Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 877: Boiling network

Huangfu Jingyun left for one night, and returned to the Huangfu family mansion the next day.

Many offenders, because they offended Ye's family too deeply, feared that they would be retaliated by Ye Tian, ​​so scared they didn't dare to go home all night, and spent the night in the mansion of Huangfu's house.

They were very disappointed. After waiting for one night, Huangfu Jingyun came back alone, with both hands empty, and there was no shadow of King Tianmu Fa.

"Jingyun, how about your master?"

A big brother rushed forward and asked anxiously.

The other big brothers also had eager and anxious eyes.

"My master said to let Ye Xiaoer jump around for a few more days, and now is not the time to kill him." Huangfu said in shock.

Suddenly, a group of big brothers were stunned.

They had a terrible night, it was just suffering. If Ye Xiaoer were allowed to jump for a few more days, they would not be able to live in suffering every day and could even suffer revenge.

"Why?" Asked one of the big guys, anxiously jumping.

"Is it because of Dongjun's appointment?" Some big guy gave his own guess.

The big man guessed very accurately, indeed because of the appointment.

After one night of fermentation, and thanks to the popularity left by the young demon king in the small country of Aurora, the appointment has been uploaded on the Internet, just like boiling water, which has become the hottest topic in the world. People in the world know.

"Except for the nickname, there is an old man in the realm of God who wants to act for the sky and hang the young devil!"

"Dongye's first family of yin and yang surgery, come back to the world!"

"Decisive battle on the top of Higashi Fuji, can the young demon king continue the undefeated myth?"

"Take a tour to Dongyu, enjoy the snow scene, watch the decisive battle, and have an appointment with interest."


The whole world is concerned about this decisive battle in the coming divine realm.

Many ticket-buying websites were once paralyzed because there were too many people buying tickets and they had to go to Dongcheng to watch this decisive battle.

"The juvenile devil may not be able to support the battle of the East Devils. Already, masters of Shenjing are standing in Yancheng to wait for the rabbit, waiting for the juvenile devil to throw himself in the net.

"The old master of the secret teachings of the Western Regions, Tianmu Fawang, find out."

"Did the one who had immortal rainbow body repaired?"


I don't know who brought the rhythm, and the news of Tianmu Fawang was uploaded on the Internet.

This is not surprising, because many people know that he came to Yancheng to find Ye Tian to seek revenge.

"Will the young demon king and the Tianmu Fawang fight?"

Later, the topic became hot search, and many good people expressed concern.

Also on the hot search is the Tianmu Fawang, about his cultivation as a realm, and about his past achievements.

Amazingly, this is also a remarkable existence. At first glance, it doesn't sound much inferior to Amber Saint-Minn.

His old man is also over 150 years old, several decades younger than Amber Shengming, and his energy is not too weak, and he should remain at the peak of his combat strength.

"Intersect with the young demon king and Abe Shengming, why do I look forward to him and Tianmu Fawang fighting?"

"Maybe Shengbei is too old. The loess is buried at the root of his neck. He may fart by snoring."

"Yeah, the Tianmu Fawang and the young demon king are considered to be quite equal in the battle, and they are worth watching."

"It's too late to buy a ticket and go to Huaguo to watch the Shenjing fight?"

"The same question."


Doomed to disappoint many people, the battle between Ye Tian and Tianmu Fawang cannot be fought for the time being.

Someone posted on the Internet as a disciple of King Tianmu Fawangmen to prove this.

"If the young demon king Dongzhang can come back alive after the decisive battle, my division will not take him too late!" Said the poster.

As for why Tianmu Fawang didn't do it first, the post did not say clearly, but it is not difficult to guess the reason.

The so-called brothers are embarrassed by the wall.

After all, Tianmu Fawang and Juvenile Demon King are both Chinese, how can they hold their own and let outsiders see the joke?

Since it was a post posted by a great disciple of King Tianmufa, the eighth case is true. This battle is about to fall behind and may not be able to fight.

"Wait another week, is it possible that we have to go out for a week?"

"Yeah, what do we do these days? Will Ye Xiaoer do anything to us?"

"Father Huangfu, we all acted on the Ye family according to your instructions. You have to give an idea to ensure our personal safety."


A group of gangsters complained so badly that they were anxious to jump.

"Rest assured, I'll go and explain to Ye Xiaoer. My teacher is very enlightened. If he doesn't kill him first, how dare he open the killing ring and take action on you? Otherwise, my teacher will take back his promise and take his life. Huang Fu said coldly, his eyes indifferent.

He said that a group of big brothers were relieved.

The young demon king is not isolated. Following the news of the Tianmu Fawang, another explosive news was posted on the Internet, which made countless young demon fans excited.

On the Internet, it was just a joke from netizens. They said that the old palm of Longhu Mountain taught the Oriental Crane to take a shot and helped the young demon king.

I did not expect that today Longhushan really released a message saying that if the young demon king is willing to convert to Longhushan, Longhushan will certainly protect his safety.

It is not certain whether the news was spoken by Dongfanghe himself, but it was issued by Longhushan's official account, which represents the official attitude of Longhushan.

Longhushan is willing to come forward to protect the young demon king, some people are excited, some are indignant.

After all, Dragon Tiger Mountain is a decent deity. How can Damon's first ancestor land be in a rage with a demon king who does not blink?

However, similar voices are almost the same across China.

Dragon Tiger Mountain promised to shelter the young demon king and slay with its enemies. This is what the people across the country like to see.

Although the young demon king is very hard-hearted and has done a lot of extraordinary things, but compared with Dongying, his crimes can be ignored, Dongying is the deadly enemy!

In addition, forty years ago, Amber Shengming had led many experts in East China to go to my country ~ ~ to declare war, which caused many of my doors to fart and urinate, which had a profound impact.

This old debt of history must not be forgotten.

Some people on the Internet even called for the old palm of Longhushan to teach the Oriental Crane to lead a group of masters of martial arts and techniques in China, sweeping the East and West, and treating their lives with their own ways.

"Master Jingyun, the hospital is here."

In a Ferrari supercar, Qiao Chenguang was driving and Huang Fu sat in the co-driver. The two came to Ye Wenhua's convalescent hospital together.

Huangfu Jingyun didn't dare to go directly to Ye Tian and was worried about what might happen. So he went to the hospital and asked Ye Changqing to give a message to warn Ye Tian to be honest these days, otherwise Tianmu would take his life at any time.

"Why are you here? Go away, you are not welcome here!"

Outside the door of the ward, Ye Lang saw Huangfu Jingyun and Qiao Chenguang, and suddenly he couldn't breathe in one place, he shouted loudly.

His face was hurt, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and it hasn't completely disappeared yet.

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