across the void, rotating at high speeds, almost as fast as an electric drill, without knowing how to turn tens of thousands of revolutions in minutes.

The storm cyclone spins at a high speed, and a large vacuum is formed around it, which generates a huge suction force. A broken Hummer military vehicle is sucked into it, as if it has entered a crusher, and is instantly torn.

What a terrible scene, and everyone who saw it was appalled.


Hearing a loud noise, the dozens of Zhanglong Flame Sword Long Dragon and Gust's Cyclone Storm that the Fire Dragon will split down broke into two parts at once.

"What?" The fire dragon war shrank his pupils sharply, and an ominous hunch of heartbeat instantly burst into heartache.

The storm cyclone momentum continued unabated, like a horrifying spear, rushing out of a channel in the raging sea of ​​fire and the empty magma, piercing the fire dragon at high speed.

Over there, the witch Aishania will also succeed.

However, in the light and flint, the abnormal protrusions, a transparent Xueliang spear came out of the air, hit the black mang spear with precision.


The black mang spear shattered into a cloud of black mist, and UU read the book, while the transparent Xueliang spear shattered into a icy sky.

This turned out to be an ice spear!

"Who?" Aishania horrified.


Liang Fei responded to her with another ice spear.

"Frozen and frozen!"

Sima Xuankong rushed forward, and the violent frost and cold air in his body surged out, spurring the endless frost and cold air between heaven and earth.

Now it is winter. The temperature is several degrees below zero, and the snow has not melted a few days ago. There is no shortage of ice and cold in the heavens and the earth, which has brought great convenience to Sima Xuankong's use of frozen magic.

I saw that in the middle of the battle between Gust and the Fire Dragon, the monstrous sea of ​​fire and the empty magma were frozen in an extremely fast speed, and even Wilson couldn't escape and was frozen in ice. Go in.

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