Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 876: Close disciple

After leaving the Yanda campus, Qiao Chen rushed here in a hurry, scaring a cold sweat.

It was late at night, and the mansion was still brightly lit and full of people, and it looked very lively.

When Qiao Chenguang came to the house, he discovered that there were many big brothers at the party. There were dozens of people, and it was a heavyweight existence.

Yan's grandfather Yan Bao.

Su Yilong, the father of the Su family.

Huo family ...


Even, Qiao Chenguang also saw Bai Wanshan, Bai Langshan, the grandfather of Ye Lang.

However, although the big brothers were talking about each other, their faces were not good-looking. It seemed that something bad had happened, and they all looked dignified.

In contrast, Huang Fuliang, the grandfather of the Huangfu family, and the two sons Huangfu Zhengbiao and Huangfu who have already carried the beam, triumphed, and looked more relaxed.

The old man, Huang Fuliang, was sitting in a high position, wearing a Tang suit, with a red face and extraordinary vigor, holding a tea cup in one hand, taking a small sip by his mouth, and then saying, "Don't be in a hurry, all sit down. , Drink hot tea to warm my body. "

Huangfu Zhengbiao and Huangfu Triumph brother laughed and greeted a group of big brothers warmly.

"Father Huangfu, it's all this time, why are you still in the mood to drink tea? Hey hey, it's anxious to die for us." Yan Bao's grandfather Yan Bao said with a rough voice.

"Yeah, the little devil of the Ye family will be back soon, and he will definitely take our sword."

"Let the Tianmu Fawang come out to see us soon, and kill the Ye family children early. He won't die one day, and we will have trouble sleeping and eating."


As Qiao Chenguang guessed, a group of big men came for Ye Tian, ​​and they all learned that Ye Tian was alive.

After all, Ye Tian made a lot of noises in the small country of Aurora, known all over the world.

However, knowing that the young devil is Ye Tian, ​​it is a minority after all.

"He has returned to Yancheng. I saw him just now."

Qiao Chenguang suddenly spoke, sending an explosive news.

Suddenly, the big brothers in the audience were not calm, one by one, the perspiration was cold, and the spine was cold.

The young demon king has returned to Yancheng, and that's okay, it's terrible.

This is a **** of killing, killing is like killing a chicken, slaughtering is like killing a dog.

So they are a group of big men, with high weight and hand-eyes, the young devil can also kill them in minutes.

"Is this true? Are you kidding me, aren't you kidding me?" Bai Baishan, the master of the Bai family, suddenly grasped Qiao Chenguang's hand and asked in a panic.

If the young demon king avenges the Ye family, their Bai family is likely to be the first to suffer. That's why Father Bai is so panicked.

"I said I saw him in person, what did you lie to? But he's with his girlfriend now, and it shouldn't kill anyone indiscriminately."

Although Qiao Chenguang said so, a group of big brothers were still uneasy. They felt like they had fifteen buckets in their hearts.

At this time, only Tianmu Fawang can settle their hearts.

"Huangfu, my brother, don't hide it. Hurry up and call out Tianmu Fawang. The little devil of the Ye family has returned to Yancheng, and Tianmu Fawang is looking for him for revenge. When? Be careful he flees, and trouble if you want to find it again. "Su Yilong, the grandfather of the Su family, came out and said.

The other big brothers also mean the same thing, with lots of expressions and eager eyes.

"What level is my master, and is it just a group of you that can see each other?"

At this time, I heard the voice of a young boy coming from the door. The sound was loud, like Hong Zhong Daluo. It was penetrating and made the eardrums of the listener tremble like lightning.

The big brothers looked at the sound, and saw a young man wearing a thin exercise suit, bare with two arms exposed, with bronzed skin, as if made of copper cast iron, carrying his hands step by step.

The juvenile is tall, majestic, majestic, with a sword and eyebrows, and an aura of magnificence. At a glance, he is a dragon and a phoenix, and a brilliant martial artist.

There was a faint glow on his body, and the snowflakes would pop open as soon as they touched it.

This is suffocation. It can only be condensed until the martial arts realm, ordinary knives and guns are not very resistant.

This is a young master, no wonder the power is so strong.

"Master Jingyun." Qiao Chenguang bowed his head, bowed, and gave a pious look.

As he said, this boy is no one else. It is the second young master of the Huangfu family, who is shocked.

Two months ago, he was abolished by Ye Tian's martial arts. Later, he was blessed by the disaster and worshipped under the door of King Tianmufa and became a great disciple.

The King of Heavenly Eyes not only helped him regain his skills with his worldly mana, but also took another step in martial arts, broke through the realm, and became a martial art master.

How rare is the young master, looking at a few people across the country!

No wonder he is so proud.

Moreover, as a close disciple of the King of Heavenly Eyes, he has infinite possibilities in the future.

His elder brother Huangfu Jinghong has no such good fortune. It is said that he went to the other side of the ocean, hoping to rely on the sophisticated technology of the great empire of the time to reshape an arm, even a mechanical arm.

He has been suppressed by his brother Huangfu Jinghong for a long time, living under the shadow of his brother.

Now, he replaces his brother Huangfu Jinghong, becoming the Kirin of the Huangfu family, the top child of Yancheng, the first person of the younger generation.

At this moment, he came to a group of big brothers, with a proud look, and he was still quite good at speaking, but the big brothers all listened obediently, because they were upset and did not dare to attack.

The big disciple of the King Tianmu Fawang, the Kirin of the Huangfu family, how dare they offend.

Mo said that this group of foreigners is his father Huang Fu triumphant, his grandfather Huang Fu Liang, who was very kind to him, awed, and dare not reprimand him.

"Yejia, a cricket ant, why are you afraid? If my master shoots, he can slap him with a slap." Huangfu stared as if a torch, walking along the road.

He had just completed his exercises, and sweat-stained beads on his bronze skin gave him a masculine feel.

This cold day, a dozen degrees below zero, his body was like a stove, walking around, bringing up a heat wave, and a terrifying coercion.

"Jingyun, just now Chenguang said that Ye Tian had returned to Yancheng. Would you like to inform the king and let him have a preparation?" Huang Fu triumphantly said to his son, his attitude was very low, as if he was With his son, Huangfu became a dad.

Tianmu Fawang does not live in Huangfu's mansion ~ ~ Speaking with Xiao Qingtian, only Huangfu can find him.

"Really? That's the best. I never thought he would dare to throw himself into the net and return to Yancheng. Save my division to look for him everywhere." Huangfu said in a faint light, his face proud.

"Jie Yunxian, don't delay, go to your master. Let Ye Yeer die early." A middle-aged man said with a smile.

"What's the rush, when should I call my master, I have my own mind?" Huangfu Jingyun said almost in a reprimand.

Suddenly, the middle-aged old man turned black.

"Also, please pay attention to your title. I am a disciple of King Tianmu Fawang. You call me a nephew. Do you want to have an argument with King Tianmu Fawang?" Huangfu Jingyun continued.

At this moment, all the big brothers are black, and even his dad and grandpa are a bit ugly.

That being said, he didn't stay long, and went out to find his master.

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