"Has the person next to you called?" The woman stares at Ding Yu's eyes.

"No!" Ding Yu didn't pay any attention to the eyes of the people behind him, so he said naturally, "but at this time, he should be under considerable impact. He is serving wine and meat. Either he chooses his own way of death, or? It's mutual cooperation. I've already said that. You still ask, should there be considerable consideration? I didn't expect my words to have such power. I didn't think of it! I am fit to be a judge! "

"Emma pike, MI5, liaison!"

"Good start!" Ding Yu nodded, "what do you need? What can be provided here is limited. I'm afraid not many people will adapt to it! Although I am not a magnanimous person, but also never performance too stingy! Especially now! Tell me what you want

"Change your clothes! I feel very uncomfortable! And I hope to be treated fairly! "

"Reasonable request, two hours time, I believe everything will be satisfied with you!" Ding Yu immediately also stood up, "all the requirements mentioned to them! It's not out of line! I believe that we will have a very good cooperation with each other. Of course, the present situation is not enough! "

Looking at Ding Yu who left, Emma Parker also deeply lowered her head. She didn't want to be like this, but the problem is that he didn't have any choice. Ding Yu, just a few words, directly broke his own secret. He was the devil standing in his heart, so that he couldn't do any defense at all.

"Chief, do you see all this?" After leaving the room, the people behind Ding Yu also looked at Ding Yu with abnormal eyes. It was so exaggerated! That is just a few words, so that the woman in front of her directly chose to surrender!

"Yes, but it requires considerable experience! There is no harm in reading more books. Of course, do you believe in books? Not even! You need to learn from the book! " This involves a lot of things, some of which are learned from books, and some of them? Is from the practice of the out, is really not that simple!

What about the last guy? Lying on the bed, he was just a patient. The package on his body was a little tight, and it was hard to see him. Ding Yu looked at him for a while, and then sat down beside the bed. The man on the bed opened his eyes and looked at Ding Yu, and then closed his eyes.

"What do you look like? It's not like a ghost. It's from MI5. Emma Parker has confessed! What are you going to say? Is it continuing to keep your eyes closed? Or should we talk about it together? "

When the patient on the bed heard Emma's name, he couldn't help shaking, and then sighed slightly, "women are really not suitable for carrying out tasks. I don't know what means you used, but I want to try. Anyway, it's just a life, not a big deal! Everyone should have something to give! "

"The heart is very firm, this is really rare! This time, I arrested many people, even those who were close to me. However, people who are as firm as you have never met. Originally, I thought it should be the role of cannon fodder, but I have never thought of such a firm cannon fodder! "

The person on the bed opened his eyes, reluctantly climbed up and sat down against the head of the bed, "Mr. Ding, I should be the last one! I'm not as strong as I imagined, or I want to try it myself. Who knows what kind of situation it will be? "

"Let me do something cruel?" Ding Yu nodded, "introduce yourself first! Anyway, Pike's already talking! What's your identity? It won't be too confidential. Pike is also from MI5. Even if you haven't called before, it's not difficult for her to know your identity! "


"A common name, and me? I'm not a good person. I'm self-defined. Of course, you may agree with this very much. If I were a good person, I might not be so hateful? Do you think so? "

"I'm just carrying out orders. As to whether you are a good man or not, it has nothing to do with me!"

"Wrong understanding. What I mean by" I'm not a good person "is to achieve the goal? I'll probably do whatever I can Ding Yu sighed slightly, "in fact, I don't want to use such means, but how to say? Time is pressing on the battlefield, and sometimes it is forced to do so! So there may be something offensive. Excuse me! "

"I feel as if you're being kind and disgusting! Though you are telling the truth

"It's just human nature. Who is a real person? Be a man? Sometimes it is very hypocritical, put out a mask hole for you to see, what's more, I just let you see my real face now, I was like this, nothing good to say so! By the way, do you like watching TV series? ""I don't watch soap operas?"

"Do you know anything about Chinese history?" Ding Yu shook his head as he looked at Harry. "Well, in fact, you should understand the history of China, at least when dealing with me? You should learn to understand it. It will have a great effect, but I don't know which side you will be on? God or Satan? "

"What about the history of China? It has a long history. What about the legacy? Very much, some are the essence, and some? From a modern point of view, it's dross, but what about when it's recorded? There are many records about punishment. It was not until the 20th century that we began to sort out the original punishment? What kind of punishment do you think you belong to? It's for the purpose of actively reforming criminals, not for retaliatory punishment? "

Looking at Harry's silence, Ding Yu touched his chin, "take the British side for example! On the surface? It seems that a lot of penalties have been abolished, but what about the back? Like the United States, it is notorious, especially MI5 and MI6. What about punishment? Although we can't reach the peak, we also have our own set of means! "

"I'm not afraid of death?"

"Wrong! What's my purpose? It's to take something useful out of your mouth. This is my purpose. If you die, my purpose will not be achieved! As for what you said is useful or useless? This also needs to be judged by someone. In fact, the more we do? The more mistakes

"I'm hurt! I'm afraid I can't stand the penalty! "

"Who knows? After all, we still need to have a try! " Ding Yu's tone at this time also slowly became indifferent, "but if you really let me do it, I will use some punishment that you may never have heard of, but spread in the stories and novels. Don't doubt, I can really do it. What's the biggest punishment for a person? It's not the physical blow, but the mental devastation! What's more, you need to pray to God. You're a person, even though it's because of some hidden rules? It's not as bad as your family, but who knows? "

"It's a little despicable! There is no chivalry

"Where is the so-called chivalry?" Ding Yu said scornfully, "in public? Naturally, there is no problem. It's normal for people to leave their names and geese to leave their voices. But in private? It's just a matter of time. Is it true that the British knights are so fair and flawless as they imagined. It would be good to cheat others, as for me? Forget it, I've been in England for quite a long time

"I can't say that you are now imprisoned. It seems that you have no other choice, but you are just dead after all!"

"Yes Ding Yu nodded and agreed, "what do you need? Shall I give you a chair or a knife? What about guns? Forget it! At least I don't think it's necessary to leave some time for you to write a suicide note. I can still do it! "

Harry looks at Ding Yu, and his eyes are slightly different. Comparatively speaking, what about it? Their own value is really not comparable to pike, but what about themselves? I would never choose to surrender, but when it comes to suicide? It seems that it is really difficult to do it, although for myself, it is an easy thing!

"I don't need it!"

"Ha ha, you're very interesting, but let's say it! You're wasting taxpayers' money? It's a shameful thing. In fact, it won't take too long for you to take the initiative to confess. Believe me, I don't even need to give you any so-called means. At that time, it's not the question you want or not, but you will ask me! "

He made a finger ring to the people behind him, and Ding Yu also said without politeness, "turn off the light in his room and close all the windows, or let him die in this small black room, or? Let him confess. What about eating and drinking? Just pass it through the window! When he thinks it out, let's wait! "

When Ding Yu went out, the people who followed him looked at Ding Yu cautiously, "chief, is this..."

"Is it abuse?" Ding Yu said with a noncommittal smile, "it can be said that I am not a member of your system, so I don't need to care about what methods and methods, let alone among the three people? There has been an account of the question, as for the death of the other two people? I really don't need to think about it! "

The people who follow are also looking at Ding Yu carefully. What about the chief? It's really different from other leaders. Other leaders will never be so unscrupulous. While Ding Yu is resting, he also quickly reports the relevant situation. This is his responsibility.

However, there is nothing said above, and there is no other mention. This makes him feel different.

"How's the thing?" In the evening, Ding Yu's food can't be regarded as particularly good, but the prison has deliberately opened a small stove for Ding Yu, but the standard is not the same after all, but Ding Yu did not refuse. No matter the food on the table is delicious or not, there is basically no surplus.This is to let the other three people sitting at the same table look at each other, whether the food is delicious or not, everyone knows, but what about the Lord? Not only does not have any dislike, even ate up the thing, this lets a person surprise!


"No, I've eaten well. It's just a matter of personal habits. I don't like to waste!" Ding Yu lightly explained a sentence, and then went outside. Although he said that he had made an explanation, what about this explanation? It's a bit cold, and people really don't know how to respond! Of course, Ding Yu doesn't need other people to respond.

Small activities for a period of time, Ding Yu is walking outside, there is really no other activities, soon after is also with the above, "chief!"

"What's your name! I didn't have much time to ask before

"Report chief, my name is monkey, and my name is Hou Tianliang."

Ding Yu turned his body and looked at it carefully. "It's like a monkey, but don't do what crystal monkey? There's nothing wrong with being a monkey, but the monkey is still very smart! "

"Chief, don't make fun of me! I came here to learn! Today is really an eye opener

"My name is Ding Yu. I don't want to call the chief officer. It's hard to hear that!" Ding Yu was more comfortable with this guy, so he also said a few more words, "what's more, I'm not a person in the system, I'm on the top of it? It's really not good! "

"Director Ding, I understand!"

Sure enough, Ding Yu nodded, "where are the three of them? It's different. What about Harry? It's a hesitant person, but what about him? Not much value! It's just waste. As for Parker? She is a very good breakthrough. Once the defense line is broken, everything will come naturally. As for the first suspect? It's a little reserved. It's just between May and may 5! "

"Director Ding, shall we start with Parker?"

"No need! Pike will stay for the last time! Because her defense line has been broken, the more time we give her now, the more we will get in the end and ensure her safety! As for Harry? He's a dead fish already! The question is when he will jump! What about our primary goal? Or the first suspect. He's eaten everything? Should be drunk now? "

"I've drunk a lot, but if I'm really drunk, I don't think so!"

"It should be expected that there is still such a barrier in his heart, or it has not been broken. He is not the same as Harry. Harry's hesitation? Different from his hesitation, Harry's hesitation is to explain or not to explain, and his hesitation? It's a question of how much to account for, two questions of nature! "

"It seems to be the same question?" Hou Tianliang is a little confused!

"The nature is quite different, Harry? It's between confession and non confession, but he's willing to die. This is more difficult. If we love our country, can't people not love their country? But the first suspect is different. He belongs to toothpaste. How much toothpaste can he squeeze out? It's up to you! "

"Director, will they be like us?"

"What about these guys? It's a foreigner, but again, everyone has his own beliefs. What about this? It's really a very fuckin 'thing. What about the biggest betrayal in life? Money, love and faith! What about money and love? The problem is not so big, but believe in this thing! Really, if you get caught, you really have no way out? "

"Director, is Harry a man of faith?"

"Yes, he is a man of faith. At least he is willing to die. What about pike? She doesn't mean that she has no faith, but compared with belief, she yearns for love, as for the number one? He's a different kind? May or may not be interested in money, who knows? I'll find out in a moment

"Director, I don't know if I can take the liberty to ask?"

"What kind of am I? Isn't it? " Ding Yu also smiles, "what about me? They are nationalists or chauvinists, but I don't know whether they are pure. Money, love and faith? I have all of them. I really can't tell one from the other. I can't generalize! "

"Director, I believe you are a real communist fighter!"

"No more bullshit! You say so, I really feel blush, this is flattering some too much! I feel humiliated myself, but am I a man? Sometimes it's just such a thing. OK, don't bullshit! We should take a look at suspect number one. Is he now? It's time to wake up

"Director, is there anything else I need to prepare for?"

"Make a record! anything else? But it can give the outside world some news! Anyway? Now the outside world should be very anxious about this, and they can't be anxious, can't they? They have to be a little bit sweet, you report it! I'll wait for your news! "This matter Ding Yu can make a decision alone, but the matter of face still needs to be given!

Really, if you make a sandwich rice, it's not good! What about all aspects then? Although can not give Ding Yu any embarrassment, but the small shoes will not be too few! Ding Yu really didn't want this to happen!

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