In the morning, not only does Ding Yu take two small exercises, but also does Taylor get up at the same time, or even control the time? Similar to Ding Yu, this is a very difficult thing!

However, Ding Yu didn't even mean to look at it. How would you like to do it? It's your own business. There's no relationship between Ding Yu and me. Even when the two children come, Ding Yu doesn't have much words. What about the two children? He said hello to his father and sister Taylor, and then he was fighting with himself over there.

Tyler is also aware of this situation, because this is not the first time he has met! In my heart, I also have a certain sense of identity for these two children. This is a kind of identity belonging to the same kind. However, compared with myself, my childhood and childhood were a little bit cruel and dark. What about them? A little light and light!

After all, their positions are so different, so it's hard to say who is good and who is bad!

"Dad! Grandparents and grandparents are going to the hospital to have a physical examination today

At the end of the exercise, the two children were very busy. When they were about to have a meal, Wang Xiaogang was also sent over. He said hello to people politely, but he still had some meaning that he couldn't sit still. He was too active. Taixi was holding Wang Xiaogang. His two children were a little older, but Wang Xiaogang? just right!

"It seems that I need to spend the whole day in the hospital today!" After dinner, Ding Yu is also very helpless to mention a sentence, Tai Xi is squinting his eyes smile, last night when the family basically went to, only the child's father did not go, but this thing really can't do this Lord!

Say there is a reason! It is true that there is a reason, but this reason is too inadequate! Everyone knows what happened in this? But really no one will break the window paper, even Wang Pu and the old lady? It's the same thing! If it is pierced, it is really impossible to turn around!

After breakfast, three small tossed open! But no one paid attention to it. What about little four eyes? This time is down to earth with Ding Yu's side position, is really Wang Xiaogang has so many too troubled! There are so many can not bear, the other people in the family are not so insurance! Only Ding Yu's side is just right!

I don't need to be too close to Ding Yu! But also need not leave too far! Too close? Each other is not so happy, but leave too far? After Wang Xiaogang came here, his first goal was himself, not Ding Yu! Although it's a dog, the door is very clear!

"Yesterday's tour was not so pleasant?"

Taylor thought about it for a while, and then nodded his head. "I think they are too deliberate! I don't like it very much, but they look like they respect you very much! "

"It doesn't seem to make any sense to photograph my horses!" Ding Yu said without salt and salt, and then looked at his watch, "do I have a day today? I may not have much time, even for the next period of time? I don't have much free time. What about opportunities? It's never been given! "

Taylor looks at Ding Yu, and his hands behind his back are rubbing. He really doesn't have any assurance about this. Can he pass the test of Ding Yu? I don't think so. I should know that I was given three years, but now I come to Ding Yu, I don't have any confidence!

It's not like this when I came here, but why do I want to shrink back now? Ding Yu is looking at Taylor, and then she also smiles, "you! What a hurry! What about three years for you? I hope you can slow down a bit. You used to be like a compressed spring! It's always been squeezed. What time do I give you? Just hope you can slow down a little bit! "

"Slow yourself down?" Taylor is very puzzled, looking at Ding Yu! Does this really have anything to do with yourself?

"You're pressing yourself too hard! Even out of the ordinary. Of course, what about your whole family? It may be such a situation, because no one knows what kind of situation will be next, so you can only overdraft yourself. What was the original time? It may be just a little bit, but the hole is getting bigger and bigger. In the end, it is a bottomless hole. Even if you want to fill in, you are not satisfied with it! "

"I feel very good myself!" Tyler also argued.

"That's your own feeling. There are too many illusions in life! Don't cheat yourself! Speaking of it? I really don't have much time. How about these two days? You are in charge of taking the three primary schools to play! What about the driver and the nanny? Just responsible for opening the way for you, how to play, depends on your own! Of course, it's OK to ask two bunnies! Comparatively speaking, their familiarity with the capital is much better than mine! "

"Me?" Tyler pointed to his nose incredulously. "Let me stay with them?"

"Yes, let you accompany them! Where are they? Didn't you play all over the capital? what about you? Although it's not the first time to come to Beijing? But should not have a good taste of it! How do you do it? I really can't control it, but I hope this limited time can make you understand something"Understand what? Happy? " Tyler also has those disdainful remarks.

"Happy?" Ding Yu also subconsciously looked at Taylor, "are you stupid? Or am I stupid? What about happiness? Although you don't have too much, but from my personal point of view, you should have your own happiness! I also have my own happiness, what do you want to understand? It's not that! "

Wave for Tyler to go! She was also really suspicious. What was on earth in her head? All of them have lost their calmness completely, which really makes people feel disappointed!

Taylor wants to take three small to go out to roam, Tai Xi does not have what so-called uneasiness, own side? Also asked about the meaning of the child's father, whether or not to follow the hospital, anyway, there is nothing wrong! Their sense of the old man and the old lady is quite good!

"Don't go today!" Ding Yu also comforted and said, "it's really bad to go after going, but what about you? What's the point! I can't help you. I've just sent the child away! Have a good rest at home

When Ding Yu went to the hospital, his grandfather and grandmother had already arranged the room. What about the inspection? It is also a new arrangement. The health care doctors of the two people also actively communicate with the hospital. However, the two old people are not suffering from any diseases in terms of their health. They are too old!

When he saw Ding Yu, the health care doctor gave a big sigh of relief. Last night, they also stayed in Mr. and Mrs. Wang's home! Naturally, we also know that this young master sun didn't show up, and no one really mentioned it on the spot. However, there must be some other ideas in the hearts of the Wang and his wife.

Otherwise, he would never choose such a time to come to the hospital. Ding Yu put the things he was carrying on the table and said hello to his grandfather and grandmother, but he didn't mean to plead guilty. What happened last night? It's all gone. It doesn't seem to mean anything about it, does it?

"You monkey grandson." The old lady also scolded, but when she looked at the grandson, she also laughed. Although she didn't come over last night, what about today? He was really the first to come here!

"Grandma! Is this a commendatory or derogatory meaning? "

Wang Pu also snorted. The health doctor next to him also sent all the previous examination reports to Ding Yu's hand. Ding Yu also expressed his thanks with a smile. These are the health doctors around his grandfather and grandmother. What about the monitoring of his grandfather and grandmother's condition? Belong to all-weather and still no dead corner that kind!

"The body is still healthy!" Ding Yu took a look at the above indicators, the elderly can have such an index, it is really too difficult! Thanks to the good maintenance! Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be over!

After Ding Yu saw it, he was also the first to feel his grandmother's pulse. The problem is not big. What about Wang Pu? When looking at Ding Yu, it is obvious that what happened yesterday? He did not come over, or let Wang Pu feel a little angry, when has it been? Even remember, too careful!

At this time, Wang Pu seems to have forgotten how he treated his grandson! Anyway, I am an old man now! Don't believe what else you can do? I came to the hospital, you have to come here?

After Ding Yu was checked, he was also sitting next to him. The accompanying staff carefully sorted out the two people, and then left the room. Other times, he could stay. But now, it's better not to stay. It's easy for the city gate to lose fire and cause disaster to the fish!

Although Mr. and Mrs. Wang never lose their temper, it doesn't mean that the accompanying staff really don't need to take care of it!

"That's it? No medicine? " The old lady also said something funny.

Ding Yu shook his head. "You really don't need it. You don't have any big problems? Taking medicine really has no meaning, just need to ensure the normal needs of the body! What would you like to eat? Just have something to eat? Don't eat, eat every day, there will be no problem! After all, you are not like grandfather

"What about old Sue? I heard I was going home? " Now that we have talked about Su bochen, is this topic coming? Wang Pu's voice is even bigger!

Ding Yu pretended not to hear his grandfather's sour gas. He didn't want to stay in the hospital, but you two old people are good! Did you run by? Isn't this a typical bully?

"What about grandfather's body? After considerable adjustment, it is getting better now! " Ding Yu also responded and said, "I asked people to go to my grandfather's home to clean up again, hoping to play a little role!" After hesitating for a moment, Ding Yu sighed, "there should be no problem after this year!"

As soon as this word was said, Wang Pu and the old lady's faces also changed. They didn't expect that the situation had already reached such a serious level! In their opinion? Old Su's health is still very good, at least than those who lie here every day can not get out of the room of the old guys much better!But didn't you think about it? Old Su's in law has reached this point! Can we pass this year, that is to say, after the new year? It's very likely that you won't be able to hold on! Think carefully, old Su is really old! It seems to be the time!

"What do you mean? Do you have to go home? " Wang Pu also slightly coughed.

"What's the matter with my grandfather? It's not so serious. It's mainly because I'm old and my body doesn't have so much resistance! This is thanks to the good foundation when I was young! Otherwise, it's really what the two said! But fortunately, there won't be any other problems! "

"There is no other way?" The old lady also said a word in a low voice, with a strong feeling of regret. Obviously, there are some opinions and ideas about this matter!

"What about grandfather's body? It's been too much What about Ding Yu about his grandfather? I don't know that much. I didn't follow my grandfather since I was a child. Although the relationship with my grandfather is good, what about Ding Yu's family affairs? I always don't care!

If you want to say it, I'll listen, but that's just listening. If it wasn't for my cousin who came to me at the beginning? Ding Yu is not even willing to pay attention to it! Of course, the same is true of the Wangs.

Hearing this, Wang Pu also took a look at the old lady. What about the other children? What about things at home? Even if you don't ask, you know it clearly behind your back? But what about the grandson? Never inquired, not even interested in asking? Even if he and his wife say that he may be left ear in, right ear more!

"Can your grandfather go home?"

"The problem will not be as big as you think. Anyway, the conditions and facilities in the home are quite complete. What about the hospital? That is, doctors are a little more. We can sit together and work together. What about others? It's really not as good as home! "

What about the conditions at home? It is completely arranged by Ding Yu, so Ding Yu has the best understanding of the situation. In fact, there is no big problem! Otherwise, Ding Yu doesn't dare to let his grandfather go back!

What about Wang Pu and the old lady? They are the most direct beneficiaries. They are very aware of the conditions in the family? Even better than the hospital, advanced equipment and facilities, even the hospital side are not! The two people's health care doctors are even a little envious of this.

Sometimes I need to borrow it. After all, what about other places? We really can't find these advanced and sophisticated equipment together. What about Wang Pu and the old lady? Pour also do not have any mean of stinginess, the home has one to use can! As for the rest? It's just public. It's old guys! And it used to be old guys!

It's not that we don't purchase, but the price is too expensive? What's more? Hard to buy? After all, not everyone has the financial resources and power of Ding Yu. We all understand this truth!

But also, what about some of the equipment and instruments at home? It's higher than the hospital, but what about the doctor? It's still the hospital side! What about the hospital? Up to the top one, down to the poor people, no one can leave the hospital. It's not for a single person, it's for everyone.

There may not be so many instruments and equipment, but there is absolutely no lack of doctors. On this issue? No one will refute it. This is also the main reason why Su bochen was admitted to the hospital at that time. All the doctors discussed together, which was better than a single health care doctor!

"The conditions at home are good! You are trying to boast yourself The old lady snorted, "where's your grandfather and me? Now I live here too. Let someone repair the house by the way. "

What about the situation at home? It's already very good! Why let Ding Yuxiu? There are also some competing meanings. No matter how old Su is, he is your grandfather, but what about Wang Pu? It's also your grandfather. You can't be partial to one another, can you? The meaning is very clear?!

Ding Yu scratched his brow with his hand. In fact, he couldn't spend too much money. What about grandma's request? Ding Yu did not expect that, "grandfather, do you have any confidential documents at home! Really, what if something happened? I don't seem to be able to take the responsibility. "

This joke also made the old lady smile with her mouth, and even turned her head deliberately. It's better not to face the old man, otherwise the old man can't stand the excitement!

Hum! Wang Pu also snorted, "where to move in the home, where not to move, since you don't know, then you can go and have a look, I'm not in anyway!"

"Let's talk about it when you have time." Ding Yu is also not salty response a sentence, "this period of time is more busy, grandfather there's things I also told other people to do, I won't do these Bricklayer's work!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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