Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 856: Subordinate prisoner

"Old man, it seems I can't use some means. You don't plan to tell the truth!" Ye Tian glanced away at General Padre with a murderous look. Both hands clenched into fists and crackled. Very scary.

"You, you, what do you want to do?" General Padre looked back in horror, and kept back.

Although there were several soldiers following him, all of them were frightened and weak.

"Juvenile Devil, we have so many people watching, would you dare to persuade General Padre?"

"There are no two hundred and twenty silver here, I think you clearly have a ghost in your heart."

"Don't even dare to go to court, regardless of the existence of legal principles, there is no ghost in your heart. What is it? Juvenile Devil, you have no time to stop now, otherwise you will become the public enemy of the world, and there will be no end.

"General Padre, don't be afraid. Our whole country is with you. Millions of people's soldiers are your strong backing. Any monsters and monsters are paper tigers, and justice can defeat evil." №ⅰ№ⅰ

The crowd was hustle and bustle, and everyone was clamoring for General Padre. They can't beat it again, they have only left their mouths.

It is on the Internet that the voice of supporting the aurora small country also accounts for the vast majority, thinking that the young devil is the culprit, so I dare not face the court.

Ye Tiancai wouldn't pay attention to other people's discussions, and would not care about other people's opinions.

If this old guy knows the truth, tells the world the truth, and treats himself innocently with the great powers of the East, he will save his life, or he will be beaten to death as punishment.

Suddenly, Ye Tian kicked out, knocked General Padre to the ground, and stepped on his body.

"Old guy, do you want to say something?" Ye Tian asked angrily, as if stepping on a dead dog. №ⅰ№ⅰ

"You, you, I am the commander of the three armed forces, you can't do this to me! Let me go quickly. We have something to say, don't use your hands, this is very uncivilized." General Padre's two old faces flushed, Suddenly his face was dull, and his heart was dead.

"The commander-in-chief of the three armed services, is it great? When you ordered to attack me, did you ever think that there will be today? You have even fired the guns, but you are not allowed to use my hands. What is the reason?"

"You devil, don't bully people too much!" Padre almost snarled.

Suddenly, the crowd was boiling, and the soldiers roared, feeling indignant at the behavior of the young demon king.

This is their commander in chief of the three armed forces, which can represent the absolute existence of a country. Ye Tian's footsteps on the commander of the three armies are no different from the footsteps of the small country of Aurora, and their behavior is outrageous.

Bullies don't bring such bullies! №ⅰ№ⅰ

Is it tolerable, unbearable?

"Ye Tian, ​​are you doing this a little, a little bit too much?" Long Xiaoyun said to Ye Tian with a frown on his eyebrows. After all, she is a girl, soft-hearted, and given the possible negative effects of Padre's identity, some are unintelligible.

However, several other members of Long Wei did not react like her, thinking that Ye Tian couldn't punish Padre any more.

This old guy looked kind and good-looking, but it was so bad that he was willing to be a dog leg to the Western powers and was very hostile to my eastern power.

But he said that the small country of Aurora, under the auspices of the Western powers, bullied me of the Eastern Powers in such a powerful way, and it was better than ever.

That is, a few of their dragon guards. If Ye Tian suddenly appeared and rescued them, the consequences would be very tragedy, far better than Padre at the moment.

"This is the end of the matter, and you have lost control. Let Ye Tian do it. I believe he can handle it well." Xiao Tianqi said to Long Xiaoyun.

Although he is a dragon head, he is powerless in the face of this chaos, because he does not have the iron **** wrist like Ye Tian.

This kind of chaos can only be solved by relying on the iron **** wrist, which is about to cut chaos.


Suddenly, General Padrele screamed, his eyebrows overflowed with blood, as if he had been hit by an invisible crit, and almost fainted. Ye Tian put his foot on his body and didn't step on it hard.

"Be careful, she's going to kill Padre, kill her. Don't let her succeed." Long Xiaoyun yelled suddenly, quickly spurring mental strength, and stared away at a blond beauty.

Elena had just been wounded by Ye Tian's consciousness, and passed out. She didn't know when she woke up, and kept pretending to be dead, lying on the ground. Now she suddenly got up, launched a mental attack on Padre, trying to kill. №ⅰ№ⅰ

As a member of the Imperial League, she must of course consider it for the interests of the Imperial League. If the League of Empires was confessed by Padre, the impact would be very bad, and even the great empire would fall into a passive state.

The invisible mental attack is hard to detect. Padre is dead. She can stay aside and lay the responsibility on Ye Tian.

Her eyebrows glowed, and another horrifying mental force flew away, hitting Padre's mind.

Long Xiaoyun urged her mental strength to stop halfway, but she couldn't stop it at all, because her mental strength was weaker than Elena's.


Suddenly, a small glass-like penetrating sword flew out of Ye Tianmei's heart. With one sword force splitting, Elina's mental power fluctuations broke apart, like a piece of paper.

The golden sword ran up and turned into a golden god-like man. №ⅰ№ⅰ

"not good!"

Elena was so frightened that she closed her eyebrows and knew the sea. She could see that this golden sword was transformed by spiritual power, more than a thousand times more condensed than her spiritual power. It is simply the gap between broken copper and iron and refined steel, which is not at a level.

"so close!"

Fortunately, she responded quickly, rushing to the golden sword before her brows, closed the sea of ​​knowledge, and cut off her own mental strength.

"It turned out that you attacked me just now. How could your mental strength be stronger than mine?"

Just now Alina was stunned by Ye Tian's blow, but she didn't see who was doing it, and now she suddenly realized.

"Not stronger than you, but much stronger."

Ye Tian made a slap, and Dao Jian slashed, and it was Elena who closed her eyebrows and closed the sea of ​​knowledge, or she was torn open by a gap by Dao Jian and chopped down on the soul.


The spirit was broken, and Elena was suddenly violent, and her two big blue eyes stared round, staring.

At this time, General Padre wounded Elena, and the situation was not so good, she passed out. After all, he is an ordinary person, and he is also an old man with very weak mental strength. If it wasn't for Ye Tian's decisive shot, and let him be slammed by Elena's mental power again, he would have to die.

Ye Tian's palm glowed, a magical power was gathered, and he would cross Padre to wake him up.

But listening to the yelling from the crowd:

"The young devil killed General Padre and avenged it!"

"Fire, soldiers, what are you waiting for?"

"Kill kill!"

The crowd broke out suddenly, and the soldiers red-eyed.

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