But what about Guo Baochun? It is also holding his eldest son's hand and seeing him face-to-face on TV. This is totally two things! So in front of the dinner table, Guo Baochun did not dare to sit down.

The middle-aged man and Ding Yu then came, "since we have come here, it's just a family. How about it? I am also an ordinary person, also need to drink water to eat! It's not a golden pole or a golden rice bowl every day

This also eased Guo Baochun's mood. The food was ready because the three children were not at home! So it doesn't need to be so delicate! The so-called imprecision is only relatively speaking, and there is no need to deliberately target children, but what if it is really said? It's not ordinary!

What about things? Basically, they are all farm products, and the taste is a little light. Guo Baochun just uses the things in front of him. He really can't let it go. What about Guo Li? Even Guo Li also from time to time by his father's eye darts!

This section of the meal for the middle-aged and Ding Yu is nothing, but for Guo Baochun, there are really some trembling! "You! Pay more attention to it. Sometimes when the things at home are handled well, we can deal with the things outside! "

"Uncle, you won't come here deliberately and tell me about it!"

"What about Britain? It's a lot of trouble. Don't take it lightly! "

This should be the purpose of the third uncle here! Ding Yu also nodded, "what about this period of time? I may always stay in the capital! There won't be too many problems at this time! Look at the uproar

"Pay more attention to it. After all, I just experienced something like that!" When I left, I also took a picture of Ding Yu. I have read the briefing and found some problems. But how should we deal with it? This is not really a decision that can be made by patting the table!

Looking back, Ding Yu looked at the Guo family and his son, and he also laughed. "The third uncle came to me. I didn't think that Mr. Guo should have eaten well this evening."

"Eat it! This meal of life may not be the best, but it is the most impressive. When I go back, I immediately go to incense! The graveyard at home must be smoking! " Guo Baochun vowed to say!

"What about some specific things? I won't say it! You father and son talk about it well! What about the gift? I still like some of them! When you have time, ask Guo Li to bring a little bit here. As for others? It's really unnecessary! If I send it again, I will be really unhappy! " If you really bring some local products, there's no problem, but there's no need to buy some flashy things!

"Miss Ding, if you like it! I'll send the plums to you then Guo Baochun at this time has been happy to have so many can not own! And let Ding Yu stop. People give themselves this face, and they must hold it! You know what you lost now? It's not just your own face, it's important to lose your son's face!

After coming out of the courtyard, Guo Baochun also felt refreshed. What about his eldest son? Today is really a long face for myself! I came here with a lot of trouble, but now? There is no feeling in this respect at all! Also do not know why, feel now mood is comfortable!

"Go! Drink Patting his eldest son on the shoulder, Guo Baochun is very excited to say.

"Dad! Where am I driving? " Guo Li could see the expression on his father's face clearly, "what's more, I'm a doctor? If you can drink less, you'd better drink less. However, since you are so happy today, let's go to shuchuang! At most, you can find a substitute driver for a while! "

"Walking!" Guo Baotai is also waving his arm, "today's daddy treat!"

While waiting for something, Guo Baotai took a look around him and said, "son, I saw you today. It seems that the teacher is very familiar with the chief executive!"

"Dad! You've become so gossipy all of a sudden? Don't ask about such things! As for the specific relationship, I am not so clear, let alone even if it is known, also can not say! You! Don't ask! "

"Your teacher is so good, isn't it related to this?"

Guo Li also shook his head, "Dad, I see your understanding! It's really out of date! And some of them are too

"What is out of date? You just did not see, your teacher called him uncle! This relationship is absolutely extraordinary! I'll tell you, boy! Your teacher values you! You must be good performance, absolutely can't give your teacher off the chain, otherwise don't blame me for not letting you into the house

"Dad, I know it if you don't tell me! The teacher thinks highly of Shen Mingzheng and Shen Mingzheng. It's not that we are so smart and witty. It's mainly because we have great enthusiasm in medicine. " While talking, the waiter also brought the dishes to the table! "And the two of us? What about the others? I really don't have any feelings. Now I just want to learn with the teacher! ""Shen Mingzheng, the young man I met before? Very shy! "

"Mingzheng's family conditions are relatively general, so sometimes they are a little bit more restrained!" Where is Guo Li with his teacher? Because of my father's relationship, I really didn't have enough to eat. So now I'm not polite to swing, "Dad, you can eat too! But the teacher still has some expectations for him! "

"Do you have any expectations? I don't know about it. I just want you, boy! Can give me a breath! You are now sure to stay in the hospital! Is there any problem with this? "

"It's just that there is no relationship between the teachers and the hospital, but it's difficult for me to fill in any research forms. It's just that I have to fill in the research forms, but it's difficult for the two teachers to fill in the forms! If you are an undergraduate, there may be many problems in the future! "

He poured a glass of wine for his son, and Guo Baochun also raised it and drank it out in one gulp. He was really happy, "how much money did you make? Your mother and I are not envious of this, but don't be too reckless and publicity, what about your father and me? I'm not a publicity person all my life. Too much publicity? Easy to offend? what about you? Now the root is basically unstable, what's more, your teacher is such a capable person, I don't know how many pairs of eyes are watching behind! You must pay attention

"Dad, although I sometimes have flowery mouth, but really is not a publicity person, I am your son, don't you understand?" Pour wine to his father. Guo Li also explained, "where's my teacher? He is not a publicity person, his performance is also quite low-key, otherwise, at the beginning, he would not have met! "

"That's what I said!" Guo Baochun also felt quite different. Today, I went to the courtyard of Mr. Ding Yuding, and I went there. Even if I had a dream, I didn't dare to go to the place I wanted. However, people lived there. What's more, I saw the supreme leader there today, just like the people in my family!

But did you see the high profile? Not at all. When I took my two children to dinner, it was no different from ordinary people, just like ordinary young people! No matter what they looked like, at least they kept quite modest!

Like I went to the courtyard today? People don't need to lower any attitude at all. What are you! In your own heart? It's not worth mentioning at all, but they are still treating themselves with courtesy without putting on any high airs. This makes Guo Baochun feel extremely comfortable in his heart! What else do you want to do with a flat headed common people? Right?

"By the way, your teacher talked about girlfriend today? You have to hold on, you know? "

"Dad, let's wait for this! I also want to study for graduate students and follow the teacher's study. If I want to fall in love again, I really don't know if there is such a thing. In fact, there are a lot of people looking for me now, but? The purpose of these people is not so simple. I'd better wait a little longer. "

Guo Baochun looks at his son. On the one hand? Do you really think you are in love now? It will affect his son's studies, but on the other hand, there are so many worries, to know that some of his high school and junior high school classmates have been married! I want to have a grandson! What about traditional Chinese families? It's still a very important thing!

"Plum! What about us? Don't ask for anything rich and grand? I have two requirements. What about character? Be upright! What about the long ones? I don't think so? How about getting married? It's for living, not for being a vase. What about the other one? good health! It's mainly for the sake of the next generation. So does your mother! "

"What about the little girl now? It's more realistic, Dad. Let's say it! What about my situation? Actually, it's more complicated. What about you? It's not me that matters? It's about the teacher behind me! "

"Mr. Ding is very young, but I really haven't heard much about him!"

"And the teacher? It seems that there are not too many industries in China, mainly in medicine. In foreign countries, the industry is relatively large, making money from foreigners. Moreover, teachers are low-key, but they are very famous in medicine, your son and me! Also studying medicine? I know a lot about it! "

"Stinky boy!" Guo Baochun also scolded, "what about your mother and me? For one of the situation is not so understanding, you have grown up! So you can control it yourself! Where's your teacher today? It is really full of emotion, heaven and earth, your teacher is really good for you, don't let down your teacher! One more thing, always living in the bedroom? It's not so convenient. If you have money, buy a house! Don't ask too much, just have a place to live! Your mother will still come in two days

"Well, I'll arrange it! I don't know if there is such a time to go home in the New Year! If we can't, we'll spend the Spring Festival in the capital! As long as the family is together, it's home everywhere! "Guo Li is very comfortable here, but what about Zong Taiping? It's not as comfortable as you can imagine! What about Taylor? At the beginning, there was no appearance, but soon Zong Taiping knew what kind of character this aunt was!

The aunt said nothing, even when she looked at it coldly, she couldn't see any fluctuation in her eyes. If she sat down in the corner, she would not even feel it. But when she saw it, she would find that the family member was standing there like a ghost.

I don't feel anything when I don't see it, but after I see it? On the contrary, I feel more scared. What about the fear in my heart? It really makes people feel numb. Where does the director find such a monster? Is it just for scaring people?

"Miss Taylor?"

"Just call me tyler!" Taylor also gently nodded his forehead, "I'm very glad to meet you today. When I have time, I'll give you a banquet to thank you. It's already a little late! I'll go back to the courtyard first! "

Obviously, what about the four of them? It doesn't make Taylor have too much favor. At least the gap on this level is a little bit too big, and there is no comparison with Mr. Ding Yuding!

It can be said that Taylor has such a high self-reliance, but the monster family was born, itself is a monster, plus met Ding Yu such a person, so what about ordinary people? Never get Tyler in the eye! Today I came out to see some things, but some of them are not worth mentioning for Taylor.

But Tyler knows that she's coming out this time? If you want to see the real thing, it's impossible. At least, what about the Taiping People? I haven't reached that level yet. Of course, I also understand why Mr. Ding wants to do this and follow Zong Taiping? It's better to have a connection than not.

It's not about something? We all need to find Mr. Ding Yuding. Mr. Ding doesn't have so much time and leisure. And for Mr. Ding, what about these? They are just trivial things, but for Zong Taiping, the situation may be different! Even more handy than my husband!

Mr. Taylor has created such an opportunity for himself. Taylor needs to give them face, but giving face is one thing, and how to use it is another. He does not need to flatter Zong Taiping and the four of them, or even maintain the relationship.

Zong Taiping and the four of them, when Taylor returned to the courtyard, were all looking at each other. This Taylor said that she was not funny? It doesn't seem like that, but she is very smart? It's a totally unrealistic thing to tell lies at all! On the whole, this guy is contradictory.

But we all know that the director personally called them in the past. Obviously, it is not to let them see the dark side of the little girl, but to let them know each other. If there are any small problems and situations, they can handle them on their behalf!

As for other big questions? It's not up to them to worry about it. At the same time? They also can't control, this small trick we all understand, but this little girl? It seems that there are some not very gregarious just!

But no matter how out of group, after all, it was introduced by the director! And what about the director for this little girl? It's really a different look! Who can make the director do this? Breaking off his fingers, it seems that there is no one else except Guo Li.

What about Guo Li? Everyone knows, even if it is not very clear, but it is also clear, if it is them, it seems that no one can do this! That heart is really too big! What about the big ones? Still feel quite scared!

We don't know the inside story clearly, but as a result, we know what we are facing? But what about Guo Li? Playing with MI5? It's even a kind of play, but what's the final result? MI5 can only be recognized by holding his nose!

Such things for Zong Taiping, they really do not dare to think, do not make such a joke! If they were faced with the situation at that time, could they keep their original intention unchanged? This is not easy! Let them play with some so-called patterns, or even dance on the steel wire. That's not human business!

Even many elders in the family? After hearing about this, I was deeply moved. This is also the main reason why we are so interested in Guo Li now!

Looking back, Guo Li is valued by Ding Yu. His ability is absolutely outstanding, but Taylor? Even some of them are highly praised by Ding Yu. Although they can't be juxtaposed, they seem to be almost the same.

Guo Li is already very human! And Taylor? It's extraordinary.

"This little girl can't really underestimate it!" Zong Taiping didn't mean to enter the courtyard, but looking at the Taylor who could get in and out freely, he envied him and felt deeply at the same time!"Let's not talk about the social intercourse with her, but let her go in and out so recklessly? Not ordinary people! Don't say we can't do it, and few other people can do it! "

Who are the other people referring to? Zong Taiping's four of them are very clear. They are nothing but those of the first echelon! No matter what the relationship is? There is still a higher meaning in everyone's heart!

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