Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 855: Do not confess

General Padre had to be subdued. Suddenly, there was a sound of argument at the scene of death.

The onlookers were very dissatisfied. This is their country.

The young demon king trampled their country, brought countless deaths and injuries, but eventually had to submit to him, which was unreasonable.

If you do not regain justice, and bring the young demon king to justice, the aurora small country will lose all face and become a laughing stock on this planet.

During the war just now, the strength of a division came together, and a steady stream of troops followed.

With the Supreme Court as the center now, thousands of square meters have been blocked to prevent flooding. Barricade wire nets were set up at all the intersections, and a lot of artillery was set up. One tank and one armored chariot were in place. In the sky, a fighter roared, ...

With a single order, the Supreme Court and its surroundings can be crushed to ruin in minutes. №ⅰ№ⅰ

The Internet is even more drooling, describing the young devil as a global public enemy, and calling on all countries in the world to join hands and fight together.

Coercion is overwhelming, and terrible killings sweep the world, but the young devil is not afraid!

If he is a big country, he may have to spend some weeks with a touch of fear. But the Aurora small country, a small country with a population of over 10 million people, can be crushed with only one hand.

"I'm not here to kill, but to justify justice, to say something." Ye Tian stared at General Padre, and said so, with no sorrow and joy, looking calm.

When he said this, all of them frowned suddenly.

You've killed so many people, and you said it was fair. Is this funny?

Is there any truth?

You are obviously a pawn, do you have to set up an archway for yourself? №ⅰ№ⅰ

Obviously the little aurora country should ask you for justice!

The people were puzzled, but General Padre knew it.

"What do you mean?" He pretended to be ignorant, panicking.

He can almost guess what Ye Tian is going to say. He has a ghost in his heart and is not calm.

After all, he was the initiator of all this.

If he hadn't listened to the myth of the League of Gods Barov and ordered a battleship to attack Ye Tian, ​​there would not be this mess today.

"I have no injustice with your aurora small country. Two months ago, why did you provoke me for no reason? Want to put me to death? Then why did the wicked sue me first, slandering my hand first, and smearing me internationally? The great power of the east? I need you to give me an explanation, but also to apologize to me in the presence of everyone, to apologize to the great power of the east, and sincerely regret it. "Ye Tian Leng cold said, words stunned, eyes actually There was a hint of killing. №ⅰ№ⅰ

Padre, as commander in chief of the three armed forces, must be aware of this and cannot be separated.

Therefore, Ye Tian turned to him for justice, but also to the right person.

Moreover, Ye Tian suspected that he had given the order to attack him.

"Yes, I can testify that it was your first move that attacked us for no reason. At that time, we were flying in a helicopter and flying over the Arctic Ocean. You are really cruel, not only to kill us, but also you who drove the helicopter. The country ’s own pilots will ignore it and kill them together. All we do is just defense. It is the responsibility of more than 2,000 deaths and injuries, and it is also your own responsibility. It has nothing to do with my Ye division, and more to my eastern power. It is half a dime, and there is no relationship. "Liang Fei stood out and said, extremely indignant.

He was also one of the parties, and the words he spoke were very important.

However, the people at the scene would not believe that he was lying, helping others, and slandering the Aurora small country. №ⅰ№ⅰ

Liang Fei was so angry that he couldn't wait to yell at a loud speaker and tell the whole world what he said was true.

Ye Tian was very calm and ignored the onlookers. They were all ordinary people, only to be fooled by the authorities.

General Padre took a deep breath, quickly stabilized his mind, and said, "I don't know what you are talking about. The information I received was clearly your first move, attacking our warships for no reason. We were forced to fight back, but were attacked. You all wipe out. "

"Nonsense, it was your first move that fired missiles at us, trying to shoot us down. Do you want to deny it? Really think that people all over the world are blind, and will believe your ghost words?" Liang Fei immediately became furious.

"The sentence is true and there is no falsehood. I can swear to God, and I have evidence that it is your first move." General Padre's dead pig was not afraid of boiling water, and did not confess his account. №ⅰ№ⅰ

He certainly did not dare admit it, otherwise he would become a sinner in the entire country. And if the confession of the imperial alliance is given out, the consequences will be even worse.

"If you believe me, we can talk in court and express our opinions. In broad daylight, so many people are watching, not a place to talk."

An old man in a suit and leather came suddenly, with a gentle tone, and said lightly.

"Who are you?" Liang Fei asked.

"My name is Tumon, the justice in charge of this trial and the presiding judge. Although I am from a small country of Aurora, I come from the International Military Tribunal ~ ~ In the principle of fairness and justice, I will not Favor either side. As long as you have enough evidence to prove that it is the small Aurora first to move your hands and attack you first without cause, our court can plead guilty at discretion, and may even betray you. "Justice Tumon said humblely. He stood on the side of Falun Gong, trying to put pressure on Ye Tian.

"I agree, talk in court, put the facts and reason, everything is up to the judge's decision," General Padre said quickly, his face straight.

"Juvenile Devil, if you are really innocent, I believe Justice Tumon will return you justice."

"Heaven and earth are big, jurisprudence is the greatest! You are a martial arts master, and you have to speak a word of reason."

"I see, the young devil is guilty and dare not go to court."

The onlookers also clamored for a while, admiring Justice Tumon's proposal, forcing Ye Tian to go to court, speak with facts, and use legal judgments.

"What do you mean?" Lord Tumon shouldered his hands, a sly smile on his face, and asked Ye Tian.

"Go! I'm not guilty, I can't get your finger on the International Military Tribunal." Ye Tian reprimanded with a fierce look.

"If you need time to gather evidence, I can give you time and try it later." Tumen relented and gave up a step and continued.

"I'll let you go, can't understand you? Really think you are an old man, so I dare not shoot you?"

Ye Tian waved with one palm, bringing up a gust of wind.

"Swordsmen show mercy, I roll, I roll, I'll roll."

Judge Tumon almost scared his urine, crawling around.

In the face of absolute strength, even the truth seems very fragile.

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