"What is this, sir?" Looking at what Ding Yu handed over, Tyler was also a little puzzled.

"What about your overdraft? It's a little bit fierce. Someone should have mentioned this to you before. I don't know how your family is doing in this respect! What about your side? There should be people who understand it. If you can use it, you can use it. If you can't use it, don't force it. It will cause considerable damage to the body

"Causing considerable damage to the body?" Taylor was a little confused.

"Yes, if you use it improperly, it will cause considerable damage to your body! Everything has two sides. It's like a river. It's blocked blindly? We can only let the river finally conflict with the dam, but we can't let the river wash. The important thing is how to dredge. This is the key point! "

"Sir, don't you just do it?"

Ding Yu slightly shook his head, "when did you save you? It's because old Peyton came to the door. He paid a considerable price. It's what you want me to do now? How do you say that? One is because of insufficient interests, and the other reason? Ask the people around you and you'll find out! "

Waving his hand, Ding Yu also turned to leave, some things do not need to explain, too clear! Does Taylor understand or doesn't understand? In fact, it's not so important. I really don't put it in my heart.

If he is his own apprentice, there is no problem, even if it will cause considerable loss to Ding Yu, Ding Yu will feel that it is worth the money, but the problem is between each other? There is no friendship between teachers and students. Can you do it yourself? So forget it! Of course, there is another layer of reasons, to see what people around you can do!

Old Peyton's going to be down! After all, what about Taylor? It will definitely be one of the pillars of their family in the future! If even this capital has to be taken into account, I'm afraid that in the future, will their family? It's really lost in the public!

In the morning, Taixi took the three primary schools to the hospital, and Ding Yu naturally accompanied him. Anyway, there was nothing else to do. It was just like taking a look at the scene in the past! Wang Xiaogang is sitting next to his uncle, pulling his uncle's hand, so some want to gnaw chicken feet!

"Had a lot of fun yesterday? When I came back, I was tired and down? "

"Dad, we are not tired to get down, mainly because Xiaogang can't hold on to it any more!" The little girl is also very excited to say, although Xiaogang is a drag on oil, but it's fun. This little guy is not young, but he is not timid. What's more, is there sister Taylor? It's very interesting.

Originally thought that today can go out to play together, but did not think of a sudden change, mother will go back to Korea, before leaving? I need to go to the hospital to see my great grandparents and sister Taylor. What's the matter? There is a sentence how to say, life is not as good as nine out of ten.

Wang Pu and the old lady want to leave Taixi? There are no opinions and ideas, but for the etiquette of Tai Xi, I feel a little gratified, intentional or unintentional? It's not as important as you think!

What about inside? There are a lot of reasons? It should still be on his grandson. If the grandson shows different opinions and ideas in this respect, then Taixi will not appear so safe. Although they are still not in the same house, there is really no way to do it at home.

It's an old man, even the right in the hand? All of them have been handed over. What about other things? Maybe in the face and other aspects of the problem, the family may also listen to it, but this does not include grandson.

Think about it carefully? This may also be the best result! If you really find a match, then the home will not be so quiet, it is really difficult to say, after all, everyone is different! What's more, it's about two children. It's really about adding a lot of points to their mother.

It didn't take long to visit him. Then I went to see Su bochen. Five of them had a meal outside, and then went straight to the airport. There was nothing to clean up at home. After arriving at the airport, the three children also surrounded Taixi, and even went to play on the plane for some time. Instead, Ding Yu and Taixi had time to get married Kiss me!

Having been waiting for Taixi to leave, Ding Yu also kicked his son, but it is obvious that he did not kick, the little guy has already had this aspect of prevention! Looking at his father's smile, and then the three children ran away, there is no intention to go back with the father.

Ding Yu went to this side of the hall and sat down in a corner. He looked at the people who followed him for a while. "Captain, when did you come back? So suddenly? "

Sun Jun looked at Ding Yu and nodded, "it's been a while since I came back! Your little life is very natural and unrestrained

Ding Yu sniffed his nose and said, "are you hurt? Does the smell of blood and medicine seem to be strong? How old are you? It seems that there is something wrong with it! It's time to come back and train the kids below! I'm afraid this is the best! ""I really let you say it. I also hurt my body. If it wasn't for someone, I really don't know if I can come back. But the hiding place is very safe, which is a little unexpected." Sun Jun looked at Ding Yu, but also looked up and down. "The smoke on your body dissipates very much. I didn't think of it!"

"How old are the children? So it's rare to fight and kill directly in front Ding Yu's response seems very reasonable, but for Sun Jun, such a response is actually insipid!

The reminiscence of the two people is a little too polite. In fact, they are very clear about each other. It is impossible to talk about the situation in the team at the beginning. Therefore, they can only talk about some situations after they come out. But what about after they come out? The relationship between each other seems to have some embarrassment!

"The director asked me to come to you and bring some people to know you! Just got it back from the northwest! " Sun Jun's face also appeared with a little smile, "by the way, I heard that you made a lot of money in England before, and the amount was quite large, and even made the faces of five places dark."

"Is the news broadcast like this?" It is said that, but Ding Yu's tone is not so good!

"If Guo Li is not your student, I'm afraid everyone has already broken his head at this time! The performance in the whole process has concealed everyone from the past. It really makes people look amazing now. What about people in this business? You don't have to ask how powerful your skills are, but you must be bold and careful. There are not many people who can do this! "

"Forget it! When I first came out, I was either short of arms or short legs. There were few good models! But at least? You can still come out. You can't get out of the place where you are now. After you go in, you can't go out. Or? Died in a dark corner, or? The silent one! I don't deny the merits, but what about such places? Ordinary people will go crazy if they go in! "

"You know that, it's not easy! I even thought you were rotten

"In fact, I also have this feeling. Have I been corrupted? What if we follow the rules? I seem to be standing there already What about some of your problems and situations? Ding Yu really doesn't have much to deny, let alone Sun Jun, the brigade leader? Even if the third uncle is in front of him, he will say the same.

"It's really not easy to be aware of some of your problems."

"No! Are you trying to uncover my scar today? This is not what a gentleman does Ding Yu is also a small counterattack, "since all have been injured, then go to the hospital there to have a look! Would you like me to introduce you to other things? I may not be very good at it, but it's not a big problem to be a doctor! "

"Can you really be believed as a Mongolian doctor?" Sun Jun shook his head with a smile, which meant that he was joking. He didn't mean to ridicule Ding Yu? Old comrades in arms! Do me a favor? "

"It's really not easy to ask the captain to speak up!"

"How many jobs can you arrange for me? I know your farm has a large number of jobs. What about the job positions? Also quite a lot, I have a few comrades found me, I really can't bear to let people go back to the streets, the body? There may be considerable problems. If there is a job search, it will be unstable! "

"Yes Ding Yu also made a decision without saying, "what about the farm? People in this area are still very welcome. From the point of view of capitalists, more such people can be recruited, and they can be tax-free! "

"You want to be uncomfortable, don't you?" Sun Jun's eyes also stood up.

"I don't have so much interest. If you say that they have physical problems, they can only be settled in this way. This is the most appropriate way, which can be said in all aspects! I don't know if you're straight or not, but I don't want to! " Ding Yu didn't have so much time to explain the details, that is to say, "what about work? Are you going back to your place of origin? Or is it a direct arrangement? "

"Can you go back to your place of origin? Nature is good! It's more troublesome if you're a drag on your family Sun Jun didn't grind teeth with Ding Yu on this matter. It really didn't make any sense, "can't you go back to your original place? See what they like! You arranged it for me personally! I'm still at ease! "

"You can spare me Ding Yu was also not angry and said, "I can only guarantee to give them the most appropriate arrangement, but let you and I personally arrange, do you think I am really free? Or what? "

"Aren't you free?"

Ding Yu is not good-natured hum a, "forget it, don't tell you! Just give me their files! I find someone to properly arrange, will certainly let you be satisfied! If it's OK, I'll go first! "

"I have sent the files in the northwest to the courtyard. What about the personnel? I'm already in the capital. Would you like to meet me sometime? You make your own arrangements, so I won't disturb you! ""Don't you disturb me?" Ding Yu also stood up immediately. The two people went in different directions. They didn't mean to say hello when they left. It gave people the feeling that the relationship between the two people seemed to be really bad to a certain extent.

When Ding Yu returned to the courtyard, the files had already been sent. The files were not so thick, even a few pieces of paper! Looking at the above description, Ding Yu also snorted. What about these guys? Basically, they are all operational personnel. Now even if they survive, it seems that the significance is not as great as imagined.

Of course, if you really take it for your own use, it may be another thing! When putting down the information, Ding Yu also felt that there was some helplessness. He was really a hard-working life! Don't let yourself be free at all.

"Uncle! Arrange a car for me, and arrange a person for me by the way. I'll go and have a look at it! " Ding Yu didn't say that he wanted to have a look there, but Su Quan was also very clear about such things. After all, he just sent the materials to Ding Yu!

"Yes! I'll be there soon! " Su Quan was satisfied with his nephew's popularity, "but did you come here? This distance is a little bit far away, after all, their identities are not quite the same! "

"It doesn't matter. It's not the first time to come back by subway at most!"

Su Quan really did not say what, anyway, his nephew and ordinary people have so many different! What about ordinary people? It's really hard to control! It seems to be a good thing for him to go and have a look! After all, we attach great importance to this matter.

Because it involves some military affairs, so the people in the family really can't follow closely, but it's OK to follow from a long distance. It's not difficult! So after Ding Yu got on the train, security arrangements were also made. What about the personnel who came to pick up Ding Yu? I really didn't say anything about it!

Sitting in the back seat, Ding Yu did not speak eloquently. Sitting there calmly, he did not mean to say hello to the people next to him. What about the co pilot and the people around Ding Yu? Can only be secretly looking at Ding Yu, although did not fight with this what to hand over, but for this rumor is listening to quite a lot.

When he came to the place, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. Ding Yu didn't really mean to deal with the relevant procedures. He brought people to deal with the relevant work. At this time, Ding Yu had contacted the suspect. Looking at the person who was fixed there, Ding Yu also pursed his mouth!

"Good recovery?" Ding Yu took a look from afar, but he didn't mean to sit down. When he spoke, he also went straight to the suspect's side. It was a big surprise to the people who followed him, and the staff behind him also had the same reaction!

"Ding Yu! I didn't expect to meet here! "

"Yes! I did not expect to meet here, so deliberately came to say hello, it seems that these days have been very good! At least this spirit can be said to be quite good, see you like this, I really feel relieved! What about? Do you want me to sit down and talk? "

"What are you talking about? Are you going to kill me? Or do I want to kill you all the time? "

"Who knows?" Ding Yu looked back, and soon the people who followed him also moved a chair. As for whether it was a violation of the regulations, it was not a thing for the Lord at all! And the staff next to see, but also down their own eyes, anyway, the matter has been accounted for!

When Ding Yu sat down, all the people who followed him and the original staff all backed out. They even closed the room and stood guard at the door! As for the others? It's not what they should ask or what they should inquire about!

"What do you call it? In fact, don't you say your name? It doesn't matter. At least you should give yourself a code name. You will be embarrassed by each other

"Well, we've all come here. Don't Mr. Ding know my name yet? This is not a very funny joke!" The person who was fixed there also disdained to look at Ding Yu, "such means are too old-fashioned. If Mr. Ding can't, I can introduce you!"

"What about this? I'm not really an expert. I'm not even a monk in the middle of the road. At most, I have some bad ideas of my own! How to put it? Whether it's good or bad, it's really not good! "

"Judging from Mr. Ding's speech, it seems that there are quite a lot of people folded in your hands?"

"It's hard to say, even myself? There are so many can not remember clearly! But today? The situation may be a little bit special, I even thought, would you like to go back to dinner today? What do you think? "

"It seems very nice to have dinner here. Would you like Mr. Ding to come in and have a try?"

"Come in and have a try? Can you take it? "

"Who knows? As you said, Mr. Ding, you have to try! ""There is an old saying in China, that is, do not cry when you do not see the Yellow River, and you will not die until you reach the Yellow River! What do you say? Are you really not ready to cry and die? I don't think it's a good idea! "

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