When Guo Baochun watched his son drive such a big brick box in front of him, he didn't dare to move for half a day. He was also a person who had seen the world. Naturally, he knew what kind of car it was. But when he drove the car in his son's hand, he really felt like he was dreaming! Is it still your own son in front of you? I'm not dreaming, am I?

"Oh Guo Li, who was beaten, did not know, so, "Dad, why did you hit me?"

"You got a car from there. You just got a job. Is your tail in the sky?" Guo Baochun also hated it and slapped him again, "I let you jump! I don't know who you are, do you? "

"Dad, calm down!" After being slapped twice, Guo Li also comforted his father, "Dad, you want to go there. This is my teacher's car, but now you drive it for me, you are really misunderstood! If I don't have the teacher's permission, I dare not drive this car. I don't know how much publicity this car has? Do you really think I'm going to heaven? " Guo Li also said that he was aggrieved.

"Your teacher's car?" Guo Baochun also felt puzzled, "your teacher's car, what are you driving?"

"Dad, you get in the car first. I'll explain it to you." Respectfully let his father get on the car, and he opened the car door and sat in the co driver's seat, "Dad, what about my teacher? I'm not an ordinary person. I'm more comfortable with my eyes, so I'm more taken care of! "

"There is no such kind of care?" Guo Baochun was still very suspicious. Sitting in the co pilot's seat, he bumped his butt. He really felt very comfortable. He reached out and touched two of them. His movements were also very gentle, "Guo Li! This car is really a little too much publicity, you are so young, even if your teacher takes care of you, you can't be like this! "

"Daddy! I don't want to! Where's my teacher? It's really different from ordinary people. Haven't you met once before? I had a meal there at noon! Don't say the taste! The teacher said, is not what outsiders, let alone you come? He is the Lord, and you are the guest! Don't be so concerned

"You are too ignorant! No matter how your teacher has it, it's all your teacher's. I'm here to express my thanks. This is on the door! If we put all the things in our house together, we can't see the value of this car! To exaggerate, it's hard to say whether you can buy a wheel! "

"Dad, where's my teacher? Don't really care about that? " But then Guo Li seemed to think of something, "by the way, Dad! What did you do in the morning? I went to the hotel and didn't find you

"I went to see the house. You are working alone in the capital. What about your home? Even if you can't afford to buy a house, how about getting you a down payment? When you are in the future, you can be good at it? ..。”

"Oh, my God! What did I think happened? " Guo Li also sighed, "what big deal is it? But what about me now? I really don't have much time. What about the hospital? I have something else to do! I'll go back to the hospital first. You drive to the hotel and pack the things. In the evening, I'll have dinner with the teacher. Don't buy anything else! I'll explain it to you then! "

Although Guo Li said so, but Guo Baochun did not really listen to his son's, driving this big car? It's really different. It's a big car? But he is also very careful and cautious, after all, is the capital! Not anywhere else? It's better to be careful on this acre!

And what about Guo Baochun? Also deliberately went to find two gift shop, this time need a good big bleeding, for the son so care, this is the head of the family? Can't you not show it at all?

When it was about to evening, Guo Baochun also drove to the hospital. What about Guo Li's cleaning up? After seeing the gift on the back seat, he also looked at his father and laughed, "Dad, you are spending money again! When the time comes, the teacher really wants to talk about me! "

"What do you know?" Guo Baochun complained. "It's not strange that there are so many people here! What's more, we still visit! "

Guo Li quite for helpless, sat in the driving position above, drove to the teacher's courtyard side, but walked to the quadrangle intersection time, was stopped! Guo Baochun is also stupefied for a while, what meaning! There's still someone stopping me! Guo Li opened the window and said, "Hello, my father and I come to visit the teacher!"

The people nearby took a look at Guo Li and Guo Baochun, and nodded his head slightly, "just stop at the door! But the staff need to check it. We'll bring it in! " Then he looked at Guo Baochun and nodded his head slightly, "welcome to be a guest!" With a gesture, let's go!

Guo Baochun looked at the people next to him, and then looked at the street. He really didn't see any pedestrians! Guo Li also pointed to the outside wall, "this quadrangle is my teacher's home, the teacher's identity is some special, I come over every time is like this, all need to check! And after a while, who wasn't it aimed at? ""This is your teacher's house?" The wall is a little long! Although it is dark, but the street lamp is still on, can not see the end, "the whole is your teacher's home?"

"Well!" Guo Li also a smile, "nothing, I'm not the first time to come!" After arriving at the door, Guo Li also got off the bus. What about Guo Baochun? However, he was a little nervous. When he saw Guo Baochun, he bowed slightly, "Hello, Mr. Guo, welcome to your visit!"

"Dad! This is Deng Rong, Butler Deng, this is my father! Guo Baochun

"Sir, I'm sorry that you have to wait for a while to come back! Please

Housekeeper, what about this word? I've heard about it often, but it's all in TV. In fact, I haven't met it before. I've really opened my eyes today! "Housekeeper Deng, are you with your younger brother and younger sister?"

"The old lady is in a good mood today! I called over for dinner in the evening! So it's not at home anymore! " What about this? At the beginning of their own really not so clear, really is later to know, at home? It is really a taboo thing!

And sir? It can be said to be the long house and grandson of the Wang family! No one dares to admit this, but the problem is the relationship between Mr. Wang and Mr. Wang! I really don't know how to describe it! What about some things in those years? It's a long time since the present situation. Mr. Wang always has nothing to say to him, but he never comes to the door!

Tea was given to the Guo family's father and son, and then all the gifts were moved in. All of them had been checked and there was no problem with the control of the courtyard! If there is any situation, Deng Rong will not be a housekeeper!

After the tea, housekeeper Deng also laughed at Guo Li, "Guo Li, you can take Mr. Guo for a stroll! Mr. Su may have to wait for a while. Mr. Su is busy there! "

After Deng Rong left, Guo Baochun looked at his son and glared at him fiercely. He really didn't expect such a situation. Even if he had been to a luxury guild hall, it seemed that he couldn't catch up with it! But I went to such a place just to greet customers!

And his son's teacher actually lives here, you know, this is the capital, not other places? "Dad, don't you look at me like that? The teacher is more busy, I have said hello before, otherwise I don't know what will happen? What about the teacher? It's not just doctors, it's other jobs! "

"You son of a bitch, don't say a word in advance, let me have no preparation at all!" Guo Baochun glared at his son with hatred! What a shame!

"Dad! What else do you need to prepare for this? What about the teacher? Not ordinary people, for those messy things have no interest at all, in fact, you just said to buy a house? What about me? I haven't had this time. What about the house? You and my mother don't need to worry. I made a little money when I went out with the teacher

"You wretched child! Your teacher gives you this face. Can you hold it for me! You are stupid or I am not! How did I give birth to a child like you? "

Guo Baochun is really not angry at all! This time also really did not take into account that this is Ding Yu's home! Is it a curse? And Guo Li is not good to say something! Some things? There is really no way to explain!

When Ding Yu came back, Guo Baochun was swearing! Ding Yu also felt that there were some funny things, but such things are also normal, in a derogatory sense? Farmers are cunning, but what about the above? A unique smart way! It's just that it's a little more straightforward!

"Mr. Guo, we meet again!" Ding Yu came here after washing and changing clothes! Guo Baochun reprimanded his son for being really thirsty. When Ding Yu spoke, there were still some who did not respond to him!

When she saw Ding Yu clearly, she hesitated for a moment. She also wiped her hands behind her clothes. Then she stretched out her hands with a little excitement. "Miss Ding, would you like to visit me When talking, there is still some tension!

Ding Yu also stretched out his hands, "Mr. Guo, you are welcome! I'm not very kind. The old people are in the hospital. I need to have a look at them in the evening! Please forgive me

"Miss Ding, the old man at home is ill! You're back in a hurry! This is really sorry! I.... "

"The old man's little problem! It's not a big problem! " Ding Yu made an invitation gesture, "things have already been made. Maybe it will take a while. When I came back just now, I heard Mr. Guo scolding Guo Li? Are there some misunderstandings? "

"Mr. Ding, you took Guo Li as a student. We were so moved that we didn't sleep for several days. We didn't expect such a big pie to fall on Guo Li's head! But when I came here, I found out that the child was really too jumpy? Not steady at all! What's that like? Now the tail is cocked up. Can I get it in the future? ""Sit down and say it!" Ding Yu also pressed his hand, "what about Mr. Guo? Don't get too excited. What about this? In fact, is it strange? I really can't blame Guo Li. It has a lot to do with me! "

"Mr. Guo, you'd better listen to me. Guo Li went to many places with me and did some things." Looking at Guo Baochun still did not want to understand the meaning, Ding Yu also looked at Guo Li, "it seems that Guo Li's mouth is a little strict, I say so! What about what Guo Li did? A lot of money

"Make money?" Guo Baochun looks at Ding Yu and Guo Li again! I feel a little confused!

"Yes, I made some money. What about the money? Half of them are donated to the school, and at the same time the students are supported. What about the others? Now it's in my hand! But I don't mean to be greedy. What about this? I must explain clearly. Although I mentioned it to Guo Li, I only mentioned it to him, and I haven't communicated with Mr. Guo yet! "

Guo Baochun also shook his head, "Mr. Ding, you are his teacher, and Guo Li is your student. What should we do? You can do whatever you want, don't beat the disabled. In the future, you'll expect him to carry on the family line. "

This is also quite straightforward, Ding Yu also laughed, "now look at Guo Li people? There are really a lot of them. I really have some worries about whether Guo Li will be cross eyed in the future! What about many of the ladies in 49 cities? Now they are all looking at it covetously, and I don't know who will have a chance in the future! "

"No! He's such a jerk Guo Baochun is quite surprised. His family is at most a farmer's family. He can't afford it!

"In your eyes, Mr. Guo? He may still be a jerk, but in other people's eyes, it's not like this! Young more gold, and still more progressive! Very popular! Mr. Guo, can you sell it cheaply? "

Deng Rong came in in in a hurry at this time. Ding Yu took a look. Deng Rong also whispered in Ding Yu's ear and said two words. Originally, he thought he would eat? I didn't expect my third uncle to come! Isn't it a bad time to rush! While speaking, Ding Yu has heard the steps!

Ding Yu also stood up and walked quickly to the door. Guo Baochun watched Ding Yu stand up. He didn't know why, but he also followed him. But when he saw the meaning of coming in from outside, he didn't stop. Fortunately, Guo Li stood by, otherwise he would be sure to sit down!

"Uncle, I'm going to open up here? You are here at the right time

"You didn't go back today!" The middle-aged man took a look at Ding Yu. Today's aunt is living. What about such an occasion? Is the family, all the people have arrived, but only the lack of Ding Yu, there is really so some embarrassment, their own to have so late!

It's not about the identity, but because the work is really busy. When he comes back, he also comes to Ding Yu's side. Anyway, he will never rest early! When I saw two people in the living room, I was stunned, "isn't this Guo Li? Come to your teacher's place for a living today! And this one? "

"Hello, chief!" Guo Li also said respectfully, "this is my father, Guo Baochun!"

"Hello, Mr. Guo!" The middle-aged man was also smiling and took the lead in extending his hand, "it seems that you and I have disturbed you today! Boss, you won't complain

"Third uncle!" Ding Yu can't help crying or laughing. The joke is really big, "what can I say if you come here! However, it's not as early as the bridge. A good meal is not afraid of being late. I've just come back from the hospital, so the guests are waiting a little anxious! "

He winked at Guo Li. Guo Li also took his father to wash and wash. The important thing was to relieve his mood. The middle-aged man looked at the leaving Guo Li father and son, and also looked at Ding Yu. He sighed slightly, "how is Su Lao's health?"

"Ah! There is no big problem, but some of the body degeneration is too serious! At the age of the year, there is no problem after this year, but it is difficult to say after the New Year! "

"I just went to see old Wang and Aunt Wang. What about their bodies? It's not so good. Maybe I'll go to the hospital these two days! " What about that? It's not a complete joke on Ding Yu, but the real situation. Of course, what about this? There is also some sour taste. What about Wang and his wife? Obviously, what about grandson? Some opinions!

So two people also want to go to the hospital to feel, grandson does not come home, but he can not go to the hospital? There are so many old children! Speaking of it? There are also some difficulties for Ding Yu, but what about such a thing? There is really no so-called truth to say!

"It's tiring in the hospital!" Ding Yu also sighed, but did not say anything!

Guo Chun had never been controlled by the shaking of his hands before, but some of his hands were not controlled before"Well! I did some things in the UK, and I was met by the first chief when I came back! At that time, the teacher took the three of us to meet together! In fact, there are still some secret things, and I don't want to worry Dad. So I didn't say that you might have to sign some confidential documents, and if you really said it, there would be problems! "

"I don't say it. I'm sure I won't. I won't even tell your mother!"

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