Two people are sitting face to face. What about the outside? The two men who followed Ding Yu were not far away from the guards with guns and live ammunition!

On the other hand, some people came to prison. After a look, they really didn't mean to get close to them. There were not many people temporarily escorted here, but there were not many people who knew the situation. But what about the people who came here today? But he was a layman, which was quite unexpected.

But no matter how unexpected, the rules should be understood!

Ding Yu looked at the man in front of him and scratched his eyebrows with his hand. "It seems that he really has a will to die. In fact, what about it? It's not as useful as you think, do you think? What about me? Now we have to explore the value of it. We have different identities and positions, so there may be something wrong. Sorry! "

"When did you become so hypocritical? I'm not used to it! "

"No, I have always been very direct, but what about this? It's really different! What about the three of you? In fact, it's not so useful, because you are operational personnel. What's the point? It's just cannon fodder. You know it, and I know it very well

"So? If you want to do it, you can do it as soon as possible! It fell on your hand. I don't feel any pity. Anyway, it's just a dead thing! I've heard that many of you in China are not afraid of death, but I can tell you that I am not afraid of death, even if you use the means, it is the same! "

Ding Yu was not moved at all, that is to say, "under normal circumstances, I am talking about the spies who fall into the hands of the enemy under normal circumstances? There are basically three ways. What about the first? Die! What about the second? Betrayal, what about the third? Never a day in a lifetime! In fact, it comes down to two kinds, life or death! "

"Life and death, if you are afraid of death, I don't think you will find Mr. Ding!"

"Yes! Not afraid to die, as far as I know? You should have come down from the battlefield, exactly? You should be a ghost. What about the official investigation? It doesn't make any sense. What about your files? It has been eliminated in the official library for a long time, and there will not be any electronic deposit receipt locked in a file cabinet! "

"Mr. Ding's words are very interesting."

Ding Yu leaned back and said, "you should have taken a bath, but what about you? It still has a rather heavy smell of blood, which is rare in the battlefield, at least in the modern battlefield Looking up and down for a period of time, Ding Yu suddenly grasped the hand of the man in front of him.

Grasping and watching for a little time, he immediately put it down, "well prepared!"

"I almost forgot that Mr. Ding was a soldier!"

"Yes! I'm a soldier. You have a lot of cocoons on your hand, but this one is not thick. In fact, what is the simplest way? It is to soak with hot water, and then grind off the top layer of hard layer in a certain way, and come down again and again? It will form a very special layer, just like you are now! "

"Yes! If you don't deal with it, it will affect the operation of firearms. If you hesitate for a second on the battlefield, you will do considerable harm to your own life. There is no way! Can only be a simple treatment! It's a pleasure to chat with Mr. Ding! Because Mr. Ding, you are at least a person who knows how to do it

"I really don't think it's a compliment!" Ding Yu spread out his hand, "is it smooth?" Just like this, it shows the position in front of you, but then Ding Yu's hand sweeps it gently, and the coat on the opposite side is also cut off. It's impossible to see what it's made of!

"I'm not a member of this profession, but what if I'm in this business? No one will expect to live or even die, because fate is not in your hands! "

"Very good!" For Ding Yu's technique, I also sincerely sigh that if you give yourself a knife, you can do it. But it's really hard to say whether there will be skin scratches in the process! You can't control such delicacy at all, but Ding Yu's hand is really eye opening.

"How can you say that? There are so many compliments Ding Yu sat up straight and said, "after playing for half a day, I should say something serious! What about your identity? It should not take too long, regardless of whether you are dead or alive. What others can't do does not mean that all people can't do it! "

"And then?"

"And then!" Ding Yu frowned slightly, "and then I am not willing to touch it. You should be very clear. Do you work in your profession? There is nothing worse than the family saying that, in fact, the most important issue? It's how to determine your identity. As long as your identity is confirmed, other problems are not problems! "

"How long do I have?"

"I don't know, because I just saw you, so it may take some time to find out your identity from the dead? It really takes some time, but modern science and technology are more developed, plus communication facilities? It's also very convenient. It shouldn't take too long! ""I really don't have any relatives! There should be no expectation for me! In other words, it's just a little bit of regret! "

Ding Yu watched for a period of time, "got it! Then choose a way! Your practical value is not very great. Do you want to keep it? It's just a waste of taxpayers' money. What's more, the British side will never recognize your identity. You are just a traitor now

"Is that a good decision?"

"What about your punishment? It's no use. I still believe my eyes. Instead of wasting time on you, it's better to solve the problem directly. Of course, even if you really find any problems in the future, you can erase them later! You know it's easy to die, but it's not easy to live! And I believe my forces can do it. "

"I heard that you Chinese people believe in life."

"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you. There are a lot of miseries in the world. You don't need to care about this after you die, but I will do it myself? I really don't have this hobby. My relationship with MI5 is fairly good. I'll send it to the underground parking lot of MI5! I believe they are willing to see such a gift, as for what they are shooting you? I don't know if there are other ways to do it! "


"I know!" Ding Yu said bluntly, "how about changing your faith? I'm not interested in this kind of thing. I'm too lazy about it. What's more, you should know that when you're sent to England, you're dead in your own hands, and it's not directly related to me. So you shouldn't show resentment, should you? For the last dinner, would you like fried fish? Or potatoes? I have been studying in the UK for quite a long time. Although I am not used to the food culture there, I still know something about it! "

"If you were Mr. Ding, what would you do?"

"It may be more cruel. I've never been a qualitative person! Maybe it's the idea now, but the next moment is another one! But don't worry, if you don't want to eat here, you can eat in England! I'll make you full and big

"It's against humanity!"

"Is it also against humanity to let you have enough? What you said is quite inappropriate! I have already reached an agreement with MI5 at a very early time. I give them a lot of time to set up the fence by themselves. As for whether there are traitors among them, it is none of my business, but if you choose to attack me, this problem will not be tolerated! "

"I can't bear it. I can understand that, but if you are full, there should be other seasonings? Let me die here! At least there is a destination, not to be fragmented, and even bring other harm? "

Ding Yu this time is also a sudden smile, "I can understand that you are thinking of me to ask for it?"

The man sitting opposite Ding also frowned slightly, "I didn't expect to fall into your trap, but Mr. Ding, you should understand that I may not choose how to survive, but I can choose how to die! This is a very easy thing for me personally

"Understand!" Ding Yu even agreed and nodded, "for an old soldier or a well-trained spy, it's really easy to choose how to die. It's like the chair you sit in can become a carrier. I don't care how you die, die or live? The value of utilization is the same! "

"Are you really a devil?! I really don't know why God chose to let you stay in this world! "

"In fact, in the face of life and death, I seem to have seen some strange scenes. I think you should have had such an experience. On the edge of life and death, that feeling can be said to be quite wonderful and dreamy, but many people can't get out, and I may be a little lucky!"

"You come out?"

"I can't say that. I'm the only one who left? Maybe a little farther than the others! " Ding Yu also took out a cigarette from his arms and took one out of his own pocket. Then he put a cigarette into the mouth of the man in front of him. "His own property, the taste should be very good! Have a taste

"You are very lucky, but your luck is really a kind of misfortune for me and even for many forces!"

"It's just a life and an attitude!" Ding Yu held the cigarette in his hand, "at least before this? You can't be said to be a confidant, but at least it's a friend. What about my friend? Has always been relatively friendly! Of course, you are willing to call this an enemy, and I agree with you! "

"Forget it! What about my own life? I don't really care, but at least I still remember who I am? Sacrifice me alone, it doesn't matter! But I don't want to bring other problems! ""I'm still saying that. How do you choose to die? This is your own problem. I don't interfere. At the same time, I can't interfere. Even if you are tied up all over your body, what's the point? Since you chose to be cannon fodder earlier, your life will not have any value. I respect your choice, so I hope you will respect my choice

Shit? Respect your choice! What's your choice? Throw yourself in the underground parking lot of MI5, and then hang some pieces on your body. Your body is not worth mentioning. However, you know how much damage this will cause to the whole British Empire.

"All in all, it seems that I really have no other choice. Before I saw you, I just knew that you were more powerful than Mr. Ding, but after I saw you, I found that it was more terrible than the devil!"

"Death? It's very easy to say, but in China, it's said that it's the most difficult thing to do since we took care of it, that is, to die! Of course, if you don't have any worries, simple things, but after you worry about more, you will have all kinds of ideas, just like you are now! "

"I need time!"

"Whatever! I came in a hurry. I really didn't bring any other gifts. I'll ask you if there is any whisky. If not, let's deal with it with our Chinese Laobaigan or beer! How about the steak? I don't know, because I don't know what's going on here! "

After that, Ding Yu also called out, and then the door was opened. "Go and let people look for it. If there is whisky, prepare two bottles for him. The ice is better. If there is no steak for the staple food, you can bring him sauced beef and other things. Anyway, drink wine!" Having said that, Ding Yu also left the room!

How to arrange the prison logistics? Ding Yu can't manage it. This one is not under his jurisdiction. He needs to see the second suspect! When he saw the man, Ding Yu also blew a whistle, so that the people following him were also direct. He twisted his neck, which was too frivolous!

"Chief, what do I need to prepare?"

"What? You want to learn? " Ding Yu also took a look at it, "stand behind you!" Then he also looked at the woman in front of her, "what about me? Don't introduce yourself! Ding Yu, what about you? I should introduce myself! I've read some of your information, but it doesn't give you any details. "

"Mr. Ding seems to be a little late?"

"I talked with one of your colleagues just now, and we were very happy. Although we still don't know each other well, we can feel that his heart has been shaken. For me, the only thing left is to wait!"


"Yes, what about waiting? There are two meanings. The first is to wait for him to eat and drink enough, and then understand himself. What about the second? It's more simple. Surrender. According to my own judgment now, the possibility of surrender is greater, about 60%! This is already quite a temptation

"Mr. Ding is here to persuade him to surrender. Some of his talents are useless."

"What you say really makes me feel a little proud, but pride makes people complacent, which is really not appropriate. Frankly speaking, it seems that you have already known your own identity!" Ding Yu gave a slight smile, and then he looked at him, "what's your age? They should be between 35 and 37 years old and have had children, and there should be more than one. " Because sitting close, Ding Yu can clearly see the woman's face and appearance.

"What do you say?"

"Just an ordinary observation!" Ding Yu also said casually, "what about your face? You should have lovers, and more than one. "

For a while, Ding Yu nodded, "it seems that I'm right! You should know. What about me? As a doctor, I have my own opinions on medicine. What about traditional Chinese medicine? I believe in Taoism. How about seeing people and meeting people? I have my own understanding. Maybe not all of them are right, but at least they should be correct to a large part? Today is really a great benefit

"I don't know what you're talking about?"

"This has already explained a lot of problems! Two children, many lovers, now join the cannon fodder. It can be said that you are absolutely not a person who pays for faith, so you can only be for money or love. From your maintenance point of view? The possibility of money is not particularly big, so you are most likely to be for love

"Don't be silent? We still need to talk carefully! Maybe I can bring your children and lovers to you. What about me personally? Is a very willing thing! How about helping others? For happiness? I think you should have heard that too! "

"You are a...."

"I know that you don't have to repeat it. Some people have already repeated it countless times before. I am a devil, and say something useful and practical! I'm more interested! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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