Su Quan frowned when he got the information. If people put them on their hands, would they confess? What is the problem? I don't need to have too many comments, but what about this time? It must be quite a drag, and the effect is still unknown.

But what about his nephew? It's really worth discussing, but think about it, what about your side? It is also true that it is not suitable for hands-on, because the nature of each other is really not the same! What about your own side? It represents the nature of the country, but what about that jerk? To a certain extent, it just represents yourself!

Forget it, what does your nephew want to do? Just follow his idea! What about this thing anyway? Involving the MI5, they must be the most anxious at this time? We should know that they could have reached an agreement with each other in the past. Under the present situation, MI5 must have quite a reaction.

However, when Su Quan hesitated, his phone rang suddenly, "Xiao Yu, someone just reported to me the situation. Why do you still want to make a small report?"

"No interest in that!" Ding Yu replied coldly, "ask something? Is uncle busy? "

"Well? What do you mean Su Quan's heart is also can't help but play a turn?

"What about this time? Say big or not, but say small. What about those guys from MI5? Now this time must be quite a headache, I think they should have received considerable news at this time, since they have received the news, then they will have some action! There is no doubt about that. "

What about Suquan? He didn't speak immediately, but was carefully considering the relevant matters. MI5 must have some actions. This is a natural thing. But what does Ding Yu mean when he calls himself? MI5, Ding Yu, eh? Su Quan's heart can not help is a surprise, and then also a joy.

"What a big piece of meat! And it's a delicious piece of meat

"What about this meat? I will not eat, anyway, it is not the meat in my bowl. How can I eat it? I can eat my own meat! How much you can eat depends on what you mean

Having said that, Ding Yu also hung up the phone in her hand. Now, what can I do? There's no need. Anyway, my third uncle already knows what he means. But Su Quan is so excited at this time. When he pulls off the phone, he also thumps his desk heavily, which is a big shock to the Secretary outside.

"Xiao Dong, come in and contact the director for me! I have something to report! "

Ding Yu seems to be very carefree here. What kind of arrangement should be made by his third uncle? He really won't be involved in any relationship. It depends on his third uncle! How much meat they can eat is their own business. What about their own side? It's another thing!

"Drink a lot?" When Ding Yu came in, he smelled the air, but had no other feelings. He also sat in the position opposite the suspect. "I've eaten the meat and I've drunk the wine. I think I've considered a lot."

"And they? I've already talked about it? "

"Parker doesn't have any problems! She was originally trapped in love, but she was a member of MI5. Relatively speaking, the value of utilization is very large. She can take a lot of things out of her body. As for Harry? Now he is ambiguous, still thinking, has entered into torture

Hou Tianliang behind looked at Ding Yu, but he was also worried. How could these situations be said?

"Torture? Isn't it too much here? "

"You are now private to me, and have been handed over to me! How do I want to do it? This is my personal business. What about others? There is really no way to intervene in this respect! I still have this confidence! "

"Great!" The suspect looked at Ding Yu deeply. "I want to drink Royal whisky, and I want Japanese beef. At the same time, I need a sum of money, two million dollars! As for how much will be left, I don't know. Will I sell my life to you in the future? It's no big deal! Although we were enemies in the past, we were only at the level of national consciousness, not personal. "

"Wine is not a problem, meat is not a problem, even money? For me personally, the problem is not so big, as for working for me? I can think about it, but I need to know something. The so-called pressure is too great. Hou Tianliang didn't understand how it happened. But for Ding Yu, he understood it very well. "He is always on the battlefield, carrying his head to play with his life. He can't reveal his identity. He even needs to participate in some secret tasks from time to time Among them, loneliness and boredom can only be found in the comfort of alcohol and women? Have become the best way to vent! "

"Among the materials I have learned, Mr. Ding has also been on the battlefield. I am not a person without faith. But for me, I don't know whether this belief is worth it. Especially after being betrayed this time, the gap is really too big! And I didn't want to be the one who ate too much. I was finally sent to the building of MI5! It's not worth it! "Ding Yu rubbed his brow with his hand, "it seems that the previous touch was very big! What do you want to do next? What about your terms? I can promise that, for me personally, the terms you put forward may be a little too high, but it's no big deal. "

"I don't know whether I will adapt to the life of normal people. Although I am longing for the life of normal people, yearning is one thing, and how to do it is another. It may be negative for a period of time! If you can't get rid of it, it may be better. If you can't get rid of it, you may return to the battlefield. What's the final result? It may be the problem of a bullet, but at least there are no other worries. Is this also a choice? "

"I can see that you are an old soldier. You can see from your words that what you know about life? Quite a lot. I'm talking about the lives of people who know you well. Otherwise, you will never be so heartbroken. The British take you as cannon fodder. What about you people? There's a little more to know! "

Hou Tianliang in the back is really stupid! A completely gaping gesture.

"Mr. Ding did it, too?"

"Not really? My back can be handed over to my comrades in arms. Although there are not many such comrades in arms, there are still some, but our situation is not the same, because you are a dual leader and listen to the boss? Can't we listen to those who follow the army's five departments? Can't listen to the boss! It's a hard choice! "

He grabbed a bottle of wine next to him, and he took a big breath, "that's the truth. Did you listen to this? I can't listen to that, especially when shooting from the back. I have such a comrade in arms who can confidently give him his back, but I shot him in his back! I don't want such a choice, but I don't have a choice. "

"Royal whisky and Japanese beef will be delivered tomorrow, and I'll let someone handle it for you. As for the money? Cash or check, or bank card, you can choose. Tomorrow is another day. I will prepare paper and pen for you. This time may be a little longer. What about the process? There will also be quite complicated, I think you should not mind too much, of course, if there is any disrespect, I'm sorry! "

Yulil also shook his head. "In that case, give me another two bottles of bars! I want to get drunk, I don't know how long I haven't had a good drink! Have a relaxed drink

After Ding Yu came out, he also went straight to Pike's side. Compared with yulil's decadence, pike seemed a little lonely. When he saw Ding Yu, he just took a look. He didn't get excited. His eyes were slightly straight.

"Your message hasn't been passed on yet. I've sent my family members to investigate, but it won't be later than tomorrow morning, and the detailed information will be sent over! The so-called true or false doesn't matter, do you think? "

"I know he may not care, but I want to know something about it!"

"Knowing too much is not good for you personally. It will even bring you personal disillusionment. Do you really want to make this decision? I'm really not that optimistic

"He will not betray me?" When he said this, pike himself didn't believe it!

"What you said is too powerless. Even after listening to it, I feel a little unconvinced. Fortunately, I haven't got the relevant information in this respect. Maybe your expectation is right, maybe your expectation is wrong. What about me personally? It's not a good person, I need to admit it! "

"What bad ideas does Mr. Ding want to adopt?"

"No, I'm not a good man. What kind of way to take with me seems to be a matter of two natures. Even if he betrays you, you account for the problem. Even if he doesn't betray you, I'll arrest him. You'll explain the same problem to me. The result is the same for me, and there's no difference."

Pike was stunned for a moment, and then he slowly lowered his head. The situation seemed to be the same. Ding Yu adopted any kind of way, and the result was the same, "if he betrayed me, then I hope I can solve him personally, including all of him. If he doesn't betray me, then I hope we can spend the rest of my life talking about it!"

"Yes, you don't need to worry about money, and you don't need to worry about identity! But I have two requirements. You have been recruited by MI5, all your resume, and all the operations and plans you have participated in. It's just a few words. I also want to know that this condition should not belong to the excessive one! "

"I promise you, I'll start writing now!"

"Monkey, give her a laptop!"

Hou Tianliang looks at Ding Yu. He doesn't know what kind of taste it is. Parker has no choice at all, but is it really so easy? If you want to catch someone, you'll catch them? Why? You know, it's England. It's not any other kind of junk!

But did pike believe it? Is director Ding really omnipotent? Even if this matter is handed over to the domestic intelligence management department to deal with, I am afraid it is a very difficult thing! Is it true that we don't treat Britain as a thing, or what?Hou Tianliang still can't understand the secret, but what about Ding Yu? These problems are not so-called problems at all. Just let the following departments implement them. If they are even faster, what about tomorrow night? Everything will come to light!

As for Harry? Ding Yu really did not have any meaning to ask, anyway, he has made quite a choice, now asked or not to listen to the machine, there is not much significance!

"Not here at night! Go back by subway! It's no fun staying here

"By subway?" Hou Tianliang looked at Ding Yu quite puzzled, "there is no direct subway!"

"Take the bus first, then the subway! If you just take a bus, I'm afraid you can go back to the capital in the middle of the night? I don't have so much time to waste. If you are in this mood, I don't care. I have someone to accompany me anyway

Hou Tianliang didn't dare to make this decision without authorization. He called for instructions. Then Ding Yu, his companion, went to the subway station by car. Then he took the subway back to the capital. During the process, he backed up, giving Hou Tianliang the feeling that he didn't really take the subway as a thing! Very common!

"Director, you really make me look so impressive!"

"What? I am not a man, I am a God? " Ding Yu also hums a smile, "you are an ordinary person, I am also an ordinary person, there is no different place, just take a subway, as to let you so excited?"

"No, it's really rare to encounter this kind of situation. Usually, it comes out many times because of official business, but this time it's really too special for me to expect! Even now sitting on the subway, I feel incredible. How can you take the subway? "

"My ass is so noble?" Disdainful hum a, Ding Yu is also slowly leisurely said, "you look around, in fact, really say it? It seems that they are embracing each other. "

"Director Ding, you have always been a legend in the intelligence department!"

"Bullshit!" Ding Yu's words are also quite vulgar, "say? I really don't want to deal with the intelligence department. It's a very troublesome thing, and it's also a very difficult thing. What's more, I've been bullied for so many times. In fact, I've always been quite indignant about this point! "

Hou Tianliang is also a ha ha smile, the previous work, director Ding is a pair of attitude, but now there is no work, in the rest of the time? Director Ding has another attitude. He is really very good at talking. He has no such so-called high-ranking. He can even joke with him at will.

"Director, are you already a big capitalist? There should be some blood! "

"I'm going to fight the local tyrants, right?" Ding Yu didn't mean to care at all, "OK! What about the night snack? Just me. What are you going to eat? Too early to go back? Where are the demons at home? Maybe you haven't slept yet? I really feel a little headache

"This is really not so clear, director, they are very lively?" Hou Tianliang is obviously a little curious!

"I'm afraid ordinary people can't accept it. Fortunately, there is a guest at home recently. She can play with the three demons for a period of time, but it's hard to say how long she can bear it! But as far as I know, she may not stick to it for too long! "

Of course, Hou Tianliang has heard about Taylor, but what about such a thing? Really do not need him to add more to judge what, because it does not belong to their own category, said too much? It's really easy to have other problems and situations.

"Director, I hear you like children very much!"

"You are not married yet." Ding Yu glanced at Hou Tianliang, "but it seems that she has a girlfriend. What about the children? It's continuity. Everyone likes it. When you have children, you will feel it! "

"I have a girlfriend, but I'm not married. As for having children? What's more, I don't know when to wait! "

"It takes too much to do such a job!" Ding Yu sighed, but did not say anything else! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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