One day, Ding Yu is basically in this side of the hospital, in addition to his grandfather and grandmother, there are Grandfather there! Ding Yu is really busy for a while, but what's the good news? Don't go back to make medicine in the afternoon! Otherwise, it will be more troublesome!

"If you don't eat what you made, there are really some things that are not suitable for you!" Su bochen said slightly provocatively.

"You can't be a good seller even if you are cheap." Ding Yu was also "angry" and said, "those things! Unless it is necessary, otherwise, it is really not everyone can use it, not to say that there are no things! The main reason is that there are not many people who can send out the medicine here. This is the most troublesome! Drug residues in the body, will cause a lot of unnecessary reactions! So in the past, not too many people dare to use! Even if it is used, the dose will be greatly reduced! "

"Feel it!" As for the great grandson's efforts, Su bochen still has a good taste. Not everyone can do this. "People from the health bureau have seen this before and have mentioned these problems. In fact, there are a lot of prescriptions in hand, but special methods are needed. Otherwise, it will not work well. Is that the truth?"

"Yes! What about the progress of modern science and technology? Slowly lost! Not too many markets, so was eliminated! It's good, but the same, there are also disadvantages. To be specific, it's also public, reasonable and reasonable. It's hard to really distinguish them clearly! " Ding Yu said impatiently.

"It seems that you are learning western medicine!"

"Chinese medicine is too broad and profound! If there is no good master to lead the door, rely on their own thinking, it is really a very troublesome thing! What's more, I study western medicine? One of the most important reasons is that he was influenced by my father. He is a doctor, and he has always been looking forward to it! "

Su bochen naturally understood who the father meant, not his son-in-law, but the adoptive father of his grandson. But what about this topic? I'm afraid that's it! There is really no way to continue to chat!

"When can I go home? I feel like the bones are rusted to death here

"Two days later, I sent someone to take photos and send them to you. You should have seen that the things in the room have been reorganized for a while, so that you can get better conditions. There is no problem going home, but if there is a problem, I need to take all the responsibility, and you don't want me to take this responsibility?"

"I heard that Lao Wang's head is here? Why didn't you see him? "

"Angry? Let me also help to repair the house, otherwise I will not leave! " Ding Yu said this on purpose, of course! After hearing this, Su bochen's expression on his face was also happy. Even if the old king's head came, what could he do? Isn't it behind you?

"This old man! I've known him for so many years, and I'm going to see Marx? Do you want to fight? "

"Grandfather, they say old children, old children, coax Ding Yu talked with his grandfather for a little longer, so he went back late at night. When he came back, he had already gone to bed, even Taylor was the same. Listening to the meaning of Taixi, he washed twice and went to bed!

"What do you mean? Isn't she energetic? "

Listening to the child's father's joking remarks, Taixi also gently patted, "you don't know our two children. When I was a child, I insisted on half an afternoon at most, and then I was really helpless! right now? Is it that big? How about the others? I don't know, but I'm scared

What about Taylor? When I came back at night, I almost vomited blood! I never thought that when I was with three children, I would be so tired. When I came back, I felt like a dog. I could only breathe with my tongue out. As for others? It's all gone!

Although Ding Yu's facilities and conditions here? It's not much worse than at home, but Tyler has no interest in this aspect at all. He barely climbs into bed and then falls asleep! Even in his sleep, he scolded the bear child twice.

"It seems that Taylor is really a little bit affected today." The expression on Ding Yu's face is a little bit bad, "but let her know the taste of it? No harm! What's more, the feelings between each other are also deliberately mutual promotion! By the way, Xiaogang didn't leave? "

"No, it's basically lying on Tyler when I come back!" Taixi also asked people to bring all the food, Tyler with three children just ate two hastily, then washed and rested! I have no meaning to eat alone, so I wait for the father to come back!

"I'll see my grandfather and grandfather tomorrow." When eating, Taixi is also careful to look at Ding Yu and says that even some of them dare not look into Ding Yu's eyes!

"Want to go back?" Ding Yu really doesn't have any other ideas about this. Go back and go back! This is not something hard to say, "I didn't seem to have prepared too many things when I left earlier. It happens that a lot of things have been sent up in these two days. Take some back! I don't have much time on my side! "Tai Xi looks at Ding Yu and nods heavily, but what about his heart? Is also unusual sweet, the child's father to himself is really did not say! I also have my own career and work. I really can't be like the father of a child, so I have the ability. As for the life of husband and son? I don't seem to be so used to it!

Of course, what are the deeper reasons? Their identity has always been so embarrassing! This is the most important thing. What about the father's home? Although is pinches own nose to admit! But they are just in the way of resisting the pressure of their father!

What about your own side? Don't make trouble with it! As long as two people are sincere! As for the others? Really don't need to care so much! What's more, I feel like this is actually very good! Sometimes? Some of the "lonely father" may be a little bit worried!

I just came a few days time, have been a little bit overburdened! Not to mention anyone else! And what about the father? In this respect, it is so speechless!

What about South Korea? Several little girls are already quite mature! But the father didn't really mean to move them! Even some deliberately indulge!

What about yourself? What about big families? It's not that I don't know at all. After all, I've heard a lot of time, even if I don't have personal experience! For some of them, how can we not know at all, even the chairman of Samsung, how old he is now! No, still like this?

It has nothing to do with respect or disrespect. If you say you are still your original identity? I'm afraid I even think about it? Will feel inappropriate, but now their identity is not the same! Although this word still can't say, but some things in the heart is quite clear and understand!

"Fu Zhen Ou Ni is very busy during this period, and has no time. Let some girls come to the capital!"

Ding Yu is very surprised to look at Tai Xi, "how to think of let them come over?" Then he shook his head directly, "if you let them come over, the disadvantages outweigh the benefits! I'm looking at leisure at home, even play up dispirited, but what about me personally? I really don't like it so much! Don't ask for trouble

"Just give them a space to develop in the capital."

"You Ding Yu also laughed, "do you want to arrange this? It's really not right. Let's do it for the time being! But the two kids just let you go? I'm afraid you'll find me to vent my anger then? "

"Learning is already very good! At least when I was at their age, whether it was the level of knowledge or the broadcasting of knowledge, I was really hard to catch up with. I feel very proud of these two children Hesitated for a moment, Tai hee is also biting his lips, "although this aspect of the news is very confidential, but the South Korean side has revealed a little bit of wind! It's been said that I'm married! And have children

Ding Yu's eyebrows also slightly raised for a while, "what about the people in South Korea who dare to release this news? only one! What about chairman Li Jianxi? He's old enough to have no interest in such things. What about other families? I sat with them and talked about it at the beginning, and they would give me this face

"Would li Zai Rong be so careless?"

"It's not that he was careless. If he was alone, he would never be so careless. Behind this! It must be supported by some people. Those American guys are playing such a game. I don't know what they think in their heads. It seems that they really need to teach them a lesson! "

Tai Xi looked at Ding Yu and said, "will it cause other troubles? My business is small after all, but two children are the key! I don't want children to be affected in some way! "

"I don't have any enmity with Samsung? Although the relationship with Li Zai Rong is very general, where is chairman Li Jianxi? I will really give this face, let alone move Li zhereng? It doesn't make any sense, Li Zai Rong! In this case, I'm afraid it's just a knife! If you don't move, if you do, cut off the hand behind you! "

What if you just move yourself? Ding Yu may not be as angry as he imagined, or even not doing something at all. But if he involves Taixi and his children, Ding Yu can't tolerate it! Since you want to die yourself, you can't blame others!

As for how to deal with those South Korean guys, to be exact, to those Americans in Korea? Ding Yu really needs to think about it. This matter still needs to be discussed with Fu Zhen! Some things? You need to start directly from the source.

"What about South Korea? If you know, you will know! It doesn't matter! " Ding Yu and Tai Xi have been together for so many years. What about the so-called marriage? It's just a form, whether it's yourself or Taixi, they don't care so much, so slowly let the wind out of this aspect is also deliberate! "But you may be under a lot of pressure! Korean tradition in this respect? I don't like itWhat about Ding Yu's personal understanding? South Korea is too high pressure on ordinary people, and there is no so-called vent channel, so what is your psychology? Once provoked, it is easy to get impulsive, as for the things after the impulse? It seems that they are not considering it at all! There is a lack of rationality.

But what about this kind of struggle? On the surface, it seems to have achieved a considerable victory, but in reality? What about those who gain great benefits from every struggle? It's just a few consortia! Even a few big consortia have already played quite clearly and clearly for the way out!

Is this Ding Yu, too? Now, one of the main reasons for Taixi to release the news? What about this? Do not involve any interests, at most we just want to vent! Of course, if there is any wind blowing, then a bigger news will be good! Will let this wind be blown away directly!

So Ding Yu is really not worried about this aspect at all! What's more, the situation of Tae hee in recent years has been seen in all aspects of South Korea. What about Ding Yu's wife? Emotional intelligence is very high. How about maintaining the relationship and doing things? It is also reasonable and reasonable, and has never meant to bully others!

If Thai hee really means this, what can South Korea do? It's impossible. There are two monsters, Samsung and Ding Yu, behind them. Who doesn't think about the consequences? Take the egg against the stone, and take it yourself? Or rotten eggs? Why? Why bother?

But what about Tai hee? They don't mean to offend other families and consortia at all, and maintain a considerable relationship. That's all, even the backyard? They seldom enter. What about friends? At most, it's just some friends in the original circle. They really don't involve too much personal relationship with other aspects.

Therefore, the South Korean side is very satisfied with Tai hee. When people give such a face, they naturally need to pay back, and even need to give considerable face! Otherwise, chairman Li Jianxi and Ding Yu are really unhappy! Is it strange that we can have good fruit to eat?

Ding Yu's lack of interest in South Korea does not mean that he has no control over South Korea. What about you? All belong to the top of the pyramid, so the things we see are different!

To put it bluntly, Ding Yu doesn't even need to show up. If Li Fuzhen comes forward, it's enough to make everyone feel numb! Li Fuzhen has completely jumped out of the circle of South Korea at this time. What about the whole Asia now? They are quite famous people!

Where on earth did her name come from? Don't you know? Ding Yu's support, even chairman Li Jianxi, sometimes needs to deal with some aspects of the relationship through his own daughter. What about this? Naturally there will be some embarrassment, but helpless!

Since all have been so clear, no one will get in the way!

"Then slowly release the news! But it should disappoint a lot of people! "

"No grapes!" Ding Yu said with a bad smile. After dinner, Ding Yu also gave the three children a massage, but there was no Taylor's share. After all, there was difference between them. But what about Wang Xiaogang? Today should be very enjoyable! What about his fate? It's not so good!

When he came back, Ding Yu was also holding Taixi for a long time. He was not so clear about how to sleep. When he got up in the morning, he felt that the taste was a little bit wrong. He opened the window and changed his clothes quickly!

Although there are not many attendants in the family, we should not use the hand of hand comparison for this kind of thing. After all, this is a private matter between ourselves and the father of the child! But after rubbing your waist, what about others? Are men's waist pain, but their side? It's your own problem! What is good to say?

What about the man in the family? The "problem" in this area is really too big! Let oneself also deep doubt, fortunately own child has been born, but last night, two people also really have so some mischief! I really did not take any safety measures in this respect!

Now are both children, there is really no other idea in this respect! And there is no meaning in this aspect at home, never to urge their own meaning! Of course, there are many reasons for this? It comes down to the father!

Now that I've decided to leave today, I'd better prepare for a meal! Now, it's still a little early. Taixi himself came to the kitchen. Some things were ready last night, waiting for Taixi to cook himself!

Good or bad? After all, it's my own heart! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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