Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 878: Bullying home

& lt;!-go-& gt;

"I beat you lightly yesterday, dared to say good words." Qiao Chenguang sneered coldly, his mouth seemed to smile, it was very funny.

As for Huangfu Jingyun, holding his hands up, he walked with his hands on his back, without looking at Ye Lang.

As if Ye Lang was just an ant to him, he dismissed him.

"I'll say it again, get out of me. Otherwise, I'll ask the security guard to blast you out." Ye Lang roared loudly, almost roaring, spitting fire in his eyes, and angrily met the two.

"The temper is still so irritable, do you really think that you are the original Ye Ye who responded?" Qiao Chenguang said wryly, with a look of scorn, and then he said, "Master Jingyun is looking for your grandfather to go to Ye Changqing Call out. We'll leave when we're done. "

"Just tell me anything."

"You are a little boy, and you are not qualified to talk to Master Jingyun. I will call you Ye Changqing, you just call, don't talk so much nonsense." Qiao Chenguang said coldly, and waved his hands as if in Send a fly away, let Ye Lang rush to the ward to call someone.

"Qiao Chenguang, are you trying to die on horseback? You're just a dog raised by someone else. What a arrogant dog is? You can't end well like this." Ye Lang mocked, pointing to his nose. curse. If it wasn't for Huangfu's shock, he would have rushed forward and Qiao Chenguang singled out.

Suddenly, Qiao Chen was furious and not calm, he clenched his fist and gave Ye Lang a sudden blow.

"Who are you talking about? I broke your teeth and see if you dare to talk nonsense."

He is indeed Huang Fu's shocked dog leg. Everyone knows in his heart, and it would be meaningless to say it. After all, he is a top student at a top school, how can he not lose face?

"Enough is enough, let me stop!" Huangfu Jingyun finally spoke, his eyes were cold and he snapped.

Qiao Chenguang's arrogant anger suddenly leaked most of the time, the beating stopped.

Ye Lang was so timid that he felt a horrible coercion from Huangfu Jingyun, and did not dare go too far.

"Go and call your grandpa. I'll tell him something." Huangfu flicked his fingers and said to Ye Lang.

Although his tone was very bland, he had an irresistible will and clearly gave orders.

This is a young master, with a magnificent grandeur. If he raises his hands, he will show coercive coercion, which is even more terrifying than facing a boss in business or politics, or even the military.

"Huangfu is shocked, are you here to find the difference?" Ye Lang asked angrily, although he was afraid, but he had a lot of courage.

Although their Ye family is experiencing a great crisis, they have not fallen. How can they be bullied?

He is much more mature than before and knows that he should take responsibility as the future successor of the Ye family.

The prodigal turns back and doesn't change his money. He can have this awareness, it's good, although it's a bit late.

"Do you think if I came here to find faults, would you still be able to speak to me now?" Huangfu said with a stunned look.

Ye Lang froze, and then groaned. "My grandpa is not here. Come back next time."

"Just let me call it myself. Say no to a fool." Qiao Chenguang made a sarcastical rush and walked towards the ward with a big stride.

"Stop! Are you looking for death, you can't enter the ward!" Ye Lang suddenly became very excited and quickly stopped.

But Qiao Chenguang moved quickly and pushed the ward door open at once, then stepped in again.

This is a very high-end ward, comparable to the suites of a five-star hotel, with carpets on the ground, gorgeous decoration and elegant.

Qiao Chenguang suddenly made a snoring expression, exaggerating his expression: "Sleep, such an advanced ward, I can't wait to give myself a set."

Suddenly, a scolding voice came and said, "What are you doing? Can't you see the patient is nursing? Get out."

Two senior nurses were nursing Ye Wenhua, and when they saw someone rushing in, they couldn't help but yelled.

Qiao Chenguang found out that Ye Changqing was not in the ward, only the patient Ye Wenhua and two nurses.

"I'm a relative of the patient's family, come to see the patient." Qiao Chenguang grinned, his face was thick, and he didn't go out, but walked towards the bed, wanting to see Ye Wenhua.

Ye Wenhua was paralyzed, just like a patient with icy fever, and there were not many places in his body that could move.

"Uncle Ye, how do you feel? Remember me?" Qiao Chenguang walked step by step, clearly scorning.

Although Ye Wenhua's body meridians were completely broken, he became a wasteful person, but there was no problem with the seeds in his head.

His eyes suddenly widened and he was very excited.

Hu Luo Pingyang was bullied by a dog. A junior dared to bully him.

"Qiao Chenguang, I killed you on horseback!"

Ye Lang rushed in, exasperated, raised a stool, and was desperately trying to fight with Qiao Chenguang.


Huangfu waved his sleeves in shock and swept a gust of wind. He pulled Ye Lang down from the air and planted it far away. His scalp was torn, faint, and wolf trembling.

On the hospital bed, Ye Wenhua was even more excited to see this scene, his eyes were almost staring out of his eyes, and his throat moved, trying to make a sound, but he could only make a hoarse sound.

Both senior caregivers were frightened, stunned, and dare not move.

"Let's go!"

Huangfu Jingyun took a cold look at Ye Wenhua on the bed, then turned and left.

"Boy, don't let me see you again, or see you hitting you once."

After Qiao Chenguang threatened Ye Lang, he walked outside the ward.

At this time, after seeing Huangfu Jingyun turn around and walk under the door frame, he suddenly stopped, and there was a shiver like a door god.

"What's wrong, Master Jingyun, is Ye Changqing back?" Qiao Chenguang asked behind Huangfu Jingyun, puzzled.

He looked intently, his pupils suddenly shrank, and the whole man was still stunned, almost petrified.

"Ye ~ ~ Ye, Ye Tian." He stuttered, scaring the cold sweat in his head.

A pair of handsome men and women stood outside the ward, not Ye Tian and Qin Qinghan.

A little couple hadn't seen each other for a long time. Last night they set fire to a star hotel.

Qing Han never blew the pillow wind in Ye Tian's ears, moved with affection and reasoned, and finally successfully convinced Ye Tian to come to the hospital to take a look at Ye Wenhua.

"Is the Ye family really not at this point? Under the broad daylight, A cat and a dog dare to bully their heads." Ye Tian shook his head and said lightly, but both fists clenched.

Although Qing Han did not like Ye Tian to use force to solve the problem, at this moment he couldn't help anger from his heart, thinking that Huang Fu Jingyun and Qiao Chenguang had done too much.

"Master Jingyun, what should we do now?" Qiao Chenguang almost scared his urine and asked tremblingly.

He was already very afraid of Ye Tian. He didn't expect that he would be blocked in the ward now. & lt;!-over-& gt;

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